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D2NT Shrine catcher
This was not made by me, I Tested it with D2NT 3.0 and D2NT 3.1 it works great.

Edit: if anyone needs help just post and i can help u get it working

First download the zipfile from the bottom of this post and extract it. (you need a account on forum to download the file.)

put it in you scripts\libs\common folder

next add this to your character config under general configuration
MyConfig_CatchExperienceShrine = true; // hits exp shrines.
MyConfig_CatchGemShrine        = false; // hits gem shrines.
MyConfig_CatchSkillShrine = false; // hits skill shrines.
MyConfig_CatchArmorShrine = false; // hits armor shrines.
MyConfig_CatchResistShrine = false; // hits resist shrines.
now open your scripts\libs\common\NTMove file and find these lines
the red is what you are going to add

function NTM_TeleportTo(x, y)
    NTC_CastSkill(54, NTC_HAND_RIGHT, x, y);
    for(var i = 0 ; i < 15 ; i++)
        if(Math.abs(me.x-x) < 4 && Math.abs(me.y-y) < 4)
            return true;


    return false;
now go to your scripts\libs\common\NTCommon and find this and add the red line

function NTC_IncludeLibs()

Attached Files
.zip (Size: 1.11 KB / Downloads: 488)
update: tested it with D2NT 3.1 and it works great with the newest one and 3.0
Hello. i dont understand what you mean by this

next add this to your character config under general configuration

MyConfig_CatchExperienceShrine = true; // hits exp shrines.MyConfig_CatchGemShrine = false; // hits gem shrines.MyConfig_CatchSkillShrine = false; // hits skill shrines.MyConfig_CatchArmorShrine = false; // hits armor shrines.MyConfig_CatchResistShrine = false; // hits resist shrines.

I just cant figure out where to put it
Sorry i have not been to active. If people are still having issues let me know

Open your char's config file and scroll down till u see general configuration and add them lines to it
It works well. You have to put the MyCatchShrine.ntl to the common folder exactly. ( my winrar made a folder for it ... ) So it looks like common/MyCatchShrine.ntl

The general config is this, you have to put the line under this:

NTConfig_PublicMode = false;
NTConfig_CheckCloneDiablo = true;
NTConfig_OpenChest = true;
me.quitonhostile = false;
Hm.. this seems to work only if you are on act 1.
I was in Act 5 with Baal leech fight script ready to work after the shrine catcher but... it was just waiting in the join spot and didn't moved a step. Also it never moved to next ntl (baalleechfight).
Hm made some modifications and seems working but... after finding 1 exp shrine instead of tp and go to fight it searches for a second one (if exists) and delays so much that it's useless..
I have never had 1 issue using this addon. It always finds a shrine if its on the way to where ever the bot is trying to tele too, no matter what act u are in.

It helps u level so much faster if u are doing mf runs
skidude Wrote:I have never had 1 issue using this addon. It always finds a shrine if its on the way to where ever the bot is trying to tele too, no matter what act u are in.

It helps u level so much faster if u are doing mf runs
I also have never had any problems with the shrine catcher
I wonder if modulah is using a modded version of d2nt because i know of one mod that specifically searches blood moor and cold plains for exp shrines and then just idles so the player can go and mf manually.I can see problems mixing that up with shrine catcher.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Well I’m not there all the time you know Some people, some people, some people, Call it insane, yeah they call it insane, (sugar) I play russian roulette everyday, a man’s sport, With a bullet called life, yeah called life,(sugar)
nice script, works great, thank you
I installed this script on my bot and it works great. No problems to speak of yet. Thanks Skidude for the instructions and thanks to the creator.
I installed this, and set it to goto skill shrines, but i saw it just go past a skill shrine. Is it broken for that?

It was in The Pit already, so im guessing it'll only pick one up if it finds one on the way to the zone?
i pretty sure by default, it is set up to only pick up XP shrines, you can change this in the char config file code that you added in the general configs.

MyConfig_CatchExperienceShrine = true; // hits exp shrines.
MyConfig_CatchGemShrine = [B][U]true[/U][/B]; // hits gem shrines.
MyConfig_CatchSkillShrine = [B][U]true[/U][/B]; // hits skill shrines.
MyConfig_CatchArmorShrine = [B][U]true[/U][/B]; // hits armor shrines.
MyConfig_CatchResistShrine = [B][U]true[/U][/B]; // hits resist shrines.

just change the assignment from false to true like I did above underlined.
oramified Wrote:i pretty sure by default, it is set up to only pick up XP shrines, you can change this in the char config file code that you added in the general configs.

MyConfig_CatchExperienceShrine = true; // hits exp shrines.
MyConfig_CatchGemShrine = [B][U]true[/U][/B]; // hits gem shrines.
MyConfig_CatchSkillShrine = [B][U]true[/U][/B]; // hits skill shrines.
MyConfig_CatchArmorShrine = [B][U]true[/U][/B]; // hits armor shrines.
MyConfig_CatchResistShrine = [B][U]true[/U][/B]; // hits resist shrines.
just change the assignment from false to true like I did above underlined.

everything is set to false except skillshrine, and it didnt click it.
hmmm... in that case, I would double check the other parts of the shrine catcher installation. Make sure you copied over the code correctly. Does it catch exp shrines for you? I know mine did when I installed this. I didnt test it on other types of shrines cause all I wanted was xp shrines.
oramified Wrote:hmmm... in that case, I would double check the other parts of the shrine catcher installation. Make sure you copied over the code correctly. Does it catch exp shrines for you? I know mine did when I installed this. I didnt test it on other types of shrines cause all I wanted was xp shrines.

i'll try that. If that doesnt work, I dont think ill worry about it, my skill levels are almost 40 and i barely chicken anyway haha.
I repped you oramified for being so helpful, keep up the good work man.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Well I’m not there all the time you know Some people, some people, some people, Call it insane, yeah they call it insane, (sugar) I play russian roulette everyday, a man’s sport, With a bullet called life, yeah called life,(sugar)
thanks, will do what i can
I'm getting an error specifically this part right here.

function NTM_TeleportTo(x, y)
    NTC_CastSkill(54, NTC_HAND_RIGHT, x, y);
    for(var i = 0 ; i < 15 ; i++)
        if(Math.abs(me.x-x) < 4 && Math.abs(me.y-y) < 4)
            return true;


Says there's an error with the "MyCS_CatchShrine"
mcmlxx Wrote:I'm getting an error specifically this part right here.

function NTM_TeleportTo(x, y)
    NTC_CastSkill(54, NTC_HAND_RIGHT, x, y);
    for(var i = 0 ; i < 15 ; i++)
        if(Math.abs(me.x-x) < 4 && Math.abs(me.y-y) < 4)
            return true;


Says there's an error with the "MyCS_CatchShrine"
sounds like u forgot to download the file, You have to put it in your scripts\libs\common folder
I have D2NT 3.1 and I am getting the following error. Not sure why. \scripts\libs\common\NTTownMove.ntl (321) : TypeError: _townpoints is undefined

thanks for any help

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