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baals minion, the unravlers- hammerdins should be adle to do it!!!
seriously how hard can it be to make a hammerdin switch to the holy bolt when baals unravelers pop out, ive played with this idea with no success yet, i figured someone must have had this idea and solved it already, but ive found nothing on it. im thinking something like adding in a "function" (or whatever it would be called, im very nooby in my programming abilities and language, sry) that switches my palis attack to (NTConfig_AttackSkill[5] == 101) when (_monster.classid == 105) is present.
attack "101" is holy bolt and monster 105 is the unraveler, attackskill [5] says its a secondary attack in case your target is immune to your primary attack, but sadly it doesnt work, or this wouldnt be a problem. im pretty sure itd be simple, almost as easy as putting that somewhere, but i dont know where. if someone has any ideas, im pretty sure its not out there yet, you could be a GOD to there botters. id do it, and if you take more than a week im sure i will. peace.
there is a way, just set your secondary skill when mosters are immune to holy bolt... it will switch and take out those guys Wink

Also, if want an even better script to deal with those minions, check out GVetal (google it). There is a script to handle that wave of minions for hammerdins already. laugh:
ok, i set my holy bolt (skill 101) back to my secondary and that didnt work, thought maybe i had to set my primary (by default ive used hammers from the beginning) and when it still didnt work, i googled what you told me i should and it looked exactly like mine, that was a sorc set up i think. it doesnt work for a pali, or for my pali, im tryign things in single player ( no temp bans or 1 minute waits between games)
Blizzhackers • View topic - [Release] D2NT 3.0/3.1 : Holy Bolt for Magic Immunes
that is how its done!!!! I knew this had to be out there, but i nvr see bots switch over...ever, anyway ty, its awesome.

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