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D2NT31 NTBot42 Tutorial
longneckbottle Wrote:Yes, i deleted everything first, i run in private games most time so no big deal only a problem when running public. But I also got you godly magic rare pick it you posted and deleted the normal//magic rare pick it and replaced with yours, but I noticed after running the bot for a while it was only stashing certian blue items such as a superior wire fleece with 11% ed and assasin wepons with 8% ed and 3 max damage. But none have any open sockets. These items would make gg wepons and armor if sockets were available to make runewords such as nigma coh or such but without the open sockets pretty much they are vendor trash. how to i stop it from keeping these kind of items? here is my pickit, should look just like the one u posted.

well it wont let me post the pick it due to a critical time length error but it should look exactly like the gg magic rare pickit u posted a link to on page 7
heres my NTDiablo script that reruns chaos after killing diablo

function NTMain()
NTC_SendMsgToScript("NTBotGame.ntj", "NTTM_CheckAct()");
NTC_SendMsgToScript("NTBotGame.ntj", "NTTM_TownMove()");
NTC_SendMsgToScript("NTBotGame.ntj", "NTM_TakeWaypoint()");
if(!NTM_MoveTo(108, 7797, 5560))
NTC_SendMsgToScript("NTBotGame.ntj", "NTM_MoveTo()");
var _attackpos = [7792, 5525, 7793, 5501, 7773, 5495, 7768, 5480, 7767, 5458, 7770, 5438, 7774, 5417, 7767, 5391, 7768, 5369, 7769, 5345, 7770, 5320, 7780, 5308];
if(!NTM_MoveTo(me.areaid, 7790, 5544))
NTC_SendMsgToScript("NTBotGame.ntj", "NTM_MoveTo()");
//NTA_ClearPosition(20, false, 2);
NTM_MoveTo(me.areaid, 7792, 5292);
NTA_ClearPosition(20, true, 2);
Say("Tp not safe. I'm Stupid Tp in center then I go to back to entrance and start clearing.");
for(var i = 0 ; i < _attackpos.length ; i += 2)
NTM_MoveTo(me.areaid, _attackpos[i], _attackpos[i+1]);
NTA_ClearPosition(25, true, 2);
NTC_SendMsgToScript("NTBotGame.ntj", "NT_OpenSealsInt()");
Say("Killing Diablo");
if(!NTM_MoveTo(me.areaid, 7792, 5292))
NTC_SendMsgToScript("NTBotGame.ntj", "NTM_MoveTo()");
if(!NTTMGR_CheckSafe(NTConfig_CheckSelfSafe|0x01, NTConfig_CheckMercSafe))
NTC_SendMsgToScript("NTBotGame.ntj", "NTTMGR_CheckSafe()");
NTC_FindUnit(NTC_UNIT_MONSTER, 243, 100);
NTC_SendMsgToScript("NTBotGame.ntj", "NTA_KillMonster()");
Say("Next game in one minute, my dumbass is gonna rerun chaos to doublecheck everything. Thank you.");
NTC_SendMsgToScript("NTBotGame.ntj", "SCRIPT_END");
// Internal function
function NT_OpenSealsInt()
var i, _unit;
var _result;
_unit = GetPresetUnits(me.areaid, NTC_UNIT_OBJECT);
return false;
_result = false;
for(i = 0 ; i < _unit.length ; i++)
if(_unit[i].id == 396)
if(_unit[i].roomy*5 + _unit[i].y == 5275)
_result = NT_OpenVizierSealInt(1);
_result = NT_OpenVizierSealInt(2);
return false;
_result = false;
for(i = 0 ; i < _unit.length ; i++)
if(_unit[i].id == 394)
if(_unit[i].roomx*5 + _unit[i].x == 7773)
_result = NT_OpenDeSeisSealInt(1);
_result = NT_OpenDeSeisSealInt(2);
return false;
_result = false;
for(i = 0 ; i < _unit.length ; i++)
if(_unit[i].id == 392)
if(_unit[i].roomx*5 + _unit[i].x == 7893)
_result = NT_OpenVenomSealInt(1);
_result = NT_OpenVenomSealInt(2);
return _result;
function NT_OpenVizierSealInt(type)
var i, n;
var _attackpos = [7740, 5300, 7740, 5280, 7720, 5280, 7720, 5300];
var _monstername = GetLocaleString(2851);
for(i = 0 ; i < _attackpos.length ; i += 2)
NTM_MoveTo(me.areaid, _attackpos[i], _attackpos[i+1]);
NTA_ClearPosition(25, true, 2);
for(i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++)
if(type == 1)
NT_OpenSealInt(395, 7654, 5310);
NT_OpenSealInt(396, 7659, 5277);
NTM_MoveTo(me.areaid, 7665, 5277);
NT_OpenSealInt(395, 7650, 5276);
NT_OpenSealInt(396, 7651, 5310);
for(n = 0 ; n < 10 ; n++)
return NTM_MoveTo(me.areaid, 7750, 5280);
return false;
function NT_OpenDeSeisSealInt(type)
var i, n;
var _attackpos = [7780, 5255, 7800, 5255, 7800, 5235, 7780, 5235];
var _monstername = GetLocaleString(2852);
for(i = 0 ; i < _attackpos.length ; i += 2)
NTM_MoveTo(me.areaid, _attackpos[i], _attackpos[i+1]);
NTA_ClearPosition(25, true, 2);
for(i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++)
if(type == 1)
NT_OpenSealInt(394, 7769, 5158);
NTM_MoveTo(me.areaid, 7771, 5196);
NT_OpenSealInt(394, 7810, 5156);
NTM_MoveTo(me.areaid, 7770, 5169);
for(n = 0 ; n < 10 ; n++)
return NTM_MoveTo(me.areaid, 7800, 5255);
return false;
function NT_OpenVenomSealInt(type)
var i, n;
var _attackpos = [7835, 5280, 7835, 5300, 7855, 5300, 7855, 5280];
var _monstername = GetLocaleString(2853);
for(i = 0 ; i < _attackpos.length ; i += 2)
NTM_MoveTo(me.areaid, _attackpos[i], _attackpos[i+1]);
NTA_ClearPosition(25, true, 2);
for(i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++)
if(type == 1)
NT_OpenSealInt(393, 7915, 5280);
NT_OpenSealInt(392, 7895, 5318);
NTM_MoveTo(me.areaid, 7892, 5298);
NT_OpenSealInt(393, 7905, 5277);
NT_OpenSealInt(392, 7916, 5310);
NTM_MoveTo(me.areaid, 7937, 5305);
for(n = 0 ; n < 10 ; n++)
if(NTC_PutSkill(124, NTC_HAND_RIGHT))
return true;
return false;
function NT_OpenSealInt(classid, x, y)
var _seal;
NTM_MoveTo(me.areaid, x, y);
NTA_ClearPosition(25, true, 2);
_seal = NTC_FindUnit(NTC_UNIT_OBJECT, classid, 5);
return false;
if(_seal.mode > 0)
return true;
for(var i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++)
if((i % 2) == 0)
if(GetDistance(me, _seal) > 2)
NTM_MoveTo(_seal.areaid, _seal.x+1, _seal.y);
if(_seal.mode > 0)
return true;
return false;
So I redid everything, and I still get that error. Seems like something is wrong and its not me.
If my inventory is too full to pickup something that meets the pickit criteria, will the bot sell/stash his current inventory and then return for the item? Or is the item lost in the void? Smile
Got D2NT 3.1 up and running. However, 1/4 of all games my D2 crashes, usually right as I'm about to kill a boss (meph, duriel, andy, etc.), or when I hold alt right before the bots killing a boss, or when I hit I (for inventory) while my boss is running. It doesn't ALWAYS do it, just sometimes. If I leave my bot running overnight, without touching it, it will have about 400 runs and 100 restarts cause of this issue. The exact error message I get is:

Location:, line #1678
Exspresion: UnrecoveraBul internal error 6fd787a1

Then the bot just restarts D2 and keeps going... it gets pretty annoying though. Any ideas?
Here's what my char config script says:

//NTConfig_Script.push("NTPindleskin.ntj"); NTConfig_NihlathakExtension = false;
NTConfig_Script.push("NTNihlathak.ntj"); NTConfig_PindleskinExtension = true;

Now the problem...

I have the Nihlathak qst done, and the halls of pain wp. However, every time the bot runs he looks for the Pindleskin portal, and when he doesn't find it he skips to eldritch without doing Pindleskin or Nihlathak. What could be going wrong?
i'm also having a problem...

not sure if it's because i'm watching with it minimized...
because it's been working fine all week...

it makes the game.. goes threw the wp.. sits there and spams tp's, then quits out.
then it tries to make another game after the 3min wait is up, then it does this weird count down on the manager ... 10..9..8..7...6....5...4...3....2...1... 0.. then it starts over... and jus sits there n does that.

when it quits, i get a failed move error(), down in the after game, even if i stop, n go to run it again.

i'll type it all out next time i hit exit otherwise i'd say what it all said..

the only other problem i've had w/ d2nt is with set gear.... last nite til this morning it picked up aldur feet n threw them down. not exactly sure how long it did that, i believe it dropped them at the start of every game, but then picked them back up because i have aldur set as a keep... it didn't id them either which, might effect why it kept dropping and picking them back up, not exactly sure why tho. tho i id'd them put them in stash put "//" by aldur feet cuz i got them and went on w/ my day, i later came back to see it doing that to aldur head... it only dropped/picked it back up 4-5 times before i gave it the chance to flood my items log.. stopped prog... id'd them, put them in stash, put "//" by aldur head, n started prog back up...
when i use this it keeps saying "Trying to connect to fastest server" but diablo never connects how can i solve this?
Hey Skidude, for my Light sorc i sometimes have a standstill with a lightning immune.
I have an infinity merc but he usually runs away and kills everything around the boss/lightning immune creature.
so im throwing lightning at the guy and doing no damage while my merc is killing stuff around it and not close enough to get the conviction aura off.
therefore i just use all my pots and run out of mana and chicken.
is there anyway to make it so my sorc will kill everything else except the lightning immune and then focus it after with the merc?
ohai Wrote:Hey Skidude, for my Light sorc i sometimes have a standstill with a lightning immune.
I have an infinity merc but he usually runs away and kills everything around the boss/lightning immune creature.
so im throwing lightning at the guy and doing no damage while my merc is killing stuff around it and not close enough to get the conviction aura off.
therefore i just use all my pots and run out of mana and chicken.
is there anyway to make it so my sorc will kill everything else except the lightning immune and then focus it after with the merc?

I don't know if it will actually work but there is a line in the code where it says has you kill the surrounding area, I'm not on my computer right now so I can't look at the specific files and tell you where to find the code, but it should be in your chars file. You know, where you give it all the specifics and name it after your char. The D2nt_Paladin_charname file or whatever.
[Image: nyyzok.gif]
NTConfig_ClearPosition = true; // Set to true if you want to clear area after killing boss.

that's the closest to what you're talking about dude. im not sure if there's an option like that in the config file ! ='( /fml
are there any other options Blue?
thanks for the help !!
how do you know which skill is which number? like im using a frozen orb and meteor sorc but the bot ONLY fires fireball...

can anyone explain please?
ohai: unfortunately that was what I'm talking about, I'm going to have to get Ski to look at this.

nehring83: This should be a good code. Assuming you are more fire.

NTConfig_AttackSkill[0] = 0; // Cast your first spell once. Set to 0 if you won't
NTConfig_AttackSkill[1] = 56; // Cast your primary spell to boss.
NTConfig_AttackSkill[2] = 56; // Cast your primary spell to others.
NTConfig_AttackSkill[3] = 47; // Cast your primary untimed spell if primary spell is timed spell. Set to 0 if you won't
NTConfig_AttackSkill[4] = 64; // Cast your secondary spell if monster is immune to your primary spell. Set to 0 if you won't
NTConfig_AttackSkill[5] = 0; // Cast your secondary untimed spell if secondary spell is timed spell. Set to 0 if you won't

However, I took the coding from the previous d2nt help thread, but I believe the skill code to use stayed the same. You know what I mean?
Which is here:
[Image: nyyzok.gif]
I want to have the option to pick up any unique but my list of uniques in item config under advances doesn't have them all the uniques that drop in the game. Where can I get a list of all the uniques or how to make a list of them all. If someone could please help me it would be much appreciated.
So anything on this error?

<D2NT Error> C:\Users\Default\Deskstop.........\D2NT\scripts\NT Bot\bots\NTBaal.ntj (21) :ReferenceError: NTA_Initialize is not defined.

It does it for every bot I try to enable.
Anyone know this one: " was unable to properly identify application version..."?

I'm guessing it's because I downloaded d2 from the new, and I had to do this because I don't have the right cd-keys for the right discs.
To pick up any and all uniques add:

[Quality] == unique //will pick up any unique

That's it. Smile Haven't tested it but im about 99% sure that will work.
Blue Wrote:ohai: unfortunately that was what I'm talking about, I'm going to have to get Ski to look at this.

alright tthanks blue, tell me what ski thinks about the situation
qweeve Wrote:Hey Skidude, have any idea where to find a script for a self stacking auradin? I found an autoit file on google, but can I, and if so, how would I insert that into the pally script?

GalaxyBounce Wrote:Got D2NT 3.1 up and running. However, 1/4 of all games my D2 crashes, usually right as I'm about to kill a boss (meph, duriel, andy, etc.), or when I hold alt right before the bots killing a boss, or when I hit I (for inventory) while my boss is running. It doesn't ALWAYS do it, just sometimes. If I leave my bot running overnight, without touching it, it will have about 400 runs and 100 restarts cause of this issue. The exact error message I get is:

Location:, line #1678
Exspresion: UnrecoveraBul internal error 6fd787a1

Then the bot just restarts D2 and keeps going... it gets pretty annoying though. Any ideas?

Edit: It's while I am botting with my sorc, if that makes a difference.

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