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D2NT31 NTBot42 Tutorial
busujimarei Wrote:Thank you comper, your a big help!

But where can I adjust the time to make a game?

it is in the NTBot.ntj the one you use for the entry point in your manager and this line - var createGameThreshold = 5000; the 5000 is 5 sec's
Thanks comper. Sorry to bother you again but if I add Skidude's magic_rare pickit to all my magic_rare will my bot automatically pick up and KEEP the items in my inven or stash? Also, how do I know if my bot is using 'advance' , 'extreme', or 'normal' from the items_config? Thank you.
busujimarei Wrote:Thanks comper. Sorry to bother you again but if I add Skidude's magic_rare pickit to all my magic_rare will my bot automatically pick up and KEEP the items in my inven or stash? Also, how do I know if my bot is using 'advance' , 'extreme', or 'normal' from the items_config? Thank you.

in your char config file down in this part -
// SnagIt configuration
// Select one group only (normal / advance / extreme)
there are the 3 groups the ones you have removed the // are the ones your bot looks in so which ever group want just remove the // and put // in front of the ones you don't want the bot to look in
sorry didn't get back to you last night but I fell a sleep lol

1. Does the D2NT bot posted on the 1st page still work? or is there an updated version of it. If so, can someone please direct me?
2. In your opinion, how many CD Keys are needed to run this "safely"
if you download this one - D2NT 3.1 and NTBot 4.2 - Downloads - Blizzard Sector - Diablo 3, Starcraft II, WoW, Diablo 2, Trading, Downloads, Editors, Items, Forums
you also have to download this - D2NT 1.13D Patch - Downloads - Blizzard Sector - Diablo 3, Starcraft II, WoW, Diablo 2, Trading, Downloads, Editors, Items, Forums
the last one is the updated ,dll file you will need to replace with the one in the bot folder

2. you can run bot with one key but if you going to run it for a long time best to have other keys for it to log off one and on to another one and your extra keys has to be .mpq files
Hmm.. any tips where I can obtain or buy extra keys qmd also how to use as .mpq. also, what is the ideal amount of keya to use?
pbanks Wrote:Hmm.. any tips where I can obtain or buy extra keys qmd also how to use as .mpq. also, what is the ideal amount of keya to use?

suggest you buy straight from Blizzard. Yes they're expensive, but its 100% that they wont be used/muted.
bugme143 Wrote:suggest you buy straight from Blizzard. Yes they're expensive, but its 100% that they wont be used/muted.

stores like wal-mart has the d2 chest for 19.99
Is there any possible way to get another bot running so that my other char can leech xp? or is this not able to be done with this kind of bot?

thank-you for all the help
yes you can but you will need to get a modded one like etal
you can leech your own leader or your friends or even someone you don't know
plus a lot of other options
hey everything is fine but when i press run, d2 open and close at same time with the error message: acces violation
you need to download this - D2NT 1.13D Patch - Downloads - Blizzard Sector - Diablo 3, Starcraft II, WoW, Diablo 2, Trading, Downloads, Editors, Items, Forums
and this .dll with the one in your bot
ok thanks working now.. hmm he do the run but keep making tp every 15 sec to see malah and larzuk for repair ??? :O
you might check your armor and see if it is full repaired and if the bot is going there for that you might see how bad your armor is damaged and if so I will see what % he goes for repairs
ok so i repaired my armor and he stoped to see larzuk but he keep seeing malah ??
grtre2 Wrote:ok so i repaired my armor and he stoped to see larzuk but he keep seeing malah ??

is he going to malah after the run and when he does can you tell what it is doing
could be you have a curse and going to town to remove it even on your merc so if you can do your runs ok without going to town because of a curse, can change the setting for that
he going during the run and theres no curse... he just go on trade window but he do nothing and go back in tp again and again
only other thing without seeing what it doing is you might have your healing % set where it is causeing it to go to town
if you can c/p your char config file into so I can look at it
var NTConfig_UseRedemptionHP; var NTConfig_UseRedemptionMP; function NT_Load -
grtre2 Wrote:var NTConfig_UseRedemptionHP; var NTConfig_UseRedemptionMP; function NT_Load -

ok first thing I see is you have your inventory locked out - do you have any free spaces in your inventory?
2. I see you didn't set any skills even tho it can run without them its still a good choice to add them
3. at the bottom of your file there are these 2 lines
NTConfig_CheckSelfSafe = 0x04|0x40; change it to this - NTConfig_CheckSelfSafe = 0;
NTConfig_CheckMercSafe = 0x01|0x04|0x10|0x40; this one to this - NTConfig_CheckMercSafe = 0;

see if that will help

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