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D2NT31 NTBot42 Tutorial
auricshields refers to any Paladin Shield. Your 4 pickit entries are fine, however for the superior ones you should probably add the mod [EnhancedDefense] >= (Value) that way it will distinguish between ones that actually improve defense and those that just have extra durability. Also if you want both plain and superior shields you can leave out the superior line and change the regular ones quality declairation to [Quality] >= Normal and it will grab both regardless. The only time you would want to use both would be in say the case of the Paladin shields where they have other default mods (resists/enhanced damage) and then you could specify different values. Like say you only want 40+ resists for regular pally shields but you will take 30+ for superior ones as their bonus defense makes up for it.

As far as I know, there is no way to skip dual immunes. I'm not sure if you can specify between bosses and regular mobs for static either, however, GVEtal bot, which is just a modded version of D2NT has a nice Sorceress script that attempts to attack from a distance rather than teleporting on top of mobs. It also does dancing if your health drops to a certain percent where it will change positions around the mob every x seconds. To be honest, its a thousand times better for sorceress botting and it also allows for a 3rd alternative skill which I do believe is for those cases of dual immunes.

Overall though, paladin botting is much more effective. Though with proper gear sorceress botting can work quite well. Paladins do require enigma to be majorly effective though.

Almost forgot this one:
!= stands for not equal to. In the case of wether something is or isn't ethereal this would pick the Non-Ethreal item. While == (equal to) would pick the Ethereal item. The != and == are not just limited to flags though, they can be used anywhere.
Need help with setting up D2NT? Check out my guide:
[Image: user-offline.png] D2NT Support:

Removed the links u posted that had a trojan. Trojan.Spy.Keylog was found in your uploads wall

I added a new link to a clean download on our site the link can be found at the top of the thread. or right here D2NT 3.1 and NTBot 4.2 - Downloads - Blizzard Sector - Diablo 3, Starcraft II, WoW, Diablo 2, Trading, Downloads, Editors, Items, Forums

Here is the virus scan for the file i uploaded to our website.
[URL=""] 784ef91f06d335-1275080587

I used that quote to download D2NT.
Anyhow i tired for several hours fixing my amazon to run on hell "Latest ladder reset" after hours of struggeling i finally came to the conclusion that this would be easier if i simply created a barb and used your already finished scripts.

Anyhow, Im level 70 now sitting on a crafted kit for survival and a mean axe, My barb is running (WW,Conc, BO,Shout,Axe-M) I did setup what skills and runns i wanted him to do, also i remaned the file to NTconfig_Barbarian_Charname, and tried a simple Travincal run. I found out that my barb gets stuck in the house he does not walk thru the door next to the wp. So i tried different runs and found out he gets stuck almost everywere, corridors walls well basicly anything he encounters. I dont know if Enigma is a must for the bot to work propperly. Also, once he gets surounded by units he wont break lose by attacking them. This is how my config for attacking looks like.

NTConfig_AttackSkill[0] = 144; // First skill. Set to 0 if you won't
NTConfig_AttackSkill[1] = 144; // Primary skill to boss.
NTConfig_AttackSkill[2] = 0; // Reserved
NTConfig_AttackSkill[3] = 151; // Primary skill to others.
NTConfig_AttackSkill[4] = 0; // Reserved
NTConfig_AttackSkill[5] = 152; // Secondary skill in case monster is immune to primary skill. Set to 0 if you won't
NTConfig_AttackSkill[6] = 0; // Reserved
NTConfig_ClearPosition = true; // Set to true if you want to clear area after killing boss.

I'v read thru a couple of post were they say you need to fix smth in NTAttack, i opend the file and im not going to lie, my mind almost crashed. So many numbers and letters it actually had to focus just to look at it.
I could also add that im using Window7 64bit, 1680 x 1050 res. I dont know if this has an effect on the bots movement, since it play's in windowed.

The bot sadly cannot do any zone that uses doors unless it has Enigma. So, you are limited to things like caves or open areas like Eldritch and Shenk, maybe Pindle but it might have trouble there.

As to your second problem, I'm not 100% sure what your getting at. Does he stop attacking altogether if he is surrounded in any area or does this happen when he is traveling from point A to point B?
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Valdez Wrote:The bot sadly cannot do any zone that uses doors unless it has Enigma. So, you are limited to things like caves or open areas like Eldritch and Shenk, maybe Pindle but it might have trouble there.

As to your second problem, I'm not 100% sure what your getting at. Does he stop attacking altogether if he is surrounded in any area or does this happen when he is traveling from point A to point B?

Thanks alot Valez.
When he travels from point A > B he doesnt not attack anything during hes way of travel. That is if he gets surrounded by minions he just stands there untill he chickens out, or the merc kills em. Ofcourse this would look differant if he used an Enigma.
I could use an answer to this before today ends Smile Thanks for all the good info Vald

Looking through the magic/rare pickit from here. It has lines like this

[Type] == jewel && [Quality] == magic # [FireResist]+[LightResist]+[ColdResist]+[PoisonResist] >= 15

hmm...I think I just answerd my own question. This is the line for all resist correct? its not just going to pick up things with just +15 res to a element? It dident seem like there was a line for all res SC's/GC's and jewels. I might have to dig abit deeper.

Ahah this confused me last night

[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [FireResist]+[LightResist]+[ColdResist]+[PoisonResist] >= 60

Why does it have greater then >=60?

/sigh more confusion, He just picked up a Fire Res +24% jewel. I am going to post my pickit for magic jewels part. I cant see anything but maybe this line that would cause I cant find it. Ever line seems to have a resist + mod and all the resist I think are >=30 or all resist >-12-15 I cant find where the pick up single res line is.

[Type] == jewel && [Quality] == magic # [EnhancedDamage] == 40
[Type] == jewel && [Quality] == magic # [MaxDamage] >= 30
[Type] == jewel && [Quality] == magic # [MinDamage] >= 18
[Type] == jewel && [Quality] == magic # [MinDamage] >= 8 && [MaxDamage] >= 15
[Type] == jewel && [Quality] == magic # [EnhancedDamage] >= 30 && [IAS] == 15
[Type] == jewel && [Quality] == magic # [EnhancedDamage] >= 30 && ([MinDamage] >= 12 || [MaxDamage] >= 12
[Type] == jewel && [Quality] == magic # [EnhancedDamage] == 40 && ([ItemGoldBonus] >= 30 || [ItemMagicBonus] >= 10 || [FHR] >= 7 || [ItemReqPercent] == -15 || [Strength] >= 9)
[Type] == jewel && [Quality] == magic # [EnhancedDamage] == 40 && ([Dexterity] >= 9 || [MinDamage] == 10 || [MaxDamage] == 15 || [FireMaxdam] >= 50 || [LightMaxdam] >= 100 || [ColdMaxdam] >= 15)
[Type] == jewel && [Quality] == magic # [FireResist]+[LightResist]+[ColdResist]+[PoisonResist] >= 15
[Type] == jewel && [Quality] == magic # [FireResist]+[LightResist]+[ColdResist]+[PoisonResist] >= 12 && [IAS] == 15
[Type] == jewel && [Quality] == magic # [FireResist]+[LightResist]+[ColdResist]+[PoisonResist] >= 12 && [FHR] >= 7
[Type] == jewel && [Quality] == magic # [FireResist]+[LightResist]+[ColdResist]+[PoisonResist] >= 12 && [ItemReqPercent] == -15
[Type] == jewel && [Quality] == magic # [FireResist]+[LightResist]+[ColdResist]+[PoisonResist] >= 12 && [Strength] >= 9
[Type] == jewel && [Quality] == magic # [FireResist]+[LightResist]+[ColdResist]+[PoisonResist] >= 12 && [Dexterity] >= 9
[Type] == jewel && [Quality] == magic # [FireResist]+[LightResist]+[ColdResist]+[PoisonResist] >= 12 && [MinDamage] >= 10
[Type] == jewel && [Quality] == magic # [FireResist]+[LightResist]+[ColdResist]+[PoisonResist] >= 12 && [MaxDamage] == 15
[Type] == jewel && [Quality] == magic # [FireResist]+[LightResist]+[ColdResist]+[PoisonResist] >= 12 && [FireMaxdam] >= 50
[Type] == jewel && [Quality] == magic # [FireResist]+[LightResist]+[ColdResist]+[PoisonResist] >= 12 && [LightMaxdam] >= 100
[Type] == jewel && [Quality] == magic # [FireResist]+[LightResist]+[ColdResist]+[PoisonResist] >= 12 && [ColdMaxdam] >= 15
[Type] == jewel && [Quality] == magic # ([FireResist] >= 30 || [LightResist] >= 30 || [ColdResist] >= 30 || [PoisonResist] >= 30) && ([Strength] >= 9 || [Dexterity] >= 9 || [ItemReqPercent] == -15 || [FHR] >= 7)
[Type] == jewel && [Quality] == magic # [Tohit] >= 100 && ([Strength] >= 9 || [Dexterity] >= 9 || [ItemReqPercent] == -15 || [FHR] >= 7 || [MinDamage] >= 10 || [MaxDamage] == 15 || [ItemGoldBonus] >= 30 || [ItemMagicBonus] >= 10)
//[Type] == jewel && [Quality] == magic # [IAS] == 15
[Type] == jewel && [Quality] == magic # [IAS] == 15 && [FHR] >= 7
[Type] == jewel && [Quality] == magic # [IAS] == 15 && ([FireResist] >= 30 || [LightResist] >= 30 || [ColdResist] >= 30 || [PoisonResist] >= 30)
[Type] == jewel && [Quality] == magic # [IAS] == 15 && ([MinDamage] >= 8 || [MaxDamage] == 15 || [Tohit] >= 100)
[Type] == jewel && [Quality] == magic # [MaxHp] >= 20 && ([EnhancedDamage] == 40 || [MaxDamage] == 15 || [MinDamage] >= 8 || [Tohit] >= 100 || [Defense] >= 64 || [ItemDamagetoMana] >= 12 || [ItemMagicBonus] == 7)
[Type] == jewel && [Quality] == magic # [MaxHp] >= 20 && ([MaxMana] == 20 || [FireResist] >= 30 || [LightResist] >= 30 || [ColdResist] >= 30 || [PoisonResist] >= 30 || [FireResist]+[LightResist]+[ColdResist]+[PoisonResist] >= 60)
[Type] == jewel && [Quality] == magic # [ItemGoldBonus] >= 30 && ([FireResist] >= 30 || [LightResist] >= 30 || [ColdResist] >= 30 || [FireResist]+[LightResist]+[ColdResist]+[PoisonResist] >= 60)
[Type] == jewel && [Quality] == magic # [ItemGoldBonus] >= 30 && ([ItemDamagetoMana] >= 12 || [Tohit] >= 100 || [EnhancedDamage] == 40 || [MaxDamage] >= 15 || [Defense] >= 64)
I'm not certain, but I think your problem lies within lines that are similar to
[Type] == jewel && [Quality] == magic # [FireResist]+[LightResist]+[ColdResist]+[PoisonResist] >= 15

This code might be interpreted like this... fire + light + cold + poison resists on a jewel are >= 12
So if just fire was 24, which is greater than or equal to 12, then it would pick it up because it would have met the requirement.
Possibly if fire was 2 light was 4 cold was 3 and poison was 3 it would pick it up as well.

In this type of code || means or, && means and, and + means add values together.
I think a code chunk you would be looking for would be similar to this:
[Type] == jewel && [Quality] == magic # [FireResist] >= 12 && [LightResist] >= 12 && [ColdResist] >= 12 && [PoisonResist] >= 12
interesting ill use that one. Thanks for the post.

Also got a syntax error afew times now not sure what its about the code I change is matched quite well with the others. I just copy paste a line with about the same things I want and just change the names. From what I can tell it does not happen alot, I seen it a few times at meph's chest and now once at Eldrich. It seems odd though because after the error pops there is nothing on the ground that would look like it would cause a error.

Anyways im going to delete and repaste magic/rare pickit from here and hope its something in there.

Another syntax error after re-pasteing magic/rare. I tried that error checker but it did not seem to find anything. It happens randomly in about 22 runs I got the error abour 6 times. Sometimes games will run smooth for about 5 games.

Syntax Error : Missing ) in parenthetical

where would that be? After looking on the ground the only thing I could see that might have been picked up was a unid blue jewel, after ID it only had like 55 to AR which would not be on the pickit. Im going to post some normal item lines that I have changed and see it anyone can spot it.

[Type] == armor && [Quality] == normal && [Class] == elite && [Flag] == ethereal
[Name] == DuskShroud && [Quality] == normal && [Flag] == ethereal # ([Sockets] == 0
[Name] == Wyrmhide && [Quality] == normal && [Flag] == ethereal # ([Sockets] == 0
[Name] == ScarabHusk && [Quality] == normal && [Flag] == ethereal # ([Sockets] == 0
[Name] == WireFleece && [Quality] == normal && [Flag] == ethereal # ([Sockets] == 0
[Name] == DiamondMail && [Quality] == normal && [Flag] == ethereal # ([Sockets] == 0
[Name] == LoricatedMail && [Quality] == normal && [Flag] == ethereal # ([Sockets] == 0
[Name] == GreatHauberk && [Quality] == normal && [Flag] == ethereal # ([Sockets] == 0
[Name] == Boneweave && [Quality] == normal && [Flag] == ethereal # ([Sockets] == 0
[Name] == BalrogSkin && [Quality] == normal && [Flag] == ethereal # ([Sockets] == 0
[Name] == ArchonPlate && [Quality] == normal && [Flag] == ethereal # ([Sockets] == 0
[Name] == KrakenShell && [Quality] == normal && [Flag] == ethereal # ([Sockets] == 0
[Name] == HellforgePlate && [Quality] == normal && [Flag] == ethereal # ([Sockets] == 0
[Name] == LacqueredPlate && [Quality] == normal && [Flag] == ethereal # ([Sockets] == 0
[Name] == ShadowPlate && [Quality] == normal && [Flag] == ethereal # ([Sockets] == 0
[Name] == SacredArmor && [Quality] == normal && [Flag] == ethereal # ([Sockets] == 0

[Type] == auricshields && [Quality] == normal # ([Sockets] == 0 || [Sockets] == 4) && [FireResist] >= 44

[Type] == polearm && [Class] == elite && [Quality] <= superior && [Flag] == ethereal # [Sockets] >= 4 // Variable
[Name] == ColossusVoulge && [Quality] == normal && [Flag] == ethereal # ([Sockets] == 0 || [Sockets] == 4)
[Name] == CrypticAxe && [Quality] == normal && [Flag] == ethereal # ([Sockets] == 0 || [Sockets] == 4)

[Name] == PhaseBlade && [Quality] == normal # ([Sockets] == 5

I dont use the newer bot because the 3.0 seems to work better for me for some reason. I have added the essence's to pickit and added the item #'s to that other file. I also have these // out.

// ##### Essences ######################
//[Name] == BurntEssenceofTerror
//[Name] == TwistedEssenceofSuffering
//[Name] == ChargedEssenseofHatred
//[Name] == EsteringEssenceofDestruction

I also removed the Mal-Zod Pick all line and added in them all as a single.

// ##### Runes #########################
//[Name] == ElRune
//[Name] == EldRune
//[Name] == TirRune
//[Name] == NefRune
//[Name] == EthRune
//[Name] == IthRune
//[Name] == TalRune
//[Name] == RalRune
//[Name] == OrtRune
//[Name] == ThulRune
//[Name] == AmnRune
//[Name] == SolRune
//[Name] == ShaelRune
//[Name] == DolRune
[Name] == HelRune
//[Name] == IoRune
[Name] == LumRune
[Name] == KoRune
[Name] == FalRune
[Name] == LemRune
[Name] == PulRune
[Name] == UmRune
[Name] == MalRune
[Name] == IstRune
[Name] == GulRune
[Name] == VexRune
[Name] == OhmRune
[Name] == LoRune
[Name] == SurRune
[Name] == BerRune
[Name] == JahRune
[Name] == ChamRune
[Name] == ZodRune

Other then that I dont think there is anything else I have changed. help would be great Smile after this error is fixed I shouldent have to change anything else.
GiantErk Wrote:Thanks alot Valez.
When he travels from point A > B he doesnt not attack anything during hes way of travel. That is if he gets surrounded by minions he just stands there untill he chickens out, or the merc kills em. Ofcourse this would look differant if he used an Enigma.

This is sadly the one I was afraid of, because as far as I know, there is no way to fix this Sad

[Type] == jewel && [Quality] == magic # [FireResist]+[LightResist]+[ColdResist]+[PoisonResist] >= 15
In theory, this is used to refer to All Resist Jewels however it has some flaws and it is in fact, what caused your bot to grab that 26% FR Jewel.
The way it works is it takes the totals of each different resist, adds them all together and checks to see if they are higher than a given value. It does NOT have to have all of those resistances, it could have 3, 1, or even 2 of them and it would still grab it if their totals were >= XX.
For example:
10 Fire + 2 Light + 3 Cold + 0 Poison = 15 - This is something that would be grabbed.
26 Fire + 0 Light + 0 Cold + 0 Poison = 26 - This would also be grabbed.

Thus why they are not an effective way to isolate All Resist jewels and I am not sure if there are any All Resist mods for coding it. The best way is to isolate each resistance, this results in longer but more accurate code. In the end, I don't think it matters much, at least not a 1x1 box in my opinion! Big Grin

There is no need for ">=" in that GC as that would grab only a 15 all resist gc (or possibly a single resist one) which is the maximum. It's more or less just a habit and it won't affect it grabbing the correct one if you have it set to the maximum and it also makes it that much easier to change in the future should you deem a lower quailty one as desireable.
Need help with setting up D2NT? Check out my guide:
any idea on the sintax error? I posted some pickit lines it might be in above, but I cant see anthing wrong really.

is said Syntax Error : Missing ) in parenthetical

so I will assume I am missing a ) somewhere.
[Name] == PhaseBlade && [Quality] == normal # ([Sockets] == 5

Last line just before your essences part.
Just remove the bold/red part and it should be fine.
Need help with setting up D2NT? Check out my guide:
ahh thanks alot. Every day I learn more things tonn's about this script and its only been 3 days Tongue

I think I must have copied something like [Name] == BerserkerAxe && [Quality] == normal && [Flag] == ethereal # ([Sockets] == 0 || [Sockets] == 6) and edited it for the phase blade. Now I know you only need the ( ) if theres two different numbers of sockets you are looking for.

It seems odd that some games it would be fine and go for 5-6 runs and not get the error, but when it did there was never any phase blades on the ground.
Airoch Wrote:ahh thanks alot. Every day I learn more things tonn's about this script and its only been 3 days Tongue

I think I must have copied something like [Name] == BerserkerAxe && [Quality] == normal && [Flag] == ethereal # ([Sockets] == 0 || [Sockets] == 6) and edited it for the phase blade. Now I know you only need the ( ) if theres two different numbers of sockets you are looking for.

It seems odd that some games it would be fine and go for 5-6 runs and not get the error, but when it did there was never any phase blades on the ground.

Well thats likely because its not triggering a search through white items except when you get the error, or at least that would be what I would think it would work as, but yes, () are used for comparison purposes ("or" statements essentially).
Need help with setting up D2NT? Check out my guide:
more good info Smile

I was also wondering if there is a script to add more rares for selling purposes. I often see the bot skipping armor's/wands, shields and other things that would 90% of the time sell for 35k

One of my buddies gambled a nice maras the other day which has me wanting to max my gambleing.
check the stickies. Someone put together a huge list of magic_rares
yea thats the one I use. It seems more for very high end drops.

Its not a big deal I will just have to try and write my own. Should be easier now that I get no more errors and I will know which lines it will be if I do.

Again thanks for all the insight
you can try to lower the req's for keeping the items. Also download gumshield's checker. That helped me a lot with sorting out errors
Just add the item types you want and for their stats, put 2 required mods that can NEVER be on the same item at same time. This will make it grab that type and since reqs will never be met it will always sell them.
So make it require +2 sorc skills AND +2 zon skills or something. Also any mod that is only found on specific items would work too. Like annis exp bonus or Gheeds vendor bonus.
Need help with setting up D2NT? Check out my guide:
I had a error on my manager I have never had before in about 200+ runs now, it said.

NTTristram.ntj : NTA_ClearLevel()Failed(Tristram)

any idea what thats about?
Airoch Wrote:I had a error on my manager I have never had before in about 200+ runs now, it said.

NTTristram.ntj : NTA_ClearLevel()Failed(Tristram)

any idea what thats about?

Means it was unable to find the zone I think. Are you sure you have cain?
Need help with setting up D2NT? Check out my guide:
yea, had already done many hell trist runs before that error. maybe it was just lag.

How do you get a CTA to work on a pally bot? After I put it on him he wont cast it. I have the CTA / rand shield in slot I and HOTO / Spirit in II.

When he gets to a new place it looks like he wants to cast it as he stands there for about 4 seconds now which he dident do before but it wont cast the CTA.

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