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06-12-2011, 06:42 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-12-2011, 06:47 PM by Pubrulz.)
skidude Wrote:Yes there is a way but I'm not 100% sure about the code's
open \D2NT\scripts\libs\common then click precast and scroll down till u see sorc precast and add this line under another precast.
NTC_CastSkill(52, NTC_HAND_RIGHT); // Enchant
If it does not work its cause we need the GetState code too, Please let me know if it works or don't work
This was originally posted as a reply to someone looking to enchant their merc before killing stuff. The code given enchants the sorc herself. Looking for the way to target the merc first. I've not checked all the thousands of posts since you answered this, Skidude, so it may have been resolved.
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Joined: Jun 2011
hi i got my bot to go in the game then when it goes to kill the bosses it says nta_killmonsterfailed() any ideas
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Joined: Jun 2011
i'm kind of new into this.
i have been able to run the bot ... at least start of ( entering in the game ) .
but when im trying to do tristdam ( as exemple ) ... im taking the tp ... then take a couple of footstepwalk
then game close NTA cleared area failed ... or something like this !!
any way to fix this ?
my second question ... i have been looking around for more then a week ( at work ) ...
how config bot to take ONLY runes, gold and hp ???
third question ... where put my Cube and tp book ?
thank you
sorry for my bad english quality ... im frenchy devilish:
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Sorry I cannot answer extreme code question, but a google search might help.
Anyways, thadpg, I can help with your second and third.
Make your normal pickit file look like this.
Code: // ##### Helms #########################
//[Type] == helm && [Class] >= exceptional && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 3 && [EnhancedDefense] >= 10 // Delirium or Dream
// ##### Armor #########################
//[Name] == MagePlate && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # ([Sockets] == 0 || [Sockets] == 3) && [EnhancedDefense] >= 10 // Enigma
//[Type] == armor && [Class] == elite && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # ([Sockets] == 0 || [Sockets] >= 3) && [EnhancedDefense] >= 10 // Variable
//[Name] == SacredArmor && [Quality] == normal # [Defense] >= 800 && [Sockets] == 0 // Cubing
//[Type] == armor && [Quality] == normal # [Defense] >= 1100 && [Sockets] >= 3 // Variable
// ##### Shields #######################
//[Type] == shield && [Class] == elite && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 3 && [EnhancedDefense] >= 10 // Dream
//[Name] == Monarch && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # ([Sockets] == 0 || [Sockets] == 4) && [EnhancedDefense] >= 10 // Phoenix or Spirit
// ##### Gloves ########################
// ##### Boots #########################
// ##### Belts #########################
// ##### Barbarian Helms ###############
//[Type] == primalhelm && [Class] == elite && [Quality] <= superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 3 && [SkillBattleOrders]+[SkillBattleCommand] >= 5 // Delirium
//[Type] == primalhelm && [Class] == elite && [Quality] <= superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 3 && [SkillBattleOrders]+[SkillFindItem] >= 5 // Delirium
//[Type] == primalhelm && [Class] == elite && [Quality] <= superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 3 && [SkillBattleOrders]+[SkillShout] >= 5 // Delirium
// ##### Druid Pelts ###################
//[Type] == pelt && [Class] == elite && [Quality] <= superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 3 && [SkillHurricane]+[SkillTornado] >= 5 // Delirium
// ##### Paladin Shields ###############
//[Type] == auricshields && [Class] == elite && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # ([Sockets] == 0 || [Sockets] >= 3) && [EnhancedDefense] >= 10 && [FireResist] >= 30 // Dream or Spirit
//[Type] == auricshields && [Class] == elite && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # ([Sockets] == 0 || [Sockets] == 4) && [EnhancedDefense] >= 10 && [EnhancedDamage] >= 45 // Phoenix
//[Type] == auricshields && [Quality] == normal # [Defense] >= 300 && [Sockets] == 4 && [FireResist] >= 30 // Exile
// ##### Necromancer Shrunken Heads ####
//[Type] == voodooheads && [Class] == elite && [Quality] <= superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 2 && [SkillBoneSpear]+[SkillBoneSpirit] >= 5 // Splender
//[Type] == voodooheads && [Class] == elite && [Quality] <= superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 2 && [SkillPoisonExplosion]+[SkillPoisonNova] >= 5 // Splender
// ##### Axes ##########################
//[Name] == BerserkerAxe && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 5 && [EnhancedDamage] >= 10 // Grief
//[Name] == BerserkerAxe && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] == ethereal # ([Sockets] == 0 || [Sockets] == 6) && [EnhancedDamage] >= 10 // Breath of the Dying
// ##### Bows ##########################
//[Type] == bow && [Class] == elite && [Quality] == superior # ([Sockets] == 4 || [Sockets] == 6) && [EnhancedDamage] >= 10 // Faith or Breath of the Dying
//[Name] == GreatBow && [Quality] == superior # [Sockets] == 0 && [EnhancedDamage] >= 10 // Faith
([Name] == CrusaderBow || [Name] == HydraBow) && [Quality] == superior # [Sockets] == 0 && [EnhancedDamage] >= 10 // Breath of the Dying
// ##### Crossbows #####################
//([Name] == GorgonCrossbow || [Name] == ColossusCrossbow) && [Quality] == superior # [Sockets] == 4 && [EnhancedDamage] >= 10 // Faith
// ##### Daggers #######################
// ##### Javelins ######################
// ##### Maces #########################
//[Name] == Flail && [Quality] <= superior # [Sockets] == 4 // Heart of the Oak
// ##### Polearms ######################
//[Type] == polearm && [Class] == normal && [Quality] <= normal && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 4 // Insight for Chaos
//([Name] >= Thresher && [Name] <= GiantThresher) && [Quality] == normal && [Flag] == ethereal # [Sockets] == 0 // Cubing
//[Type] == polearm && [Class] == elite && [Quality] <= superior && [Flag] == ethereal # [Sockets] >= 4 // Variable
// ##### Scepters ######################
//[Type] == scepter && [Quality] <= superior # [Sockets] == 5 && [SkillBlessedHammer]+[SkillConcentration] >= 5 // Call to Arms
//[Type] == scepter && [Quality] <= superior # [Sockets] == 5 && [SkillFistOfTheHeavens]+[SkillConviction] >= 5 // Call to Arms
// ##### Spears ########################
//[Type] == spear && [Class] == elite && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] == ethereal # [Sockets] == 6 && [EnhancedDamage] >= 10 // Breath of the Dying
// ##### Staves ########################
// ##### Swords ########################
//[Name] == CrystalSword && [Quality] <= superior # [Sockets] == 5 // Call to Arms
//([Name] == Zweihander || [Name] == ColossusBlade) && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 5 && [EnhancedDamage] >= 10 // Grief
//[Name] == ColossusBlade && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] == ethereal # ([Sockets] == 0 || [Sockets] == 6) && [EnhancedDamage] >= 10 // Breath of the Dying
//[Name] == PhaseBlade && [Quality] == superior # ([Sockets] == 0 || [Sockets] == 6) && [EnhancedDamage] >= 10 // Last Wish
// ##### Throwing ######################
// ##### Wands #########################
//[Type] == wand && [Quality] <= superior # [Sockets] != 1 && [SkillBoneSpear]+[SkillBoneSpirit] >= 5 // White
// ##### Amazon Weapons ################
//[Type] == amazonbow && [Class] == elite && [Quality] == superior # [Sockets] == 4 && [EnhancedDamage] >= 10 && [BowAndCrossbowSkillTab] >= 2 // Faith
// ##### Assassin Katars ###############
//([Name] == Suwayyah || [Name] == ScissorsSuwayyah) && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # ([Sockets] == 0 || [Sockets] == 3) && [EnhancedDamage] >= 10 // Chaos
// ##### Sorceress Orbs ################
// ##### Circlets ######################
//[Type] == circlet && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 3 && [EnhancedDefense] >= 10 // Dream
// ##### Runes #########################
[b]//[Name] == ElRune
//[Name] == EldRune
//[Name] == TirRune
//[Name] == NefRune
//[Name] == EthRune
//[Name] == IthRune
//[Name] == TalRune
//[Name] == RalRune
//[Name] == OrtRune
//[Name] == ThulRune
//[Name] == AmnRune
//[Name] == SolRune
//[Name] == ShaelRune
//[Name] == DolRune
//[Name] == HelRune
//[Name] == IoRune
//[Name] == LumRune
//[Name] == KoRune
//[Name] == FalRune
//[Name] == LemRune
[Name] == PulRune
[Name] == UmRune
[Name] == MalRune
[Name] >= IstRune && [Name] <= ZodRune[/b]
// ##### Gems ##########################
//[Name] == ChippedAmethyst
//[Name] == ChippedDiamond
//[Name] == ChippedEmerald
//[Name] == ChippedRuby
//[Name] == ChippedSapphire
//[Name] == ChippedSkull
//[Name] == ChippedTopaz
//[Name] == FlawedAmethyst
//[Name] == FlawedDiamond
//[Name] == FlawedEmerald
//[Name] == FlawedRuby
//[Name] == FlawedSapphire
//[Name] == FlawedSkull
//[Name] == FlawedTopaz
//[Name] == Amethyst
//[Name] == Diamond
//[Name] == Emerald
//[Name] == Ruby
//[Name] == Skull
//[Name] == Sapphire
//[Name] == Topaz
//[Name] == FlawlessAmethyst
//[Name] == FlawlessDiamond
//[Name] == FlawlessEmerald
//[Name] == FlawlessRuby
//[Name] == FlawlessSapphire
//[Name] == FlawlessSkull
//[Name] == FlawlessTopaz
//[Name] == PerfectAmethyst
//[Name] == PerfectDiamond
//[Name] == PerfectEmerald
//[Name] == PerfectRuby
//[Name] == PerfectSapphire
//[Name] == PerfectSkull
//[Name] == PerfectTopaz
// ##### Potions #######################
[b]//[Name] == GreaterHealingPotion
[Name] == SuperHealingPotion
//[Name] == GreaterManaPotion
[Name] == SuperManaPotion
//[Name] == RejuvenationPotion
[Name] == FullRejuvenationPotion[/b]
// ##### Keys ##########################
//[Name] == KeyOfTerror
//[Name] == KeyOfHate
//[Name] == KeyOfDestruction
// ##### Essences ######################
//[Name] == TwistedEssenceOfSuffering
//[Name] == ChargedEssenseOfHatred
//[Name] == BurningEssenceOfTerror
//[Name] == FesteringEssenceOfDestruction
//[Name] == TokenOfAbsolution
// ##### Gold ##########################
[b][Type] == gold # [Gold] >= 3000[/b]
The bolded areas of the code are the areas where you should edit to fit your liking.
Otherwise, just have this in your normal pickit and just edit this to fit your liking.
Code: // ##### Runes #########################
//[Name] == ElRune
//[Name] == EldRune
//[Name] == TirRune
//[Name] == NefRune
//[Name] == EthRune
//[Name] == IthRune
//[Name] == TalRune
//[Name] == RalRune
//[Name] == OrtRune
//[Name] == ThulRune
//[Name] == AmnRune
//[Name] == SolRune
//[Name] == ShaelRune
//[Name] == DolRune
//[Name] == HelRune
//[Name] == IoRune
//[Name] == LumRune
//[Name] == KoRune
//[Name] == FalRune
//[Name] == LemRune
[Name] == PulRune
[Name] == UmRune
[Name] == MalRune
[Name] >= IstRune && [Name] <= ZodRune
// ##### Potions #######################
//[Name] == GreaterHealingPotion
[Name] == SuperHealingPotion
//[Name] == GreaterManaPotion
[Name] == SuperManaPotion
//[Name] == RejuvenationPotion
[Name] == FullRejuvenationPotion
// ##### Gold ##########################
[Type] == gold # [Gold] >= 3000
Now, after whichever option you decide to do, go to your char config, and do this.
Code: //NTConfig_NIPFilePath.push("normal/normal.nip");
Now, for your third thing. The cube is up to you, but I normally put it in my stash, however, you should keep the book on you.
Your bot cannot put things in the cube, so thats why I keep it in the stash. Like, I put items in the cube so it doesn't take up space for the bot when I want to keep that item on my botting character.
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Joined: Jun 2011
Hey 1st off i would like to say great bot and very usefull information through out this sticky. i just have 2 questions, how do i enable maphack for like when im not running the bot. Like i see the map thing from the file with the char configs but if i wanted to do some manual mf with mh how would i do that. and is mh just as safe as the bot or no?
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Joined: Jun 2011
06-27-2011, 11:42 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-27-2011, 11:58 PM by KrakenDomes.)
I am also having problems setting up bot atm!! ( for FRENY BARB ) no enigma
Errors I get are:
Useportal - fail
killmonster - fail
take wp - fail
My character wont attack, gets stuck, wont send out invites, goes to town for no reason, and a few other things.....
What am I doing wrong :S
---------- Post added at 08:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:26 AM ----------
Here is my Char config
Code: function NT_LoadConfig()
// Boss configuration
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTPindleskin.ntj"); NTConfig_NihlathakExtension = false;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTNihlathak.ntj"); NTConfig_PindleskinExtension = false;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTEldritch.ntj"); NTConfig_ShenkExtension = false;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTFrozenRiver.ntj"); NTConfig_ClearFrozenRiver = false;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTGlacialTrail.ntj"); NTConfig_ClearGlacialTrail = false;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTIcyCellar.ntj"); NTConfig_ClearIcyCellar = false;
NTConfig_Script.push("NTBaal.ntj"); NTConfig_KillBaal = true;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTAct3Sewers.ntj"); NTConfig_ClearA3SewersLevel1 = 1; // 0 : don't clear, 1 : clear path only, 2 : clear all
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTSummoner.ntj"); NTConfig_KillFireEye = true;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTPit.ntj"); NTConfig_ClearPitLevel1 = 1; // 0 : don't clear, 1 : clear path only, 2 : clear all
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTMausoleum.ntj"); NTConfig_KillBloodRaven = true;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTHole.ntj"); NTConfig_ClearHoleLevel1 = 1; // 0 : don't clear, 1 : clear path only, 2 : clear all
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTTristram.ntj"); NTConfig_KillRakanishu = true;
me.maxgametime = 1200; // time in seconds, maximum game length (0 is infinite)
NTConfig_StartDelay = 0; // Delay time in milliseconds to start;
NTConfig_AreaDelay = 500; // Delay time in milliseconds to change area;
NTConfig_SnagDelay = 500; // Delay time in milliseconds to wait before starting picking items
NTConfig_SkipHealLife = 90; // If you have more than this percent of life, you won't go to a healer
NTConfig_SkipHealMana = 70; // If you have more than this percent of mana, you won't go to a healer
NTConfig_UseMerc = true; // Set to true if you use a mercenary, will revive merc at a reviver npc.
NTConfig_ResetWeapon = false; // Set to true to reset weapon when reviving merc
NTConfig_LifeThresh = 60; // Drink a normal potion if under this percent of life.
NTConfig_LifeRejuvThresh = 40; // Drink a rejuvenation potion if under this percent of life.
NTConfig_ManaThresh = 30; // Drink a normal potion if under this percent of mana.
NTConfig_ManaRejuvThresh = 10; // Drink a rejuvenation potion if under this percent of mana.
NTConfig_LifeChicken = 30; // This is your chicken life percent. If you go below this life total, exit game.
NTConfig_ManaChicken = 0; // This is your chicken mana percent. If you go below this mana total, exit game.
NTConfig_MercLifeThresh = 50; // This is the threshold to use a life potion on your merc in percent.
NTConfig_MercRejuvThresh = 30; // This is the threshold to use a rejuv potion on your merc in percent.
NTConfig_MercChicken = 20; // This is your mercs chicken life percent. If he goes below this, exit game.
NTConfig_FreeSpace = 4; // Number of free columns. If less full columns are free stashing is set.
// The numbers correspond to your inventory. Set 0 to keep whatever is there, 1 to stash it.
NTConfig_Columns[0] = [1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0];
NTConfig_Columns[1] = [1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0];
NTConfig_Columns[2] = [1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0];
NTConfig_Columns[3] = [1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0];
NTConfig_MinGoldToStash = 100000; // Maximum gold amount carried before going to stash
// Type of potion used in each belt column
// Available types : "hp" = health | "mp" = mana | "rv" = rejuv. Can use other potion types too.
// Keep equal types at adjacent columns. First HP then MP and then HP again is a bad choice.
// Keep HP and MP at the beginning of the belt (in case you want to use rejuv and other types).
// Rejuvenations MUST, I REPEAT MUST be at the end of the belt (last x columns).
// To use rejuvenations only, put "rv" in all columns.
NTConfig_BeltColType[0] = "hp";
NTConfig_BeltColType[1] = "mp";
NTConfig_BeltColType[2] = "rv";
NTConfig_BeltColType[3] = "rv";
// SnagIt configuration
// Select one group only (normal / advance / extreme)
NTConfig_SnagRange = 40; // Radius to check for dropped items. 40 is a good number here
// Cubing configuration
NTConfig_Cubing = false; // Enable cubing
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 560]); // Flawless Amethyst
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 565]); // Flawless Topaz
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 570]); // Flawless Saphire
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 575]); // Flawless Emerald
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 580]); // Flawless Ruby
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 585]); // Flawless Diamond
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 600]); // Flawless Skull
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_MAGIC, 420]); // Magic Tiara
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_MAGIC, 421]); // Magic Diadem
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_MAGIC_CHARM, 603]); // Magic Small Charm
NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_MAGIC_CHARM, 605]); // Magic Grand Charm
NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_HITPOWER_GLOVES, 382]); // Craft Heavy Bracers
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_HITPOWER_GLOVES, 452]); // Craft Vambraces
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_HELM, 354]); // Craft Casque
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_HELM, 424]); // Craft Armet
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_BOOTS, 388]); // Craft Battle Boots
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_BOOTS, 458]); // Craft Mirrored Boots
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_GLOVES, 381]); // Craft Sharkskin Gloves
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_GLOVES, 451]); // Craft Vampirebone Gloves
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_BELT, 392]); // Craft Mesh Belt
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_BELT, 462]); // Craft Mithril Coil
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_AMULET, 520]); // Craft Amulet
NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_RING, 522]); // Craft Ring
NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_CASTER_AMULET, 520]); // Craft Amulet
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_SAFETY_SHIELD, 447]); // Craft Monarch
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_SAFETY_AMULET, 520]); // Craft Amulet
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_THUL, 562]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_AMN, 557]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_SOL, 567]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_SHAEL, 577]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_DOL, 572]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_HEL, 582]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_IO, 563]);
NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_LUM, 558]);
NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_KO, 568]);
NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_FAL, 578]);
NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_LEM, 573]);
NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_PUL, 583]);
NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_UM, 564]);
NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_MAL, 559]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_IST, 569]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_GUL, 579]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_VEX, 574]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_OHM, 584]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_LO, 565]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_SUR, 560]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_BER, 570]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_JAH, 580]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_CHAM, 575]);
//***** Include the following, Primary item must be setted in item_configs folder *****
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_SOCKET_BODYARMOR, 442]); // Socket Sacred Armor
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_SOCKET_WEAPON, 255]); // Socket Thresher
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_SOCKET_WEAPON, 256]); // Socket Cryptic Axe
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_SOCKET_WEAPON, 257]); // Socket Great Poleaxe
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_SOCKET_WEAPON, 258]); // Socket Giant Thresher
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_WEAPON, 295]); // Titan's Revenge : Exceptional -> Elite
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_N_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 337]); // Magefist : Normal -> Exceptional
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 360]); // Skin of the Vipermagi : Exceptional -> Elite
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 383]); // Magefist or Lava Gout : Exceptional -> Elite
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 389]); // Gore Rider : Exceptional -> Elite
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 477]); // Arreat's Face : Exceptional -> Elite
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 481]); // Herald Of Zakarum : Exceptional -> Elite
// Gamble configuration
// To specify what items to gamble, adjust the array with the desired item codes
NTConfig_Gamble = true; // Enable gambling
NTConfig_GambleStartGold = 800000; // Gold amount to start the gambling
NTConfig_GambleStopGold = 300000; // Gold amount to stop the gambling
NTConfig_GambleItem.push(520); // Amulets
NTConfig_GambleItem.push(522); // Rings
NTConfig_GambleItem.push(418); // Circlets
NTConfig_GambleItem.push(419); // Coronets
//NTConfig_GambleItem.push(334); // Leather Gloves
//NTConfig_GambleItem.push(335); // Heavy Gloves
NTConfig_GambleItem.push(336); // Chain Gloves
//NTConfig_GambleItem.push(337); // Light Gauntlets
//NTConfig_GambleItem.push(338); // Gauntlets
// General configuration
NTConfig_PublicMode = false;
NTConfig_CheckCloneDiablo = false; // Set to true if you want to wait in game after notifying "Diablo Walks the Earth" msg.
NTConfig_OpenChest = true; // Set to true to open chest
me.quitonhostile = false;
// Attack configuration
NTConfig_AttackSkill[0] = 147;// First skill. Set to 0 if you won't
NTConfig_AttackSkill[1] = 133;// Primary skill to boss.
NTConfig_AttackSkill[2] = 0; // Reserved
NTConfig_AttackSkill[3] = 0; // Primary skill to others.
NTConfig_AttackSkill[4] = 0; // Reserved
NTConfig_AttackSkill[5] = 0; // Secondary skill in case monster is immune to primary skill. Set to 0 if you won't
NTConfig_AttackSkill[6] = 0; // Reserved
NTConfig_ClearPosition = true; // Set to true if you want to clear area after killing boss.
// Check self safe in field (NOT in town). Set to 0 if you won't
// 0x01 : Potion, 0x02 : Poison, 0x04 : Amplify Damage, 0x08 : Weaken, 0x10 : Iron Maiden, 0x20 : Decrepify, 0x40 : Lower Resist
NTConfig_CheckSelfSafe = 0x10;
// Check merc's safe in field (NOT in town). Set to 0 if you won't
// 0x01 : Death, 0x02 : Poison, 0x04 : Amplify Damage, 0x08 : Weaken, 0x10 : Iron Maiden, 0x20 : Decrepify, 0x40 : Lower Resist
NTConfig_CheckMercSafe = 0x01|0x04|0x10|0x40;
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Hey can somebody help me im a new runner in Baal Games for "Clan Ha" and i would like my bot after each game to stay in Clan Ha's channel but instead he goes to a random channel can anybody help me of where to go to change than Please and Thankyou
~ Clan Ha - Herhwej
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06-28-2011, 05:39 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-28-2011, 07:33 PM by chas9.)
I downloaded and seem to have set everything up correctly, but i keep getting connection interrupted 45seconds into the game. I am using a hammerdin. i just want him to do baal and diablo. I would be very grateful for some help! Thanks! I am going to post my cofig below incase i have messed up somewhere. I have changed some stuff. It drops 43-45 seconds ever game.
var NTConfig_UseRedemptionHP;
var NTConfig_UseRedemptionMP;
function NT_LoadConfig()
// Boss configuration
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTPindleskin.ntj"); NTConfig_NihlathakExtension = false;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTNihlathak.ntj"); NTConfig_PindleskinExtension = false;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTEldritch.ntj"); NTConfig_ShenkExtension = false;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTFrozenRiver.ntj"); NTConfig_ClearFrozenRiver = false;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTGlacialTrail.ntj"); NTConfig_ClearGlacialTrail = false;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTIcyCellar.ntj"); NTConfig_ClearIcyCellar = false;
NTConfig_Script.push("NTBaal.ntj"); NTConfig_KillBaal = true;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTAct3Sewers.ntj"); NTConfig_ClearA3SewersLevel1 = 1; // 0 : don't clear, 1 : clear path only, 2 : clear all
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTSummoner.ntj"); NTConfig_KillFireEye = true;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTPit.ntj"); NTConfig_ClearPitLevel1 = 1; // 0 : don't clear, 1 : clear path only, 2 : clear all
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTMausoleum.ntj"); NTConfig_KillBloodRaven = true;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTHole.ntj"); NTConfig_ClearHoleLevel1 = 1; // 0 : don't clear, 1 : clear path only, 2 : clear all
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTTristram.ntj"); NTConfig_KillRakanishu = true;
me.maxgametime = 1200; // time in seconds, maximum game length (0 is infinite)
NTConfig_StartDelay = 0; // Delay time in milliseconds to start;
NTConfig_AreaDelay = 500; // Delay time in milliseconds to change area;
NTConfig_SnagDelay = 500; // Delay time in milliseconds to wait before starting picking items
NTConfig_SkipHealLife = 60; // If you have more than this percent of life, you won't go to a healer
NTConfig_SkipHealMana = 20; // If you have more than this percent of mana, you won't go to a healer
NTConfig_UseMerc = true; // Set to true if you use a mercenary, will revive merc at a reviver npc.
NTConfig_ResetWeapon = false; // Set to true to reset weapon when reviving merc
NTConfig_LifeThresh = 70; // Drink a normal potion if under this percent of life.
NTConfig_LifeRejuvThresh = 20; // Drink a rejuvenation potion if under this percent of life.
NTConfig_ManaThresh = 30; // Drink a normal potion if under this percent of mana.
//NTConfig_ManaRejuvThresh = 30; // Drink a rejuvenation potion if under this percent of mana.
NTConfig_LifeChicken = 20; // This is your chicken life percent. If you go below this life total, exit game.
//NTConfig_ManaChicken = 10; // This is your chicken mana percent. If you go below this mana total, exit game.
NTConfig_MercLifeThresh = 50; // This is the threshold to use a life potion on your merc in percent.
NTConfig_MercRejuvThresh = 30; // This is the threshold to use a rejuv potion on your merc in percent.
//NTConfig_MercChicken = 20; // This is your mercs chicken life percent. If he goes below this, exit game.
NTConfig_FreeSpace = 5; // Number of free columns. If less full columns are free stashing is set.
// The numbers correspond to your inventory. Set 0 to keep whatever is there, 1 to stash it.
NTConfig_Columns[0] = [0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1];
NTConfig_Columns[1] = [0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1];
NTConfig_Columns[2] = [0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1];
NTConfig_Columns[3] = [0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1];
NTConfig_MinGoldToStash = 100000; // Maximum gold amount carried before going to stash
// Type of potion used in each belt column
// Available types : "hp" = health | "mp" = mana | "rv" = rejuv. Can use other potion types too.
// Keep equal types at adjacent columns. First HP then MP and then HP again is a bad choice.
// Keep HP and MP at the beginning of the belt (in case you want to use rejuv and other types).
// Rejuvenations MUST, I REPEAT MUST be at the end of the belt (last x columns).
// To use rejuvenations only, put "rv" in all columns.
NTConfig_BeltColType[0] = "hp";
NTConfig_BeltColType[1] = "mp";
NTConfig_BeltColType[2] = "rv";
NTConfig_BeltColType[3] = "rv";
// SnagIt configuration
// Select one group only (normal / advance / extreme)
NTConfig_SnagRange = 40; // Radius to check for dropped items. 40 is a good number here
// Cubing configuration
NTConfig_Cubing = false; // Enable cubing
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 560]); // Flawless Amethyst
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 565]); // Flawless Topaz
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 570]); // Flawless Saphire
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 575]); // Flawless Emerald
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 580]); // Flawless Ruby
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 585]); // Flawless Diamond
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 600]); // Flawless Skull
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_MAGIC, 420]); // Magic Tiara
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_MAGIC, 421]); // Magic Diadem
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_MAGIC_CHARM, 603]); // Magic Small Charm
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_MAGIC_CHARM, 605]); // Magic Grand Charm
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_HITPOWER_GLOVES, 382]); // Craft Heavy Bracers
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_HITPOWER_GLOVES, 452]); // Craft Vambraces
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_HELM, 354]); // Craft Casque
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_HELM, 424]); // Craft Armet
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_BOOTS, 388]); // Craft Battle Boots
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_BOOTS, 458]); // Craft Mirrored Boots
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_GLOVES, 381]); // Craft Sharkskin Gloves
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_GLOVES, 451]); // Craft Vampirebone Gloves
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_BELT, 392]); // Craft Mesh Belt
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_BELT, 462]); // Craft Mithril Coil
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_AMULET, 520]); // Craft Amulet
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_RING, 522]); // Craft Ring
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_CASTER_AMULET, 520]); // Craft Amulet
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_SAFETY_SHIELD, 447]); // Craft Monarch
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_SAFETY_AMULET, 520]); // Craft Amulet
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_ESSENSE, 0]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_THUL, 562]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_AMN, 557]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_SOL, 567]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_SHAEL, 577]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_DOL, 572]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_HEL, 582]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_IO, 563]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_LUM, 558]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_KO, 568]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_FAL, 578]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_LEM, 573]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_PUL, 583]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_UM, 564]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_MAL, 559]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_IST, 569]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_GUL, 579]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_VEX, 574]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_OHM, 584]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_LO, 565]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_SUR, 560]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_BER, 570]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_JAH, 580]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_CHAM, 575]);
//***** Include the following, Primary item must be setted in item_configs folder *****
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_SOCKET_BODYARMOR, 442]); // Socket Sacred Armor
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_SOCKET_WEAPON, 255]); // Socket Thresher
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_SOCKET_WEAPON, 256]); // Socket Cryptic Axe
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_SOCKET_WEAPON, 257]); // Socket Great Poleaxe
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_SOCKET_WEAPON, 258]); // Socket Giant Thresher
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_WEAPON, 295]); // Titan's Revenge : Exceptional -> Elite
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_N_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 337]); // Magefist : Normal -> Exceptional
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 360]); // Skin of the Vipermagi : Exceptional -> Elite
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 383]); // Magefist or Lava Gout : Exceptional -> Elite
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 389]); // Gore Rider : Exceptional -> Elite
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 477]); // Arreat's Face : Exceptional -> Elite
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 481]); // Herald Of Zakarum : Exceptional -> Elite
// Gamble configuration
// To specify what items to gamble, adjust the array with the desired item codes
NTConfig_Gamble = true; // Enable gambling
NTConfig_GambleStartGold = 1000000; // Gold amount to start the gambling
NTConfig_GambleStopGold = 500000; // Gold amount to stop the gambling
NTConfig_GambleItem.push(520); // Amulets
NTConfig_GambleItem.push(522); // Rings
NTConfig_GambleItem.push(418); // Circlets
NTConfig_GambleItem.push(419); // Coronets
//NTConfig_GambleItem.push(334); // Leather Gloves
//NTConfig_GambleItem.push(335); // Heavy Gloves
NTConfig_GambleItem.push(336); // Chain Gloves
//NTConfig_GambleItem.push(337); // Light Gauntlets
//NTConfig_GambleItem.push(338); // Gauntlets
// General configuration
NTConfig_PublicMode = false;
NTConfig_CheckCloneDiablo = false; // Set to true if you want to wait in game after notifying "Diablo Walks the Earth" msg.
NTConfig_OpenChest = false; // Set to true to open chest
me.quitonhostile = false;
// Attack configuration
NTConfig_AttackSkill[0] = 0; // First skill. Set to 0 if you won't
NTConfig_AttackSkill[1] = 112; // Primary skill to boss.
NTConfig_AttackSkill[2] = 113; // Primary aura to boss. Set to 0 if you won't
NTConfig_AttackSkill[3] = 112; // Primary skill to others.
NTConfig_AttackSkill[4] = 113; // Primary aura to others. Set to 0 if you won't
NTConfig_AttackSkill[5] = 0; // Secondary skill in case monster is immune to primary skill. Set to 0 if you won't
NTConfig_AttackSkill[6] = 0; // Secondary aura. Set to 0 if you won't
NTConfig_ClearPosition = false; // Set to true if you want to clear area after killing boss.
// Check self safe in field (NOT in town). Set to 0 if you won't
// 0x01 : Potion, 0x02 : Poison, 0x04 : Amplify Damage, 0x08 : Weaken, 0x10 : Iron Maiden, 0x20 : Decrepify, 0x40 : Lower Resist
NTConfig_CheckSelfSafe = 0;
// Check merc's safe in field (NOT in town). Set to 0 if you won't
// 0x01 : Death, 0x02 : Poison, 0x04 : Amplify Damage, 0x08 : Weaken, 0x10 : Iron Maiden, 0x20 : Decrepify, 0x40 : Lower Resist
NTConfig_CheckMercSafe = 0;
//NTConfig_UseRedemptionHP = 0; // Use Redemption if under this percent of life. Set to 0 if you won't
//NTConfig_UseRedemptionMP = 0; // Use Redemption if under this percent of mana. Set to 0 if you won't
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Joined: Jun 2011
i have set these up like 30 times before, but for some reason when i run it now it just sits there on the menu screen. Any ideas?
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Joined: Jun 2011
Hey i noticed the Script from paste bin around page 4 to make ur pally use holly bolt and what not. When i go to paste that in the file it doesnt paste like going down after each like like.
For Example:
This is what the paste bin script shows:
When i paste it goes
XXXXXXXXX(on and on) Eventually gets to the next line after its gone as far right as possible. Is there anyway to fix this?[COLOR="Silver"]
---------- Post added 06-29-2011 at 02:58 AM ---------- Previous post was 06-28-2011 at 04:04 PM ----------
[/COLOR]Hey not tryin to double post...dont think i can edit things yet. new to this forum(not to game).
But was jw if there is anyway to have the bot PP in a priv game like if i have a friend following?
and does it automatically do it in pub games. bc was looking around in the Baal script and saw it talks automatically but could see anything for auto PP.
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I bought and installed D2 and D2LOD from the blizzard site and they gave me a Game key and its more then 16 how do i do the CDkey section? please help
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hey man so i actually had one more question , os i have my acc ready so that when sojs are sold dclonewest messages me saying what ip its on but yesterday i was in a game and sojs were sold on the server my bot was in and about 5mins after once my bot was in new game that server ended up walking!!  lost an anni cause bot cant just sit still lol anyways is there anyway to make it so if you see the message of a soj being sold you have make it so that your char just sits in game for 10mins and if another message comes up it waits 10more mins? something like this would make it much easier to get annis with the bot ya know! i left a game that d walked yesterday without realissing didnt check my log lol
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Avoid, if you dont need to CHANGE your CD-Key from the one you typed in when you installed the game, you dont need to write ANYTHING on that CDKey section.
getsmemad I dont think there is such possibility in D2NT 3.1, I havent seen such script anywhere (that does not mean that one doesnt exist!), as long as I remember, there should be a specific clone hunter program (you can ask about it from the diaclone hunter irc channels...). Also, GVEtal does have its own good sides against D2NT 3.1, and I think there is a script that you just described available for the Etalbot (aka GVEtal)
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Hey I've got a question. I tried your bot and it's great, but I've got one problem. Sporadically my bot dies, and when it does, it doesn't start over. It just stays at the "dead screen", if you know what I mean. Have you any method to fix this?
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JohnnyChase Wrote:Hey I've got a question. I tried your bot and it's great, but I've got one problem. Sporadically my bot dies, and when it does, it doesn't start over. It just stays at the "dead screen", if you know what I mean. Have you any method to fix this?
set up your chiken level.
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thadpg Wrote:set up your chiken level.
Ah thanks alot man, totally forgot about that one. Appreciate it.
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hey, so I'm having a problem with my bot restarting after every game, is that normal or do I have something set wrong?
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ok! so my bot is llv 97 he picks up exp shrines and all that but now! i feel like my bot dies 1-3times a day?! im curious as to how this happens when i have life chicken at 30percent so i changed to 40percent andhe still died todya! i went from being like rank 600 on ladder to 980 cuase i lost over 25mil xp today anyone know why this may be? i changed it ot chicken at 50 percent now butt i just hopes he doesnt leave to many games for no reason ya know?
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Is there anyway to create an identical format pally config that i can use one for ladder and one for non? im aware i can just make a copy and paste into char configs, and rename it but is there anywhere else i would have to change something? like a file name? or can it only run one char type config?
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So i noticed i made it so that alll of my rare rings and ammys stay unid but for some reason it id;s the first like 6 then the rest stay unid after that every time lol any idea?