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Synthax Error
Well I have been working on new pickits for my D2NT Bot and most of them work fine but one in particular is giving me some trouble.

When using this version of the "Normal" pickit I get a "Item Parser synthax Error, " I have gone over it a few times and I can't seem to find the mistake in it. Any help is appreciated.

// ##### Helms #########################
([Name] == Demonhead || [Name] == BoneVisage) && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 3 && [EnhancedDefense] >= 15 // Delirium or Dream
// ##### Armor #########################
[Name] == MagePlate && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # ([Sockets] == 0 || [Sockets] == 3) && [EnhancedDefense] >= 15 // Enigma
([Name] == MeshArmor || [Name] == SharktoothArmor || [Name] == GothicPlate) && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 3 && [EnhancedDefense] >= 15 // Enigma
([Name] == DuskShroud || [Name] == ScarabHusk || [Name] == WireFleece || [Name] == GreatHauberk || [Name] == ArchonPlate) && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # ([Sockets] == 0 || [Sockets] >= 3) && [EnhancedDefense] >= 15 // Variable
[Type] == armor && [Class] == elite && [Quality] == normal && [Flag] == ethereal # [Defense] >= 775 && [Sockets] == 0 // Ebuggable Armor
// ##### Shields #######################
[Name] == TrollNest && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 3 && [EnhancedDefense] >= 15 // Dream
[Name] == Monarch && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # ([Sockets] == 0 || [Sockets] == 4) && [EnhancedDefense] >= 15 // Phoenix or Spirit
// ##### Gloves ########################
// ##### Boots #########################
// ##### Belts #########################
// ##### Barbarian Helms ###############
[Type] == primalhelm && [Class] <= exceptional && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [EnhancedDefense] >= 15 && ([Sockets] == 0 || [Sockets] == 3) && [SkillBattleOrders] >= 3 && ([SkillShout] >= 3 || [SkillIronSkin] >= 3 || [SkillNaturalResistance] >= 3 || [SkillFindItem] >= 3 || [SkillWarCry] >= 3) // Delirium
// ##### Druid Pelts ###################
[Type] == pelt && [Class] == elite && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [EnhancedDefense] >= 15 && [Sockets] == 3 && [SkillHurricane]+[SkillTornado] >= 6 // Delirium
// ##### Paladin Shields ###############
[Type] == auricshields && [Class] == elite && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # ([Sockets] == 0 || [Sockets] >= 3) && [EnhancedDefense] >= 15 && [FireResist] >= 40 // Dream or Spirit
[Type] == auricshields && [Class] == elite && [Quality] == normal && [Flag] == ethereal # [Sockets] == 0 && [FireResist] >= 40 // Ebuggable Exile
// ##### Necromancer Shrunken Heads ####
// ##### Axes ##########################
[Name] == BerserkerAxe && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 5 && [EnhancedDamage] >= 15 // Grief
[Name] == BerserkerAxe && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] == ethereal # ([Sockets] == 0 || [Sockets] == 6) && [EnhancedDamage] >= 15 // Breath of the Dying
// ##### Bows ##########################
[Type] == bow && [Class] == elite && [Quality] == superior # [Sockets] == 4 && [EnhancedDamage] >= 15 // Faith
[Name] == GreatBow && [Quality] == superior # [Sockets] == 0 && [EnhancedDamage] >= 15 // Faith
([Name] == CrusaderBow || [Name] == HydraBow) && [Quality] == superior # ([Sockets] == 0 || [Sockets] == 6) && [EnhancedDamage] >= 15 // Breath of the Dying
// ##### Crossbows #####################
// ##### Daggers #######################
// ##### Javelins ######################
// ##### Maces #########################
[Name] == Flail && [Quality] == superior && # [EnhancedDamage] >= 15 && [Sockets] == 4 // Heart of the Oak
// ##### Polearms ######################
[Type] == polearm && [Class] == elite && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] == ethereal # [EnhancedDamage] >= 5 && [Sockets] >= 4 // Variable
// ##### Scepters ######################
[Type] == scepter && [Quality] <= superior # [Sockets] == 5 && [SkillFistOfTheHeavens]+[SkillConviction] >= 6 // Call to Arms
[Type] == scepter && [Quality] <= superior # [Sockets] == 5 && [SkillHolyShield] >= 3 // Call to Arms
// ##### Spears ########################
[Type] == spear && [Class] == elite && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] == ethereal # [Sockets] == 6 && [EnhancedDamage] >= 15 // Breath of the Dying
// ##### Staves ########################
// ##### Swords ########################
[Name] == CrystalSword && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] == ethereal # [EnhancedDamage] >= 15 && [Sockets] == 5 // Call to Arms
[Name] == ColossusBlade && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] == ethereal # ([Sockets] == 0 || [Sockets] == 6) && [EnhancedDamage] >= 15 // Breath of the Dying
[Name] == PhaseBlade && [Quality] == superior # ([Sockets] == 0 || [Sockets] == 6) && [EnhancedDamage] >= 15 // Last Wish
// ##### Throwing ######################
// ##### Wands #########################
[Type] == wand && [Quality] <= superior # [Sockets] != 1 && [SkillBoneSpear]+[SkillBoneSpirit] >= 6 // White
// ##### Amazon Weapons ################
[Type] == amazonbow && [Class] == elite && [Quality] == superior # [Sockets] == 4 && [EnhancedDamage] >= 15 && [BowAndCrossbowSkillTab] >= 3 // Faith
[Name] == AshwoodBow && [Quality] == superior # ([Sockets] == 5 || [Sockets] == 0) && [EnhancedDamage] >= 15 && [BowAndCrossbowSkillTab] >= 3
// ##### Assassin Katars ###############
([Name] == Suwayyah || [Name] == ScissorsSuwayyah) && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # ([Sockets] == 0 || [Sockets] == 3) && [EnhancedDamage] >= 15 // Chaos
// ##### Sorceress Orbs ################
// ##### Circlets ######################
[Type] == circlet && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 3 && [EnhancedDefense] >= 15 // Dream
// ##### Runes #########################
//[Name] == ElRune
//[Name] == EldRune
//[Name] == TirRune
//[Name] == NefRune
//[Name] == EthRune
//[Name] == IthRune
//[Name] == TalRune
//[Name] == RalRune
//[Name] == OrtRune
//[Name] == ThulRune
//[Name] == AmnRune
//[Name] == SolRune
//[Name] == ShaelRune
//[Name] == DolRune
//[Name] == HelRune
//[Name] == IoRune
//[Name] == LumRune
[Name] == KoRune
//[Name] == FalRune
[Name] == LemRune
[Name] == PulRune
[Name] == UmRune
[Name] == MalRune
[Name] >= IstRune && [Name] <= ZodRune
// ##### Gems ##########################
//[Name] == ChippedAmethyst
//[Name] == ChippedDiamond
//[Name] == ChippedEmerald
//[Name] == ChippedRuby
//[Name] == ChippedSapphire
//[Name] == ChippedSkull
//[Name] == ChippedTopaz
//[Name] == FlawedAmethyst
//[Name] == FlawedDiamond
//[Name] == FlawedEmerald
//[Name] == FlawedRuby
//[Name] == FlawedSapphire
//[Name] == FlawedSkull
//[Name] == FlawedTopaz
//[Name] == Amethyst
//[Name] == Diamond
//[Name] == Emerald
//[Name] == Ruby
//[Name] == Skull
//[Name] == Sapphire
//[Name] == Topaz
//[Name] == FlawlessAmethyst
//[Name] == FlawlessDiamond
//[Name] == FlawlessEmerald
//[Name] == FlawlessRuby
//[Name] == FlawlessSapphire
//[Name] == FlawlessSkull
//[Name] == FlawlessTopaz
//[Name] == PerfectAmethyst
//[Name] == PerfectDiamond
//[Name] == PerfectEmerald
//[Name] == PerfectRuby
//[Name] == PerfectSapphire
//[Name] == PerfectSkull
//[Name] == PerfectTopaz
// ##### Potions #######################
//[Name] == GreaterHealingPotion
[Name] == SuperHealingPotion
//[Name] == GreaterManaPotion
[Name] == SuperManaPotion
//[Name] == RejuvenationPotion
[Name] == FullRejuvenationPotion
// ##### Keys ##########################
//[Name] == KeyOfTerror
//[Name] == KeyOfHate
//[Name] == KeyOfDestruction
// ##### Essences ######################
//[Name] == TwistedEssenceOfSuffering
//[Name] == ChargedEssenseOfHatred
//[Name] == BurningEssenceOfTerror
//[Name] == FesteringEssenceOfDestruction
[Name] == TokenOfAbsolution
// ##### Gold ##########################
[Type] == gold # [Gold] >= 5000

For reference since it kind of cut it off, the Barb Helm section is all one line. The code tags forced it into 2.
if you were editing, it means you might have missed a parenthesis.
bugme143 Wrote:if you were editing, it means you might have missed a parenthesis.

Yes, I was editing it, I know I missed something somewhere or used something I'm not supposed to. The problem I'm having is where. I have gone over it several times trying to find it. Right now I'm going to start "Commenting" out each line until I find the one that contains the error but that is time consuming and I will likely get a realm down in the process.

Edit: Found it after ALOT of trial and error testing, had a "&&" after Superior on flail and didn't put another property keyword. So it read "&& #" and gave me an error.

Thanks for the help!

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