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Im Christian, why arent you?
SpoonMan999 Wrote:This is one of the most arrogant thread titles I've ever seen. Not only do you speak in a manner that reflects the intellect of an infant but you post shit like this now?

I'm agnostic, I believe in the possibility of a higher power but no side has convinced me.

what do you mean now?
and btw, i would never force down my beliefs on someone and on top of that all i asked were peoples opinions and nothing more

Amazing, i say im Christian and everybodies already losing their heads and throwing their torches at me.

An infant? an infant can barely say juice and your telling me i dont know how to speak or that my level of intelligence is severly limited??
Dude, gtfo of here, go be a **** to someone who would take your crap

Determinado Wrote:Now I personally believe our subconsciousness is something very important, and if we can control it, we can become a lot better persons, with less stress and problems in general. Most of the times, the subconsciousness is a dark place, this is where your traumas, complexes and a lot of other important things are stored and witnessed.

I believe religion is one of the prime evils destroying the world. People fight wars for it, they practice terrorism for it, they don't enjoy their life for it (not drinking alcohol, not having sex for fun, suffering and extending your life isntead of euthanasia), they combat development very often with it because they would loose control over the puppets (religious people, believers) and they discriminate people very often because of their opinions of religion and spirituality.

Yo, i believe religion is a prime evil. But remember, Religion kills, Jesus Saves. The worlds messed up obviously and its going to end soon enough.
Just because im Christian doesnt mean i dont drink. I drink but i dont get drunk. Im not a virgin which i regret but its too late, just gotta get better at myself. Being Christian doesnt mean having a boring life or anything like that. Thats just the stereotyping we get.

xDBD Wrote:i wasn't raised (aka brainwashed) into it at an early enough age; by the time my parents thought jesus might be a pretty good friend to me i had already met mary jane and ****ty sheila. frankly I'm not a christian because I don't like christians. the ones i was raised around were the epitome of the word 'hypocrit'

i know what you mean dude. alot of Christians are like that and the problem is they dont realize it. In my youth group dude, its happened and i go up to tell em and say" Hey, look hat your doing, i dont wanna be the bad guy but i gotta tell ya the truth."

Jesus isnt our friend, hes our brother man

SpoonMan999 Wrote:Determinado, I'm with you on this one. I have no problem with people believing in something but I think the establishment of religion is one of the worst things in man kind's history.

today still dude, i estimate about 85% of churches are corrupt
im not bringing up the topic of religion in general. Im talking about Christianity, what Jesus came to do and what he did. The things he did for all of us when we were so undeserving. the witch hunts, the crusades and all that man, just a justification for the greed of man. I agree with you on that but G.od knows each and every one of us and he'll reward us according to our deeds

Bloodangel26 Wrote:Because your only argument against valid, scientific facts is "the devil planted the evidence to trick you".

thats just stupid, people who say that as their argument should just be thrown out their window. :O
[Image: japosig1oh4.jpg]
I'm Christian. I see no reason not to be. I don't force my religeon on people, I accpet them for who they are. Well, most people. Some people I'd still like to facestab..but I don't. Big Grin I just figure that when I die, I'd like to play it safe and have a side picked, and this one seems like a good one to go with. I like it more than the others. Buddhism is pretty sweet, though. The enlightenment part, that is.. But I chose Jesus.

You'll never see me preaching on this site, or knocking other people's beliefs. I believe what I believe and if other people don't want to believe it, that's fine. Everyone is given a choice.

If only we lived in a society of respect and reciprocity. Wink

Edit: Oh, and Japo, this was a stupid thing to post. You had to have known there would be a ton of posts to tell you Christianity was stupid. I hope you're not so ignorant as to not know how things work.
[url=javascript:void(0);][Image: lostodd2.png?t=1230460315][/url]
Kellard Wrote:I I just figure that when I die, I'd like to play it safe and have a side picked, and this one seems like a good one to go with. I like it more than the others. Buddhism is pretty sweet, though. The enlightenment part, that is.. But I chose Jesus.

Edit: Oh, and Japo, this was a stupid thing to post. You had to have known there would be a ton of posts to tell you Christianity was stupid. I hope you're not so ignorant as to not know how things work.

Well of course ill forever be harassed and taunted on this forum for my beliefs, but at least im giving it a shot. I mean people dont realize it, the day Eve ate the apple, we were eternally condemned to hell to burn and suffer for an eternity. Jesus, is a choice, but He is the way, the truth and the life. Its funny how people believe more the newspaper than a bible or everybody is more worried about what other people think than what G.od thinks.
Jesus is our saviour, He who gave us freedom and freewill. Who promised us to be at his side in heaven.
[Image: japosig1oh4.jpg]
How long ago did Eve eat this apple?
Bloodangel26 Wrote:How long ago did Eve eat this apple?

ooh a reeeaaaalllly long time ago
[Image: japosig1oh4.jpg]
How long is a realllly long time?
Bloodangel26 Wrote:How long is a realllly long time?

cant really say, thats just unknown
its not talked about in the bible
You have to realize the phrase, " Since the begining of time"
time was created and hasnt always existed. Time is an illusion.

Our minds just cant comprehend the full extent of it.
G.od created man on the 7th day, but the dinosaurs to us happened millions of years ago while civilization to us is known to thousands of years B.c

Gives emphasis to the phrase ever was, ever is or ever will be.
G.od is the begining and the end Smile
quite the brain scrambler huh...

so i cant really say and cant be sure,
but thats important is it?
[Image: japosig1oh4.jpg]
This is what I meant with the religion of fear.
Humanity is doomed because some Eve ate an apple, propably just because she was hungry. Therefor humanity is in eternal debt, and we can't be forgiven and our children will still be doomed.

So all we can hope is not to be punished even more during our lifespan and when we die (after suffering, because suffering is a good thing for a christian) we must hope for a reward...

I agree that newspapers aren't so trustworthy, but seriously, a few thousand years ago people were believing a lot more what they read and it was just some writer that wrote the bible, just like writers write books.

Scientists have been researching if it is possible Jezus existed... That is such bullshit you cannot proof such a thing unless you can go back in time, and we can't. 'But there was someone called Jezus in that time', so what? That doesn't mean anything just because the name existed proofs nothing at all.

Anyways, to quote some people in previous posts:

Being a Christian doesn't limit your intelligence at all, it's a choice you make and it doesn't limit you to do extraordinary things. If you're following the guidelines from the bible like a fundamendalist, I do think it limits your intelligence seriously. If you don't have sex, you're obviously suffer from it because seriously, it's our only goal in life. You should have sex before marriage because you need to have a good sex life to go through life, and if your woman has seriously different ideas about sex, it might lead to a lot of quarrelling.

Churches are the most corrupt institute on earth believe me, and I think every estimate below 95% is underestimated. Especially in the USA it's an excellent way of money laundry, the Vatican is the epicenter of money laundry and fraud, the churches survive no matter if people still go there and some nuns are sitting on their ass all day doing NOTHING.

Seriously, there was a cloister next to my previous school and it was also a school for little kids, and while it was freezing like hell outside some nuns decided to throw their cleaning water on the pavement next to the school, just before kids started arriving at school... Just an example of what kind of people these nuns are, they think they are more than other whilst they are nothing more than people who don't want to work.
Don't forget: No one else would ever throw their water on the pavement while it's freezing and kids have to pass by there.

I'll quote from Einstein's book now about religion, think it's pretty interesting:
Einstein Wrote:Everything that the human race has done and thought is concerned with the
satisfaction of felt needs and the assuagement of pain. One has to keep this
constantly in mind if one wishes to understand spiritual movements and their
development. Feeling and desire are the motive forces behind all human
endeavour and human creation, in however exalted a guise the latter may
present itself to us. Now what are the feelings and needs that have led men to
religious thought and belief in the widest sense of the words? A little
consideration will suffice to show us that the most varying emotions preside
over the birth of religious thought and experience. With primitive man it is
above all fear that evokes religious notions--fear of hunger, wild beasts,
sickness, death. Since at this stage of existence understanding of causal
connexions is usually poorly developed, the human mind creates for itself
more or less analogous beings on whose wills and actions these fearful
happenings depend. One's object now is to secure the favour of these beings
by carrying out actions and offering sacrifices which, according to the tradition
handed down from generation to generation, propitiate them or make them
well disposed towards a mortal.

I am speaking now of the religion of fear.
This, though not created, is in an important degree stabilized by the formation
of a special priestly caste which sets up as a mediator between the people and
the beings they fear, and erects a hegemony on this basis. In many cases the
leader or ruler whose position depends on other factors, or a privileged class,
combines priestly functions with its secular authority in order to make the
latter more secure; or the political rulers and the priestly caste make common
cause in their own interests.

Common to all these types is the anthropomorphic character of their
conception of ***. Only individuals of exceptional endowments and
exceptionally high-minded communities, as a general rule, get in any real sense
beyond this level. But there is a third state of religious experience which
belongs to all of them, even though it is rarely found in a pure form, and which
I will call cosmic religious feeling. It is very difficult to explain this feeling to
anyone who is entirely without it, especially as there is no anthropomorphic
conception of *** corresponding to it.

The individual feels the nothingness of human desires and aims and the
sublimity and marvellous order which reveal themselves both in nature and in
the world of thought. He looks upon individual existence as a sort of prison
and wants to experience the universe as a single significant whole. The
beginnings of cosmic religious feeling already appear in earlier stages of
development--e.g., in many of the Psalms of David and in some of the
Prophets. Buddhism, as we have learnt from the wonderful writings of
Schopenhauer especially, contains a much stronger element of it.

The religious geniuses of all ages have been distinguished by this kind of
religious feeling, which knows no dogma and no *** conceived in man's
image; so that there can be no Church whose central teachings are based on
it. Hence it is precisely among the heretics of every age that we find men who
were filled with the highest kind of religious feeling and were in many cases
regarded by their contemporaries as Atheists, sometimes also as saints.
Looked at in this light, men like Democritus, Francis of Assisi, and Spinoza
are closely akin to one another.

Japo Wrote:time was created and hasnt always existed. Time is an illusion.

Our minds just cant comprehend the full extent of it.
G.od created man on the 7th day, but the dinosaurs to us happened millions of years ago while civilization to us is known to thousands of years B.c

Time is an illusion indeed, created by man.
However there's temples that have been found that must have been built before the previous ice age, and they proof that there was civilization before what we think has been the start of civilization.

Wether these were apes or actual human beings, they don't know. But because of the structure wearing off at a certain level because of water, it's a certainty that it was before the previous ice age.

I think the Maya's were quite close to the truth though, they had remarkable talent in interpreting the universe. It's still a mystery how they developed so quickly and learned so much about mathematics without any help...
Determinado Wrote:This is what I meant with the religion of fear.
Humanity is doomed because some Eve ate an apple, propably just because she was hungry. Therefor humanity is in eternal debt, and we can't be forgiven and our children will still be doomed.

So all we can hope is not to be punished even more during our lifespan and when we die (after suffering, because suffering is a good thing for a christian) we must hope for a reward...

Scientists have been researching if it is possible Jezus existed... That is such bullshit you cannot proof such a thing unless you can go back in time, and we can't. 'But there was someone called Jezus in that time', so what? That doesn't mean anything just because the name existed proofs nothing at all.

Anyways, to quote some people in previous posts:

If you don't have sex, you're obviously suffer from it because seriously, it's our only goal in life. You should have sex before marriage because you need to have a good sex life to go through life, and if your woman has seriously different ideas about sex, it might lead to a lot of quarrelling.

Time is an illusion indeed, created by man.
However there's temples that have been found that must have been built before the previous ice age, and they proof that there was civilization before what we think has been the start of civilization.
Because she was hungry?? dude, have you even opened up a bible??
we are eternally condemned, we were supposed to end up in eternal suffering but thats when G.od stepped in. He sent Jesus to die on the cross.
i think we can all agree that throughout man-kinds history, freedom has been the most costly thing ever and the price paid for any freedom is bloodshed, it had to be fought for. But Jesus didnt fight for our freedom,
out of his love and grace he gave it to us by giving himself up on the cross.
We are not to be condemned anymore. All he asked in return is to believe in Him.

and for you to say you NeeD sex before marriage is just outrageous. you dont NEED it to get through life, thats just your opinion and i used to think tha to dude. I would have sex almost everyday man, wehre itgot to a point that was what the relationship was all about and i walked away and im a better person for it.
[Image: japosig1oh4.jpg]
Skye Wrote:I'm old enough and mature enough to make my own decisions. I do not have to believe in something I cannot see, hear or feel. Don't like it? Don't care x) Suck it up and deal with it.

What faaarks me off most is when I have christians force their ridiculous religion down my throat.

I was really going to stay out of here, basically because of the jack load of people that don't know anything, but this just pissed me off.

Christians have never forced anything down anyones throats. They preach it to those who are willing to hear it, but they don't shove it down peoples throats.
[Image: nyyzok.gif]
You obviously have never met my coworkers then blue. Every day they try to convert me, it's annoying as ****.
[Image: fuggyleetsignj8il7.jpg]
Nobody can handle the leetness of this sig.
' Wrote:Who loves orange soda?
Kel'thuzad loves orange soda!
Is it true?
Blue Wrote:I was really going to stay out of here, basically because of the jack load of people that don't know anything, but this just pissed me off.

Christians have never forced anything down anyones throats. They preach it to those who are willing to hear it, but they don't shove it down peoples throats.
rofl, do you even know what inqui-si-tion means? do you know what they did with heretics? do you know what they did with the jews? OR WEREN'T THE NAZIS CHRISTIANS?

And about sex; of course having sex all day is useless, it's the fact that you have sex drive and have sex. Not entering your puberty and holding up sex until you're like 28 and finally marry, that's ignoring your feelings and having it will make you a lot more happy.

And just call me when you need some help! I'll come over and die in front of you! thanks for the help ;-)

No seriously, just like fairy tales the bible has a message. Don't go messing around with it and deciding what is evil and what's good with it, that's just like believing everything that you see on TV and in the movies.

There's 2 possibilities. Either the writer(s) made a book with tales that tell the story of somekind of *** and his son, a half-***, or the writer(s) made the book with the idea of obtaining power over a large group, very much like - actually exactly like a cult does.

What christian cult are you guys part of? Catholics/protestants/...?
Huh? Your whole post is confusing as hell, so I take it 90% was not aimed at me.

However, the Nazis werent Christians and the nazis killed the Christians. You just don't hear about it as much cause like omg, the jews were killed too!
[Image: nyyzok.gif]
Blue Wrote:Huh? Your whole post is confusing as hell, so I take it 90% was not aimed at me.

However, the Nazis werent Christians and the nazis killed the Christians. You just don't hear about it as much cause like omg, the jews were killed too!
if you say only people that live by the bible are real christians, they simply don't exist.
Blue Wrote:Huh? Your whole post is confusing as hell, so I take it 90% was not aimed at me.

However, the Nazis werent Christians and the nazis killed the Christians. You just don't hear about it as much cause like omg, the jews were killed too!

Were they? Enlighten us? Because, as I recall, they murdered Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, and the typical "unwanted" members of their society. Christians were a majority in Germany, still are I believe.

Japo Wrote:what do you mean now?
and btw, i would never force down my beliefs on someone and on top of that all i asked were peoples opinions and nothing more

Amazing, i say im Christian and everybodies already losing their heads and throwing their torches at me.

An infant? an infant can barely say juice and your telling me i dont know how to speak or that my level of intelligence is severly limited??
Dude, gtfo of here, go be a **** to someone who would take your crap

I'm going to start with the title of your thread, "Im Christian, why arent you?"
-Not only is it arrogant but it's devoid of any sense of grammar.
-Why is it arrogant? Read that title again, if someone asked you, "Hey, I'm gay. Why aren't you?" What would you say to them? The thought you convey here is "I'm a Christian so you should be to and I'm baffled that you're not."
-With this title as a challenge you then proceed to make your first post very non-confrontational and look to be as if you're the "mature one" after calling people out like that.

As for your intellect and word usage? Including words like "yo" in every other sentence, one of the most irritating things on the planet, shows your handicap for the English language quite clearly. How many people actually type exactly like they speak? Spoken slang and writing should never mixed unless quoting someone. Are you on the internet trying to prove to us your street cred?

Lastly, I'd like to reflect on the "butt-hurtedness" of your first post directed at me. Did you read the sub-title before entering? This is the Steam Room buddy, if you can't take it then get the **** out. This is my domain and I'll not stand back while you demean non-Christians and then act like we're upset over nothing.
"I'm not a geek, I'm just coolness challenged."
Christianity isn't about following the bible word for word, unless that's your understanding of it.

For me, being a Christian means applying Christian virtues into how I live my life. Trying to be kind, helpful, not being selfish, stuff like that.

I believe in G.od but I'd never try shove that belief down someone else throat.

For me, rather than being especially devout, ita about living your life in a certain way...
Heyhey, the title of this topic doesn't sound arrogant to me at all, but merely as a statement with a question for discussion.
Maybe it sounds different if your native language is English, but mine isn't and this doesn't sound arrogant for me.

But anyways,
got a nice quote from the nazi's at wikipedia...

Hitler also tried to incorporate the Churches into his new regime.
On 23 March 1933 he had called them "most important factors" for the maintenance of German well-being.
In regard to the Roman Catholic Church, he proposed a Reichskonkordat between Germany and the Holy See, that was signed in July.

"There is general agreement that the Concordat increased substantially the prestige of Hitler's regime around the world.
As Cardinal Faulhaber put it in a sermon delivered in 1937: "At a time when the heads of the major nations
in the world faced the new Germany with cool reserve and considerable suspicion,
the Catholic Church, the greatest moral power on earth, through the Concordat expressed its confidence in the new German government.
This was a deed of immeasurable significance for the reputation of the new government abroad."

You're really constantly lying when saying 'Christians never did something wrong' and 'Christians never killed'.


pepereina1 Wrote:Christianity isn't about following the bible word for word, unless that's your understanding of it.

For me, being a Christian means applying Christian virtues into how I live my life. Trying to be kind, helpful, not being selfish, stuff like that.

I believe in G.od but I'd never try shove that belief down someone else throat.

For me, rather than being especially devout, ita about living your life in a certain way...
Tada! You have a very healthy vision on religion, and instead of connecting yourself to Christianity, you caress the holy texts with respect and insight.
If all Christians and religious people would be more like you, there would be a lot less evil in the world, I am sure of that.

What is your opinion on abortion and gay marriage?

pepereina1 Wrote:Christianity isn't about following the bible word for word, unless that's your understanding of it.

For me, being a Christian means applying Christian virtues into how I live my life. Trying to be kind, helpful, not being selfish, stuff like that.

I believe in G.od but I'd never try shove that belief down someone else throat.

For me, rather than being especially devout, ita about living your life in a certain way...
Tada! You have a very healthy vision on religion, and instead of connecting yourself to Christianity, you caress the holy texts with respect and insight.
If all Christians and religious people would be more like you, there would be a lot less evil in the world, I am sure of that.

What is your opinion on abortion and gay marriage?
I'll be the first to admit that there have been a lot of bad things done in the name of Christianity. Mostly by the Catholic church. But there have been a LOT of things done in the name of religeon that maybe aren't quite as pure as the reasons behind them... Take 9/11. Muslim fanatics taking it upon themselves to murder the infidels, to scourge the earth in the name of Allah. It was a horrible thing, but no more horrible than the things the Catholic Church has done. Maybe less so. I'm not a fan of Catholicism. It's better today, but it has the worst religeous track record of any relgeon today, partly because it's one of the oldest. The Spanish were awful at keeping it friendly.. How many indigeonous peoples did they wipe out? How many died in the Inquisition? But then there are the Crusades as well, where Christians and Muslims killed in the name of the same *** over a spot of ground believed to be the holiest place on earth, which in itself is silly, but that's a different arguement.

I'm not sure just how much religeon played a part in Hitler's plans. Being that the man was the closest thing the world has seen to Satan himself, I wouldn't doubt his use of religeon, intentionally skewed as it was. He was a great speaker and he brainwashed the hell out of his country and is still brainwashing people decades after his death. The Aryan Nations had a church on their compound up in Idaho, so there's some evidence for it. They're the closest thing to Nazis the US has. But that's the dangeous side of it... People read bits and pieces of the bible and throw the rest out, thinking they know what they're doing and think that it's the work of ***. It's been done over and over in history, the Muslims do it too with the Koran. There are a couple "Rules to Live By" that people always seem to forget that the bible says:
1. Every man is equal.
2. Love one another, even thy enemy.

Those two should be put at the forefront more often than they are, and I'm tired of seeing them conveniantly forgotten by the ignorant who still consider themselves Christian. The American South was particularly bad about it in the late 1800's and early to mid 1900's, though they still are now. They did not treat African Americans as equals, and in some places in the South, you can hardly say they they treat them as equals even today.

But real Christians aren't like that. Those people weren't real Christians, they just used what they wanted from Christianity.
[url=javascript:void(0);][Image: lostodd2.png?t=1230460315][/url]
Yes, I believe in those people. Although I have a hard time believing in Christians mainly because they are often more fundamentalistic than Muslims.

Oh how deep the hate is for the priest that told us in a story on the funeral of a friend that he never saw him in church and his dead was basicly what he deserved...

Really 95% or more of Christians I know forget to translate what is in the bible and their religion to reality, to practical use. These are not just silly persons, they caress a certain hate within them. They see *** as a punisher, who makes us suffer and in the end we will get relief... But not if we broke his rules, in that case he'll let us burn eternally... Not your average angel is it.

The piece of the Konkordat is mainly the relation of the Vatican towards the naziregime, what happens the other way around is not very important because everyone knows the nazi's would abuse religion in one or another way. The Vatican however boosted the popularity of the naziregime by signing this document in a time most of the world was very suspicious towards the regime and their programme.

And you're right about the abuse of religion all the way. But you know, if no religion existed, someone would create one to oppress people. I was going to type it's nothing more than that, but it is actually. It's quite possible the books weren't written with that in mind (although writing wasn't really done by poor people in that time, was it?), and the message as interpreted by SOME priests is quite satisfying and hopegiving to some people.

One main concern is when religious people start monopolizing the truth... People who trust their *** will punish followers of another ***, and people who die for their ***, or suffer for their ***. Euthanasia has been illegal just like abortion only for the sake of religion.

And this while religion could have taken the opposite decision, and relief many parents of their severely disabled/retarded/unwanted children and relief many families of the pain that suffering brings with it. It is clear that most religious leaders fail to give a progressive, modern interpretation to their religion and always tend to stick with a seriously retarded version of their religion, a version that wouldn't have been bad. Like 200 years ago or so.
Japo Wrote:cant really say, thats just unknown
its not talked about in the bible
You have to realize the phrase, " Since the begining of time"
time was created and hasnt always existed. Time is an illusion.

Our minds just cant comprehend the full extent of it.
G.od created man on the 7th day, but the dinosaurs to us happened millions of years ago while civilization to us is known to thousands of years B.c

Gives emphasis to the phrase ever was, ever is or ever will be.
G.od is the begining and the end Smile
quite the brain scrambler huh...

so i cant really say and cant be sure,
but thats important is it?

OK so let me get this straight then. Help me out here. The Earth is about 4-5 billion years old, so for simplicity's sake we will call that the beginning of time. So at the beginning, *** creates everything, including this garden. And in this garden, Eve eats an apple and gets kicked out. We'll call that what, like 3.5 billion years ago, again for simplicity's sake. So then where did humans go for 3 billion years while life evolved on our planet? Where were humans when fish started walking out of the ocean to become dinosaurs and eventally monkeys? Did people take a trip to Mars for 3 billion years then come back a couple thousand years ago? None of it adds up.

And if your *** is so great and wonderful, why does he hold a grudge for such a long ass time?

@Blue, I have two words for you: The Crusades.

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