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Bot sells my skillers
Because i am not finding any skillers, i was monitoring the action.

I saw the hammer picking up a grand charm, it went to identifie it and then sold the gc.
I paused it and went to look what it was, it was a clean cold skiller, why did it sell it and not put it in the stash ??

I tryed to find it out myselve but havent found it yet (even with search on this forum)
Found other info for archon plate, shields, etc....
but not for skillers yet
Xantos Wrote:Because i am not finding any skillers, i was monitoring the action.

I saw the hammer picking up a grand charm, it went to identifie it and then sold the gc.
I paused it and went to look what it was, it was a clean cold skiller, why did it sell it and not put it in the stash ??

I tryed to find it out myselve but havent found it yet (even with search on this forum)
Found other info for archon plate, shields, etc....
but not for skillers yet
find the pickit your using (look in your characternameconfig file to find which one) and then look in D2NT\scripts\NTBot\item_configs and find the pickit that is uncommented in your config file.Now open it up and look for the magic rare.nip.Open that and scroll down to the grand charm section, thats what the bot uses to determine what charms to pick up.Most likely plain skillers aren't in your pickit, so you can either manually add them or follow the instructions in the godlr magic_rare pickit sticky and use that one, it has everything in it(or just about everything,anyway)
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Well I’m not there all the time you know Some people, some people, some people, Call it insane, yeah they call it insane, (sugar) I play russian roulette everyday, a man’s sport, With a bullet called life, yeah called life,(sugar)
tx dude Smile

I tryed them all, normal, advanced and extreme but i didnt get any skillers and they kept on getting sold.
Didnt see/find the godly picket
Many tx

Now im using 2 pickets of you (but with lower specs, im just starting :p) and 1 of godly Smile
Xantos Wrote:tx dude Smile

I tryed them all, normal, advanced and extreme but i didnt get any skillers and they kept on getting sold.
Didnt see/find the godly picket
Many tx

Now im using 2 pickets of you (but with lower specs, im just starting :p) and 1 of godly Smile
here is the link for the godly magic rare pickit if the link doesn't work just copy the link location to your browser search bar
and to find out what pickit your bot uses look in your charactername config and pick the one that is not commented out like this
    // SnagIt configuration
    // Select one group only (normal / advance / extreme / Master)



    //NTConfig_NIPFilePath.push("Master/Gold Potions Runes Gems Essences Keys Organs.nip");
notice how the one in orange doesn't have any slashes in front of it?
Thats the one my bot uses in this case(she's only lvl 17)your config may look different,but the one that doesn't have slashes is the one you use

so after you determine which pickit you use look in D2NT\scripts\NTBot\item_configs and find the correct one then look in the magic rare section under grand charms and look for this line and if its not there add it
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [ItemAddSkillTab] >= 1
that will keep any plain skiller gc(including druid summons and necro curses)

if you don't want junk skillers(jsut my opinion lol)
add these lines
[Name] == [Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [BowandCrossbowSkillTab] == 1 // bow and crossbow
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [BowandCrossbowSkillTab] == 1 && [MaxHp] >= 5 // bow and  crossbow
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [BowandCrossbowSkillTab] == 1 && [Strength] == 6 // bow and  crossbow
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [BowandCrossbowSkillTab] == 1 && [Dexterity] == 6 // bow and  crossbow
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [BowandCrossbowSkillTab] == 1 && [FRW] == 7 // bow and crossbow
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [BowandCrossbowSkillTab] == 1 && [FHR] == 12 // bow and crossbow
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [PassiveandMagicSkillTab] == 1 // passive and magic
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [PassiveandMagicSkillTab] == 1 && [MaxHp] >= 5 // passive and  magic
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [PassiveandMagicSkillTab] == 1 && [Strength] == 6 // passive and  magic
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [PassiveandMagicSkillTab] == 1 && [Dexterity] == 6 // passive  and magic
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [PassiveandMagicSkillTab] == 1 && [FRW] == 7 // passive and  magic
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [PassiveandMagicSkillTab] == 1 && [FHR] == 12 // passive and  magic
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [JavelinandSpearSkillTab] == 1 // javelin and spear
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [JavelinandSpearSkillTab] == 1 && [MaxHp] >= 5 // javelin and  spear
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [JavelinandSpearSkillTab] == 1 && [Strength] == 6 // javelin and  spear
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [JavelinandSpearSkillTab] == 1 && [Dexterity] == 6 // javelin  and spear
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [JavelinandSpearSkillTab] == 1 && [FRW] == 7 // javelin and  spear
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [JavelinandSpearSkillTab] == 1 && [FHR] == 12 // javelin and  spear
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [FireSkillTab] == 1  // fire
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [FireSkillTab] == 1  && [MaxHp] >= 5 // fire
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [FireSkillTab] == 1  && [Strength] == 6 // fire
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [FireSkillTab] == 1  && [Dexterity] == 6 // fire
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [FireSkillTab] == 1  && [FRW] == 7 // fire
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [FireSkillTab] == 1  && [FHR] == 12 // fire
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [LightningSkillTab]  == 1 // lightning
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [ColdSkillTab] == 1  // cold
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [ColdSkillTab] == 1  && [MaxHp] >= 5 // cold
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [ColdSkillTab] == 1  && [Strength] == 6 // cold
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [ColdSkillTab] == 1  && [Dexterity] == 6 // cold
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [ColdSkillTab] == 1  && [FRW] == 7 // cold
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [ColdSkillTab] == 1  && [FHR] == 12 // cold
//[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [CursesSkillTab] ==  1 // curses
//[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [CursesSkillTab] ==  1 && [MaxHp] >= 5 // curses
//[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [CursesSkillTab] ==  1 && [Strength] == 6 // curses
//[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [CursesSkillTab] ==  1 && [Dexterity] == 6 // curses
//[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [CursesSkillTab] ==  1 && [FRW] == 7 // curses
//[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [CursesSkillTab] ==  1 && [FHR] == 12 // curses
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [PoisonandBoneSkillTab] == 1 // poison and bone
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [PoisonandBoneSkillTab] == 1 && [MaxHp] >= 5 // poison and  bone
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [PoisonandBoneSkillTab] == 1 && [Strength] == 6 // poison and  bone
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [PoisonandBoneSkillTab] == 1 && [Dexterity] == 6 // poison and  bone
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [PoisonandBoneSkillTab] == 1 && [FRW] == 7 // poison and bone
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [PoisonandBoneSkillTab] == 1 && [FHR] == 12 // poison and bone
//[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [NecromancerSummoningSkillTab] == 1 // necromancer summoning
//[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [NecromancerSummoningSkillTab] == 1 && [MaxHp] >= 5 //  necromancer summoning
//[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [NecromancerSummoningSkillTab] == 1 && [Strength] == 6 //  necromancer summoning
//[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [NecromancerSummoningSkillTab] == 1 && [Dexterity] == 6 //  necromancer summoning
//[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [NecromancerSummoningSkillTab] == 1 && [FRW] == 7 // necromancer  summoning
//[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [NecromancerSummoningSkillTab] == 1 && [FHR] == 12 //  necromancer summoning
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [PaliCombatSkillTab] == 1 // paladin combat
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [PaliCombatSkillTab] == 1 && [MaxHp] >= 5 // paladin combat
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [PaliCombatSkillTab] == 1 && [Strength] == 6 // paladin combata
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [PaliCombatSkillTab] == 1 && [Dexterity] == 6 // paladin combat
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [PaliCombatSkillTab] == 1 && [FRW] == 7 // paladin combat
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [PaliCombatSkillTab] == 1 && [FHR] == 12 // paladin combat

[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [OffensiveAurasSkillTab] == 1 // offensive aura
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [OffensiveAurasSkillTab] == 1 && [MaxHp] >= 5 // offensive  aura
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [OffensiveAurasSkillTab] == 1 && [Strength] == 6 // offensive  aura
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [OffensiveAurasSkillTab] == 1 && [Dexterity] == 6 // offensive  aura
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [OffensiveAurasSkillTab] == 1 && [FRW] == 7 // offensive aura
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [OffensiveAurasSkillTab] == 1 && [FHR] == 12 // offensive aura

//[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [DefensiveAurasSkillTab] == 1 // defensive aura
//[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [DefensiveAurasSkillTab] == 1 && [MaxHp] >= 5 // defensive  aura
//[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [DefensiveAurasSkillTab] == 1 && [Strength] == 6 // defensive  aura
//[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [DefensiveAurasSkillTab] == 1 && [Dexterity] == 6 // defensive  aura
//[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [DefensiveAurasSkillTab] == 1 && [FRW] == 7 // defensive aura
//[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [DefensiveAurasSkillTab] == 1 // defensive aura
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [BarbCombatSkillTab] == 1 // barbarian combat
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [BarbCombatSkillTab] == 1 && [MaxHp] >= 5 // barbarian combat
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [BarbCombatSkillTab] == 1 && [Strength] == 6 // barbarian combat
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [BarbCombatSkillTab] == 1 && [Dexterity] == 6 // barbarian  combat
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [BarbCombatSkillTab] == 1 && [FRW] == 7 // barbarian combat
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [BarbCombatSkillTab] == 1 && [FHR] == 12 // barbarian combat
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [MasteriesSkillTab]  == 1 // masteries
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [MasteriesSkillTab]  == 1 && [MaxHp] >= 5 // masteries
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [WarcriesSkillTab]  == 1 // warcries
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [WarcriesSkillTab]  == 1 && [ItemGoldBonus] >= 39 // warcries
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [WarcriesSkillTab]  == 1 && [MaxHp] >= 5 // warcries
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [WarcriesSkillTab]  == 1 && [Strength] == 6 // warcries
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [WarcriesSkillTab]  == 1 && [Dexterity] == 6 // warcries
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [WarcriesSkillTab]  == 1 && [FHR] == 12 // warcries
//[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [DruidSummoningSkillTab] == 1 && [MaxHp] >= 5 // druid  summoning
//[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [DruidSummoningSkillTab] == 1 && [FHR] == 12 // druid summoning
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [ShapeshiftingSkillTab] == 1 // shape shifting
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [ShapeshiftingSkillTab] == 1 && [MaxHp] >= 5 // shape  shifting
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [ShapeshiftingSkillTab] == 1 && [Strength] == 6 // shape  shifting
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [ShapeshiftingSkillTab] == 1 && [Dexterity] == 6 // shape  shifting
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [ShapeshiftingSkillTab] == 1 && [FRW] == 7 // shape shifting
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [ShapeshiftingSkillTab] == 1 && [FHR] == 12 // shape shifting
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [ElementalSkillTab]  == 1 // elemental
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [ElementalSkillTab]  == 1 && [MaxHp] >= 5 // elemental
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [ElementalSkillTab]  == 1 && [Strength] == 6 // elemental
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [ElementalSkillTab]  == 1 && [Dexterity] == 6 // elemental
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [ElementalSkillTab]  == 1 && [FRW] == 7 // elemental
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [ElementalSkillTab]  == 1 && [FHR] == 12 // elemental
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [TrapsSkillTab] == 1  // trap
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [TrapsSkillTab] == 1  && [MaxHp] >= 5 // trap
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [TrapsSkillTab] == 1  && [Strength] == 6 // trap
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [TrapsSkillTab] == 1  && [Dexterity] == 6 // trap
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [TrapsSkillTab] == 1  && [FRW] == 7 // trap
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [TrapsSkillTab] == 1  && [FHR] == 12 // trap
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [ShadowdisciplinesSkillTab] == 1 // shadow disciplines
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [ShadowdisciplinesSkillTab] == 1 && [MaxHp] >= 5 // shadow  disciplines
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [ShadowdisciplinesSkillTab] == 1 && [Strength] == 6 // shadow  disciplines
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [ShadowdisciplinesSkillTab] == 1 && [Dexterity] == 6 // shadow  disciplines
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [ShadowdisciplinesSkillTab] == 1 && [FRW] == 7 // shadow  disciplines
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [ShadowdisciplinesSkillTab] == 1 && [FHR] == 12 // shadow  disciplines
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [MartialartsSkillTab] == 1 // martial arts
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [MartialartsSkillTab] == 1 && [MaxHp] >= 5 // martial arts
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [MartialartsSkillTab] == 1 && [Strength] == 6 // martial arts
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [MartialartsSkillTab] == 1 && [Dexterity] == 6 // martial arts
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [MartialartsSkillTab] == 1 && [FRW] == 7 // martial arts
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [MartialartsSkillTab] == 1 && [FHR] == 12 // martial arts
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Well I’m not there all the time you know Some people, some people, some people, Call it insane, yeah they call it insane, (sugar) I play russian roulette everyday, a man’s sport, With a bullet called life, yeah called life,(sugar)
yep yep its up and running, but what i ment was.

I made a new folder and put in the advanced picket files and then i copy/pasted in 2 pickets of you (unique and craft picket) and 1 of godly (magic_rare)
But because i dont have much stuff yet i changed some settings to get lower items, like shako i put in >=125 instead of ==141
and things like that Smile

There is really a lot of lines in all them picket files you guys created, must have been lots of work, really nice of you guys to share it.
So many tx for the fine help on this Smile
Xantos Wrote:yep yep its up and running, but what i ment was.

I made a new folder and put in the advanced picket files and then i copy/pasted in 2 pickets of you (unique and craft picket) and 1 of godly (magic_rare)
But because i dont have much stuff yet i changed some settings to get lower items, like shako i put in >=125 instead of ==141
and things like that Smile

There is really a lot of lines in all them picket files you guys created, must have been lots of work, really nice of you guys to share it.
So many tx for the fine help on this Smile
yeah the unique was alot of work,i hand typed the whole thing,and I only type 30 words a minute lol.but i'm glad your up and running. Smile
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Well I’m not there all the time you know Some people, some people, some people, Call it insane, yeah they call it insane, (sugar) I play russian roulette everyday, a man’s sport, With a bullet called life, yeah called life,(sugar)
This post helped me alot as well today, thank you very much, and all this hard work is amazing... very well done, but on the subject of charms I had one more question... I would like it to save more small charms like lifers and stuff without being perfect, like maybe some 18+ lifers, or some plain All resists charms with lower stats, is there any quick and easy edits I can do myself to fix this?
there isnt that i know of

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