i've done this: ht tp:// www .howtogeek .c om/howto /windows-vista/using-win dows-vista-compat ibility-mode/ (remove space)
and i tried to install it in safe mode, as was what blizzard told me to do.
i'm thinking about sending a mail to blizzard, but.. i'd rather not.
what ain't working is that this pops up when i click the install button:
"ERROR: no program start menu found"
i don't even know what that means, or.. sure, word for word, but wtf? gotta say i'm pretty pissed, can anyone help? i got windows vista and enough gb and everything.
I don't know, if you tried it, but you can tick the boxes, (Run as Admin) and (Compatibility -Windows XP ServicePack 2-) at Preferences\ Compatibility. I have the German version of Vista. There it's Eigenschaften von "..." and then Kompatibilität\ Kompatibilitätsversion -Windows XP ServicePack 2-.
i tried that, and then i tried this: http :/ /blog.justinho . com/2008/01/19/NoProgramStartMenuFoundInstallingBlizzardEntertainmentGamesOnVistaX64. aspx
except that i don't have the 'Shell Folders' so it won't work
just "no program start menu found", i have no idea really, but i'm thinking about deleting everything and re-install vista, idk if i would help but maybe.. maybe
might be an good idea. You know, ... after making big trouble ich reinstalled my Vista x64 on my Computer and some annoying Errors disappeared.
Try it. confused:
01-13-2009, 02:50 AM (This post was last modified: 01-13-2009, 05:29 AM by Lily.)
it did, until the very end where i don't know what screwed up. trying to install it again though
edit: it worked the third or fourth time i tried to install it, but now the cd key wont work, wtf, it's totally right. when i compare it to then one that should be there it looks like it's way to short though, does anyone have any ideas? there ain't any other key there either, as what i can find
01-13-2009, 06:37 AM (This post was last modified: 01-13-2009, 07:38 AM by Lily.)
oh god there is, lol i'm such a noob at this, thanks though :)
edit: haha, this is kinda embarrassing, but now this comes up
i'm guessing that i need the disc? well it's inside but it still pops up, hoho, either i'm a way to noob or someone is telling me that i should never have left wow :(
Quote:) Go to Start > Run > type regedit
2) Navigate to "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Explorer\Shell Folders"
if there is no string in there called "Programs" put that in with the value:
so that make a new string then right click your new string call Programs and modify then in there put C:\
make one more called Desktop and do the same thing with the strings
i tried that to begin with, doesn't work cause i don't have the shell folders and it doesn't work to put it in the explorer folder, why i think i might need to re-install vista :/
I have added a zip file with a registry file to add the values you need.
Extract the zip and right click > edit the .reg file and replace the 2 instances where it says "%USERNAME%" with your windows login name. then run the .reg file.
You may wish to right click on shell folders and chose export to backup that section of your registry first.