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the removal of static newcomers
hehehe... i wonder what it is..
that actually is a valid point.. i too would hate numbers in my name.
but what would be the post requirement?
and would people with over 100 posts be immune?

if it were 15 or something, that would just encourage more spamming
US East L/NL-arowws4 arowws5 uber/organ runs for free. Free items too. Just ask. Must be member of this site.
no post requirment. This isin't a democracy where we have to lean on both sides and give new comers so much leniency. I recall hotmail back in the day would delete acc's that were inactive for 90 days. A newcomer that is inactive for 90 days should be removed. Also newcomers that have names that are a conjunction of random letters and numbers should be removed also. Those ones are mostly likely bots.

Nethran Wrote:Don't look up Wazzack on Urban Dictionary. >.>;

oh man! i never even knew that. I created this in gr 4 when one of my friends was gona say wazzup to me but it came out wazzacky.
[Image: Blizzsectorsotwcomplete.jpg]
MS-Paint at its finest.
Nethran Wrote:Don't look up Wazzack on Urban Dictionary. >.>;
Too late XD and its oh so wrong. *pittys poor Wazz* lol
Blue Wrote:Pam, nobody asked you to delete anything, but yet you told us twice that you couldn't due to not being an admin... Is that PamSpam or do you really want to be an admin.

Nethran Wrote:Ahh, so Blue noticed it too. >.> And where are Spit and Skye?

In Admin section Spit is looking for a new one...I do not know if I can,but I am active.
Admin panel scares me......

They are busy and do not have the time,so a new Admin is needed.

A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
i believe members with no post should be deleted theres always people viewing the forums with out accounts anyways
will sort everything out when site itself is sorted.

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