06-13-2010, 12:28 AM
[SIZE="5"]Awesom-O 5.0b3 for 1.13c[/SIZE]
Awesom-O is a very nice MF bot, i´ve used it a long time now without any complains and it seems safe also.
1. Download the bot
2. extract the file
3. Start the AoManager.exe
4. Click on "AoSettings" at the bottom
5. a new window will pop up
6. click on the blank field of "Diablo II Directory" and go to your Diablo II folder
7. next go to "Realm" and open the combo box
8. choose your Realm you which to bot on
9. close the window
10. Click on "Bot Settings" at the bottom
11. Click on the "Profiles" tab
12. at first, type in any profile name and click "Add"
13. next go to the "Login Data" field
Diablo II Directory: point to your Diablo Ii folder
Owner Name: the Owner name of your CDKey
Username: Diablo II account name
Password: Diablo II account password
Character Position: the position of your character in your account
14. next go to the "Game Settings" field
Game Name: the game name
Game Password: the game password, set a tick at "No Password" if you dont like to set a password to your games
Difficulty: game difficulty
Channel: the channel which the bot will join
First Join Channel Message: message after joining the channel the first time
Next Game Message: message which announce the next game name
Too Short Message: message to be sent in channel if the last game was too short
15. next go to the "Cd Keys" field
Change keys after X games: change game after X amount of games
Classic Key: type in your classic key and click on "Add"
Expansion Key: type in your expansion key and click on "Add"
16. Click on "Save Profile" and close the window
17. click on "Char settings"
18. type in your Character Name and click on "Add"
19. now click on "Edit Sequence"
20. here you can customize your run, to add a boss to your run you have to open the combo box at the bottom and choose the boss, next you have to click on "Add Boss". Once you are finished, click on "Accept".
21. now go through the rest tabs and configure them, they are pretty self-explaining
22. once you are finished, close all windows and click on "Start"!