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Im Christian, why arent you?
Determinado Wrote:do you know what they did with the jews? OR WEREN'T THE NAZIS CHRISTIANS?

No seriously, just like fairy tales the bible has a message. Don't go messing around with it and deciding what is evil and what's good with it, that's just like believing everything that you see on TV and in the movies.

There's 2 possibilities. Either the writer(s) made a book with tales that tell the story of somekind of *** and his son, a half-***, or the writer(s) made the book with the idea of obtaining power over a large group, very much like - actually exactly like a cult does.

What christian cult are you guys part of? Catholics/protestants/...?

First of all i dont know if the Nazis were Christian and i could care less. I dont care what theyre justification was and everyone knows what they did to the Jews. This is not part of the discussion.

Now, dont start guessing or talking about things you dont know. The writer did not make tales and first and foremost, the bible was not written by just 1 man. Im not going to claim anything about the old testament because i dont know much about the origin and what not. We dont live in that time period anymore, we were freed from that. Now the New Testament isnt writen by 1 person either Nor was it written all together at once. The New Testament is a compilation of letters written by the apostles and mainly focuses on the apostle Paul who was at with Jesus since the begining. He wrote his testimony and the teachings of Jesus. So dont come with that crap that this is a fairy tale or its something meant to control people.

It is a tool for people. a tool in which can help us with everything in our lives. Any problem we face in our life there is a solution in the bible. For NOTHING is impossible for G.od

And this is not a cult
Im not any of that,
I follow Jesus Christ.
period and simple

Determinado Wrote:if you say only people that live by the bible are real christians, they simply don't exist.

I exist and therefore disprove your OPINION
[Image: japosig1oh4.jpg]
The moment 'Eve ate the apple' could well be seen as a moment in anyone's life. Any attempt to take it litterally is just silly, yet still people do it.

I don't care if the nazi's were christians. I do care if the christians were nazi's, read my post once again and check out the wiki: Reichskonkordat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now where are these letters? They can't really be lost as they had a lot of followers from the beginning ( only 300 years later the prophet Mohammed came)

Now you say "Don't start guessing or talking about things you don't know". This kind of proves my opinion unsure, but just as much makes your own opinion unsure:
Japo Wrote:The writer did not make tales and first and foremost, the bible was not written by just 1 man. Im not going to claim anything about the old testament because i dont know much about the origin and what not. We dont live in that time period anymore, we were freed from that. Now the New Testament isnt writen by 1 person either Nor was it written all together at once. The New Testament is a compilation of letters written by the apostles and mainly focuses on the apostle Paul who was at with Jesus since the begining. He wrote his testimony and the teachings of Jesus. So dont come with that crap that this is a fairy tale or its something meant to control people.

It's a lot more likely that it is all made up, you wouldn't believe it if some dude wrote a book about a prophet who lived in the 19th century and said it's a prophet of ***, so why believe in Jezus? Because your elders believed in him? Now that's a cheap excuse.
SpoonMan999 Wrote:Were they? Enlighten us? Because, as I recall, they murdered Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, and the typical "unwanted" members of their society. Christians were a majority in Germany, still are I believe.

I'm going to start with the title of your thread, "Im Christian, why arent you?"
-Not only is it arrogant but it's devoid of any sense of grammar.
-Why is it arrogant? Read that title again, if someone asked you, "Hey, I'm gay. Why aren't you?" What would you say to them? The thought you convey here is "I'm a Christian so you should be to and I'm baffled that you're not."
-With this title as a challenge you then proceed to make your first post very non-confrontational and look to be as if you're the "mature one" after calling people out like that.

As for your intellect and word usage? Including words like "yo" in every other sentence, one of the most irritating things on the planet, shows your handicap for the English language quite clearly. How many people actually type exactly like they speak? Spoken slang and writing should never mixed unless quoting someone. Are you on the internet trying to prove to us your street cred?


Dear me, i had not thought that i would be brought under trial for the misuse of grammar and correct language usage. I apologize for my inconsiderate actions on this forum. Honestly, i was trying to "fit in"....

d0uche! stfu
you wanna argue grammar and how to talk correctly then gtfo of here and start a new thread, becuase no one cares and stop trying to be a d1ck because your only making yourself look bad.

seriousyl "Yo", got anything intellectual to say??
[Image: japosig1oh4.jpg]
Besides, what makes you so sure Christianity is right and say, islam is wrong? If you grew up Muslim you wouldn't randomly be like Whoa, whoa, what the **** is this? Christianity has it all right! You'd be like **** those christians they are wrong and I am right. I was raised Catholic, had my communion and all that, and then realized how bullshit all of it was and have turned my back on the church while never turning back.
No religion has any right to say they are right and others are wrong when they have just as much evidence (as lame ass as it may be) as the other to prove they are correct.
[Image: fuggyleetsignj8il7.jpg]
Nobody can handle the leetness of this sig.
' Wrote:Who loves orange soda?
Kel'thuzad loves orange soda!
Is it true?
Fuggle Wrote:Besides, what makes you so sure Christianity is right and say, islam is wrong? If you grew up Muslim you wouldn't randomly be like Whoa, whoa, what the **** is this? Christianity has it all right! You'd be like **** those christians they are wrong and I am right. I was raised Catholic, had my communion and all that, and then realized how bullshit all of it was and have turned my back on the church while never turning back.
No religion has any right to say they are right and others are wrong when they have just as much evidence (as lame ass as it may be) as the other to prove they are correct.

You do have a point. If I was raised Muslim, I would probably be Muslim and not Christian. But that's not the case, and I'm Christian. Why do I think it's the right choice? That's faith. I believe because I believe.

Determinado Wrote:And you're right about the abuse of religion all the way. But you know, if no religion existed, someone would create one to oppress people.

I think part of that is true. Someone would have an idea that would change to a belief, given the right circumstances, and it would spread. Then some people would take it upon themselves to be the leaders of that belief system. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. If you put people, even religeous leaders, into positions of power, it will change them. History shows that to be true enough.

As far as the Bible goes, I don't buy into it be written for the sake of control or manipulation. Sure, some people have tried it using the Bible, but the same can be said of just about every religeon. I think the Bible was written based on experience and interpretation of events, maybe not all first hand, but certainly some had to be. I believe what is written, though I can imagine how some of you would think me naive to do so. I accept that, but it doesn't change what I believe. I wasn't always Christian. I'm sure you could probably find old posts of mine on here where I bad talked it as bad as anyone here does, in fact I know there are some; but I've experienced things in my life that changed what I thought and how I thought.

Also, I think it was Determinado that posted something about the age of the Earth and all that.. There are lots of ways you can take the opening few passages in the Bible. It does say in it that 1000 years on earth are a day in Heaven and 1000 years in Heaven are a day on Earth, so "On the First Day" can mean a lot of things. I do not believe like many do that the Earth is only 4000-5000 years old. That's silly talk and an ignorant way of thinking.

I do believe in intellegent design. I took Anthropology, I'm aware of the evolution of man and its many steps... But we are the ONLY life form on this planet with the mental capabilities we have *combined* with the all-important use of opposable thumbs. Neanderthal may have had both things, but he didn't make it, did he? We did, though, and we're it. Pretty huge coincidence that we'd be the way we are on our own with no equal.

But that's me and I don't expect anyone else to think the way I do. That's the beauty of life. All these choices.
[url=javascript:void(0);][Image: lostodd2.png?t=1230460315][/url]
Ehm if you believe in evolution theory then the Neaderthaler did make it... He evolved into people as we know today.

Kellard Wrote:But we are the ONLY life form on this planet with the mental capabilities we have *combined* with the all-important use of opposable thumbs.
That's how we see it. Who says animals aren't smarter than us? Sure, you could say their brain is smaller and stuff, but who says that it really matters? Maybe they have an entirely different vision on life, they propably do, they don't do sex for fun (except gorillas i think), what are they really doing?

There are a lot of things we do not see, hear or feel. We know animals can hear other things, see other things and feel other things. Just because we think we dominate the world doesn't mean it's true. And then there's aliens, whose existance is simply definate if you ask me. And they don't need water (doh)
Okay I've got a few things to say.


Quote:I was really going to stay out of here, basically because of the jack load of people that don't know anything, but this just pissed me off.

Christians have never forced anything down anyones throats. They preach it to those who are willing to hear it, but they don't shove it down peoples throats.
Dude, you can't speak for every Christian. I've ran into my fair share of Christian's that tried to tell me I was wrong. Actually they called me a Heretic because of my Hermetic beliefs. So yea, try not to blanket statement for a group of people.

@Determinado: Neanderthal did go extinct man. I know man it's harsh, but those GEICO commercials lied to you. Cave men can't do it, they failed.

Okay, Christianity is fine for people who need faith. I got lots of Christian friends, and my GF is one to. Hell I even agree with a lot of things in the Christian faith.
I just got one problem with it. And I'll give it to you as an example.

Say theirs this guy who donates 1,000,000,000 dollars to charity worldwide. He also, helps cure cancer, and AIDS. Lets say he also ends all war (Remember this is only an example), and solves world hunger. Unless this man, who bare in mind at this point did more for humanity than anyone (Bar the Jesus thing). takes Jesus as his personal savior, he go's to hell.

WTF!!! I do not agree with that, sorry I can't. Now I do believe in a higher power. But I also believe that if someone did all of those things, he would get a better reward than hell.
Frai7ty Wrote:@Determinado: Neanderthal did go extinct man. I know man it's harsh, but those GEICO commercials lied to you. Cave men can't do it, they failed.
Oi what the hell xD
You're right man, I looked it up and seems like the Neanderthaler is also a descendant of our elders, but we aren't descendants of the Neanderthalers (it's however not known wether he actually is or not, it's just not likely I suppose).

That kind of proves that it's not so special that we evolved into what we are today, and other 'creatures' were doing the same evolution.
And perhaps the Neanderthaler didn't make it because of a religious conflict or something, I don't know :p
I'm still waiting for some help with my timeline.
Japo Wrote:Dear me, i had not thought that i would be brought under trial for the misuse of grammar and correct language usage. I apologize for my inconsiderate actions on this forum. Honestly, i was trying to "fit in"....

d0uche! stfu
you wanna argue grammar and how to talk correctly then gtfo of here and start a new thread, becuase no one cares and stop trying to be a d1ck because your only making yourself look bad.

seriousyl "Yo", got anything intellectual to say??

I have a hard time accepting somebody's argument when they can't convey that argument intelligently. Also, making myself look bad? Last I checked you had half the forum against you in here. Religion is a touchy subject on these boards, should have done a search before posting a new thread.

Now, you live by the Bible? So, have you had sex with someone other than your wife, if you're married? Have you ever had dirty thoughts about a married woman? Have you ever fought with someone, not verbally but physically? Do you attend Church every Sunday? Do you pray regularly?

If you said yes to any of this, then you're not the type of person the Bible tells you to be.
"I'm not a geek, I'm just coolness challenged."
No one's perfect. I mean, the adultry thing would be pretty bad... but that's why Jesus was born and why he died for us. All we need to do is ask for forgiveness and mean it and it's all taken away.. Kinda like an uber safety net. Makes life a little easier.

Quote:That kind of proves that it's not so special that we evolved into what we are today, and other 'creatures' were doing the same evolution.
And perhaps the Neanderthaler didn't make it because of a religious conflict or something, I don't know.

We did split off from the same ancestral source, but Homo Sapiens were the only ones capable of adapting to a changing climate. Neanderthal even had a larger cranial capacity than we did, but they couldn't hack it when things started to change. We were less adapted to the climate were were in when they were around, so why did we survive? And if they were capable of being smarter than us, why did they die out? We weren't organized enough to mount a massive war effort across the whole of Europe at that time in history.. That didn't come until about 4000-5000 tears ago, I think, when we learned to settle down and civilization began to take root. And there's no evidence that either Neanderthal nor Homo Sapiens had developed religeon at that time(though it's hard to tell, I know). Some of you will use that to attack me and say that that should be good enough to convince me about Adam and Eve never having happened, but there's a way around it. Smile Oh, and some others who know about this sort of thing might mention Neanderthals burying their dead and putting flowers at their grave as evidence of religeon... But that's been in debate for a long time and a lot of anthropologists and paleontologists have lean toward it not having gone down thta way, because it seems like maybe it would have happened in more than a single spot if they had developed a religeon and rituals like that.

Blah blah blah... I'll end the post before I start sounding more long-winded than I already do. :\
[url=javascript:void(0);][Image: lostodd2.png?t=1230460315][/url]
Determinado Wrote:if you say only people that live by the bible are real christians, they simply don't exist.
wrong, you should meet my girlfriend, she goes by the bible
Actually civilization is really not something of the last thousands of years.

World's oldest building discovered
This article states a few sites ranging from 200000 to 500000 years ago, that contain building and building tools.

Civilization before the Last Ice Age - Unexplained Mysteries Discussion Forums
While on this site a man describes the interseting theory of instinct. He says that it's an instinct of man to start civilization after +- 100 generations of good weather (= no ice age), and so tries to explain the mystery why civilization started at 2 places (South America & Mesopotamia) at the same time.

And what about cave painting? You can't deny those were definately made by our elders, I don't know if any of you are hardcore 'creationists' but I'm all the way Darwinist. Oh yeah, another scientist the Christians hurt. In California & Texas evolution theory is scrapped from the schoolbooks even, how fair is that? When will they have a secularization? It's just outragous that this is still allowed in the US.

So are we capable of adapting to climate change? Do you really think we would survive a new ice age, something that is inevitably coming along? Perhaps man has been here for eternity, but had civilization extinct every ice age?

I think this *** of yours is too easy, if you cheat on your wife it's your duty to talk about it with her, or be really good at it and make sure she never knows about it and it doesn't hurt her not even a bit (which is almost impossible I think). Talking to *** won't help it a silly bit, wether he forgives you or not.
we are capable of adapting to the climate... so we can survive another ice age., probbely not for us canadians tho
Quote:So are we capable of adapting to climate change? Do you really think we would survive a new ice age, something that is inevitably coming along? Perhaps man has been here for eternity, but had civilization extinct every ice age?

I do think that we would survive an ice age. We have survived many in the past and I think that, with technology as it is, we wouldn't have too much of a problem. Yeah, tons of people would die, but humanity and our civilizations would inevitably survive. And no, man kind has not existed for eternity, otherwise fossil records for homo sapiens would predate dinosaurs and austolopithicus... Which they don't. We've been around for a relatively short amount of time.

Quote:I think this *** of yours is too easy, if you cheat on your wife it's your duty to talk about it with her, or be really good at it and make sure she never knows about it and it doesn't hurt her not even a bit (which is almost impossible I think). Talking to *** won't help it a silly bit, wether he forgives you or not.

And you're entitled to your opinion. I think that getting forgiveness for my actions from *** saves me from eternal damnation. Getting forgiveness from my wife would save me from the same thing(lol), so I'd have to somehow make it up to her, too, but I think I'd be murdered before I got the chance.
[url=javascript:void(0);][Image: lostodd2.png?t=1230460315][/url]
well if you don't take the term ice age litterally (which would mean we still live in an ice age), an ice age means that the ice sheets go really close to the equator. How would we keep ourselves warm and produce enough food to keep ourselves alive? I'm pretty sure that we won't survive the next serious ice age. It's not like it's a short period of cold...

I didn't know that we actually were still living in an ice age, quite funny to find it out :-)
so theres a few ice around, its not an ice age. and juast cause we can make ice dosnt mean that we are in an ice age. and plus we are nearing the end of that age.
We're not in an ice age.. It ended like 10-12 thousand years ago.. We're in a time of moderate temperatures. We're in a time that's hotter than it has been in probably millions of years; hell, I think the north pole is supposed to melt away this year. We have glaciers near the equator because it's cold in the upper atmosphere, where mountains reach. That'll never change, unless space heats up for some reason. If another ice age came, it would come on slow relative to our perception of time. Glaciers would start forming and slowly creep southward, we'd be alright and we'd find ways to keep getting what we need to survive. It wouldn't happen like The Day After Tomorrow.
[url=javascript:void(0);][Image: lostodd2.png?t=1230460315][/url]
well an 'ice age' means that there is ice sheets on land, and at the moment, that's definately the case. We'll only be exiting the ice age for real once those ice sheets have melted (what is happening now). I know everyone uses ice age to describe severe sheets of ice covering land, but officially, and by definition we're still in an ice age.
Hmm, brb. Gonna look up the definition and such.

Quote:An ice age is a period of long-term reduction in the temperature of the Earth's surface and atmosphere, resulting in an expansion of continental ice sheets, polar ice sheets and alpine glaciers. Glaciologically, ice age is often used to mean a period of ice sheets in the northern and southern hemispheres; by this definition we are still in an ice age (because the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets still exist). More colloquially, when speaking of the last few million years, ice age is used to refer to colder periods with extensive ice sheets over the North American and Eurasian continents: in this sense, the most recent ice age peaked about 11,000 years ago. This article will use the term ice age in the former, glaciological, sense: glacials for colder periods during ice ages and interglacials for the warmer periods.

Interesting. Smile
[url=javascript:void(0);][Image: lostodd2.png?t=1230460315][/url]

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