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My New Ladd. Light Sorc so far..
Hey everyone,

I was reading the posts in this section of Sorceress builds, only to find that most of you are building a fire, or cold orb/blizz sorcys for mf. I was the same way a couple years back before I took a 3 year break from the ever-life-consuming diablo 2. Cold (especially orb) appealed to me for a couple reasons,

1. It slows enemies efficiently
2. Damage is consistent (more so than light sorcs) but not as high as fire [fire consumes all skill points basically, and orb leaves more to play with)
3. Direct hits with orb do massive, immediate damage- especially for veterans who can effectively aim the orb to break apart close to or directly on the enemy.
4. Damages bosses a bit quicker (IMO) than my light sorc.
5. Cold time with orb is about half a minute long, which lets you get in and out with almost ninja-like timing.

However, this time around when I switched over to East Ladder, I chose to use a build submitted by Cookie Cutter of GamersVault; the CLES MF Sorc. The CLES is short for Chain-Lightning, Energy-Shield. Although Lightning is used on smaller groups and bosses, Chain-Lightning also does decent damage knowing I have room to grow still at lvl 80. With mediocre gear, and MF the main theme, it is an overall good sorc- but the damage is low compared to say a lvl 90 firebaall/meteor sorc , but higher than blizz & orb sorc.

I guess this puts the light sorc in the middle of the 3 elements. I do enjoy using chain and playing as if I'm Zeus or sumthin- zapping everything around & sweepin enemies right off their feet. Here's my gear so far let me know what you think, if you have any suggestions, and keep in mind at the side of each item I'll type the desired item I wish to obtain by completion in
blue. In my mediocre state:

Amulet: 34% MF ammy /
+Light Skills & MF or Res.
Helm: Shako sock. w/P-Topaz
Weapon 1: Occy /
sock. w/ Ist
Armor: Naj's Plate /
DS Enigma
Shield 1: Rhyme
Weapon 2: Battle Staff Insight (lvl 16 med.) /
Wizspike [traded mine eek:]
Shield 2: Splendor /
Gloves: Up'd Chancies [heavy bracers]
Rings 1/2: 26/30% Nagels
Belt: Up'd Goldwrap [battle belt]
Boot: Silkweaves /
40%+ War Travs
Charms: 13 all res, 14 lifer, 5mfsc, 6mfsc /
more All res gcs, more lifers & mfscs

Merc (Unpurchased, still collecting gear)-
Helm: Vampire Gaze (20% DR, 7-8 Leech) /
Sock. w/ Um
Weapon: /
Eth Infinity Cryptic Axe
Armor: /
Eth Shaftstop [Sock. w/Um]

I'd like to note, this is my first light sorc & ladder character in all the years I've played. She is currently lvl 80 and is more focused on runs then lvlin at the moment since I'm not wealthy by any means this early in the game. This is my 2nd week with the sorc and have had my ups and deep downs trading on ladder..I find that most values are still fluctuating because of reset but I hope ppl regain their sanity soon..

Tell me what you think and if you've had any luck with the light sorc vs. the cold sorc. I believe after prices go down online I could maybe hook myself up with a Infinity- and completely change my power scale to high as fire sorc with few immunes and much quicker kills due to the conviction aura and -to enemy light res. I consider it a double whammy and cant wait to get one.
I will be updating my stats once I get back to check my skill trees with gear off (butt-naked).
Peace -NightShift
Good work Smile
thanks, I never got around to updating her skills, but since this thread not too popular i dont think it will matter much lol. I get by with her- i do the dirty work tho :o

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