06-11-2011, 07:07 PM
Hi all,
my aim is to get IK Soul Cage. What should I do in case to get it? My bot is running TreshSocket because of drop rate. Please help me. How should I set configs for bot to get IK SoulCage in my inventory? confused:[COLOR="Silver"]
---------- Post added at 11:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:02 AM ----------
[/COLOR]Here are my configs:
var NTConfig_CastStatic;
function NT_LoadConfig()
// Boss configuration
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTPindleskin.ntj"); //NTConfig_NihlathakExtension = false;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTNihlathak.ntj"); //NTConfig_PindleskinExtension = false;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTEldritch.ntj"); //NTConfig_ShenkExtension = false;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTFrozenRiver.ntj"); //NTConfig_ClearFrozenRiver = false;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTGlacialTrail.ntj"); //NTConfig_ClearGlacialTrail = false;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTIcyCellar.ntj"); //NTConfig_ClearIcyCellar = false;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTBaal.ntj"); //NTConfig_KillBaal = false;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTAct3Sewers.ntj"); //NTConfig_ClearA3SewersLevel1 = 1; // 0 : don't clear, 1 : don't clear, 2 : don't clear
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTSummoner.ntj"); //NTConfig_KillFireEye = false;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTPit.ntj"); NTConfig_ClearPitLevel1 = 1; // 0 : don't clear, 1 : don't clear, 2 : don't clear
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTMausoleum.ntj"); //NTConfig_KillBloodRaven = false;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTHole.ntj"); //NTConfig_ClearHoleLevel1 = 1; // 0 : don't clear, 1 : don't clear, 2 : don't clear
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTTristram.ntj"); NTConfig_KillRakanishu = false;
me.maxgametime = 0; // time in seconds, maximum game length (0 is infinite)
NTConfig_StartDelay = 2000; // Delay time in milliseconds to start;
NTConfig_AreaDelay = 1000; // Delay time in milliseconds to change area;
NTConfig_SnagDelay = 100; // Delay time in milliseconds to wait before starting picking items
NTConfig_SkipHealLife = 90; // If you have more than this percent of life, you won't go to a healer
NTConfig_SkipHealMana = 70; // If you have more than this percent of mana, you won't go to a healer
//NTConfig_UseMerc = true; // Set to true if you use a mercenary, will revive merc at a reviver npc.
//NTConfig_ResetWeapon = false; // Set to true to reset weapon when reviving merc
//NTConfig_LifeThresh = 60; // Drink a normal potion if under this percent of life.
NTConfig_LifeRejuvThresh = 40; // Drink a rejuvenation potion if under this percent of life.
//NTConfig_ManaThresh = 30; // Drink a normal potion if under this percent of mana.
//NTConfig_ManaRejuvThresh = 10; // Drink a rejuvenation potion if under this percent of mana.
NTConfig_LifeChicken = 30; // This is your chicken life percent. If you go below this life total, exit game.
NTConfig_ManaChicken = 0; // This is your chicken mana percent. If you go below this mana total, exit game.
//NTConfig_MercLifeThresh = 50; // This is the threshold to use a life potion on your merc in percent.
//NTConfig_MercRejuvThresh = 30; // This is the threshold to use a rejuv potion on your merc in percent.
NTConfig_MercChicken = 20; // This is your mercs chicken life percent. If he goes below this, exit game.
NTConfig_FreeSpace = 2; // Number of free columns. If less full columns are free stashing is set.
// The numbers correspond to your inventory. Set 0 to keep whatever is there, 1 to stash it.
NTConfig_Columns[0] = [0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0];
NTConfig_Columns[1] = [0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0];
NTConfig_Columns[2] = [0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0];
NTConfig_Columns[3] = [0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0];
//NTConfig_MinGoldToStash = 100000; // Maximum gold amount carried before going to stash
// Type of potion used in each belt column
// Available types : "hp" = health | "mp" = mana | "rv" = rejuv. Can use other potion types too.
// Keep equal types at adjacent columns. First HP then MP and then HP again is a bad choice.
// Keep HP and MP at the beginning of the belt (in case you want to use rejuv and other types).
// Rejuvenations MUST, I REPEAT MUST be at the end of the belt (last x columns).
// To use rejuvenations only, put "rv" in all columns.
NTConfig_BeltColType[0] = "rv";
NTConfig_BeltColType[1] = "rv";
NTConfig_BeltColType[2] = "rv";
NTConfig_BeltColType[3] = "rv";
// SnagIt configuration
// Select one group only (normal / advance / extreme)
NTConfig_SnagRange = 40; // Radius to check for dropped items. 40 is a good number here
// Cubing configuration
//NTConfig_Cubing = false; // Enable cubing
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 560]); // Flawless Amethyst
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 565]); // Flawless Topaz
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 570]); // Flawless Saphire
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 575]); // Flawless Emerald
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 580]); // Flawless Ruby
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 585]); // Flawless Diamond
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 600]); // Flawless Skull
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_MAGIC, 420]); // Magic Tiara
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_MAGIC, 421]); // Magic Diadem
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_MAGIC_CHARM, 603]); // Magic// Small Charm
NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_MAGIC_CHARM, 605]); // Magic Grand Charm
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_HITPOWER_GLOVES, 382]); // Craft Heavy Bracers
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_HITPOWER_GLOVES, 452]); // Craft Vambraces
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_HELM, 354]); // Craft Casque
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_HELM, 424]); // Craft Armet
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_BOOTS, 388]); // Craft Battle Boots
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_BOOTS, 458]); // Craft Mirrored Boots
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_GLOVES, 381]); // Craft Sharkskin Gloves
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_GLOVES, 451]); // Craft Vampirebone Gloves
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_BELT, 392]); // Craft Mesh Belt
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_BELT, 462]); // Craft Mithril Coil
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_AMULET, 520]); // Craft Amulet
NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_RING, 522]); // Craft Ring
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_CASTER_AMULET, 520]); // Craft Amulet
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_SAFETY_SHIELD, 447]); // Craft Monarch
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_SAFETY_AMULET, 520]); // Craft Amulet
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_ESSENSE, 0]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_THUL, 562]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_AMN, 557]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_SOL, 567]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_SHAEL, 577]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_DOL, 572]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_HEL, 582]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_IO, 563]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_LUM, 558]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_KO, 568]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_FAL, 578]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_LEM, 573]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_PUL, 583]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_UM, 564]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_MAL, 559]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_IST, 569]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_GUL, 579]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_VEX, 574]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_OHM, 584]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_LO, 565]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_SUR, 560]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_BER, 570]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_JAH, 580]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_CHAM, 575]);
//***** Include the following, Primary item must be setted in item_configs folder *****
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_SOCKET_BODYARMOR, 442]); // Socket Sacred Armor
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_SOCKET_WEAPON, 255]); // Socket Thresher
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_SOCKET_WEAPON, 256]); // Socket Cryptic Axe
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_SOCKET_WEAPON, 257]); // Socket Great Poleaxe
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_SOCKET_WEAPON, 258]); // Socket Giant Thresher
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_WEAPON, 295]); // Titan's Revenge : Exceptional -> Elite
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_N_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 337]); // Magefist : Normal -> Exceptional
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 360]); // Skin of the Vipermagi : Exceptional -> Elite
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 383]); // Magefist or Lava Gout : Exceptional -> Elite
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 389]); // Gore Rider : Exceptional -> Elite
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 477]); // Arreat's Face : Exceptional -> Elite
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 481]); // Herald Of Zakarum : Exceptional -> Elite
// Gamble configuration
// To specify what items to gamble, adjust the array with the desired item codes
//NTConfig_Gamble = true; // Enable gambling
//NTConfig_GambleStartGold = 800000; // Gold amount to start the gambling
//NTConfig_GambleStopGold = 300000; // Gold amount to stop the gambling
//NTConfig_GambleItem.push(520); // Amulets
//NTConfig_GambleItem.push(522); // Rings
//NTConfig_GambleItem.push(418); // Circlets
//NTConfig_GambleItem.push(419); // Coronets
//NTConfig_GambleItem.push(334); // Leather Gloves
//NTConfig_GambleItem.push(335); // Heavy Gloves
//NTConfig_GambleItem.push(336); // Chain Gloves
//NTConfig_GambleItem.push(337); // Light Gauntlets
//NTConfig_GambleItem.push(338); // Gauntlets
// General configuration
//NTConfig_PublicMode = false;
//NTConfig_CheckCloneDiablo = false; // Set to true if you want to wait in game after notifying "Diablo Walks the Earth" msg.
//NTConfig_OpenChest = true; // Set to true to open chest
me.quitonhostile = false;
// Attack configuration
NTConfig_AttackSkill[0] = 54; // First skill. Set to 0 if you won't
NTConfig_AttackSkill[1] = 53; // Primary skill to boss.
//NTConfig_AttackSkill[2] = 0; // Primary untimed skill to boss. Set to 0 if you won't
NTConfig_AttackSkill[3] = 53; // Primary skill to others.
//NTConfig_AttackSkill[4] = 0; // Primary untimed skill to others. Set to 0 if you won't
NTConfig_AttackSkill[5] = 47; // Secondary skill in case monster is immune to primary skill. Set to 0 if you won't
//NTConfig_AttackSkill[6] = 0; // Secondary untimed skill. Set to 0 if you won't
//NTConfig_ClearPosition = true; // Set to true if you want to clear area after killing boss.
// Check self safe in field (NOT in town). Set to 0 if you won't
// 0x01 : Potion, 0x02 : Poison, 0x04 : Amplify Damage, 0x08 : Weaken, 0x10 : Iron Maiden, 0x20 : Decrepify, 0x40 : Lower Resist
NTConfig_CheckSelfSafe = 0x04|0x40;
// Check merc's safe in field (NOT in town). Set to 0 if you won't
// 0x01 : Death, 0x02 : Poison, 0x04 : Amplify Damage, 0x08 : Weaken, 0x10 : Iron Maiden, 0x20 : Decrepify, 0x40 : Lower Resist
NTConfig_CheckMercSafe = 0x01|0x04|0x10|0x40;
//NTConfig_CastStatic = 100; // Cast Static Field until monster's HP lower less than this percent. Set to 100 if you won't
and here is Item_config:
// ##### Angelic Raiment ###############
//[Name] == RingMail && [Quality] == set // Angelic Mantle
//[Name] == Sabre && [Quality] == set // Angelic Sickle
//[Type] == ring && [Quality] == set # [MaxHP] == 20 // Angelic Halo
//[Type] == amulet && [Quality] == set # [ItemLightRadius] == 3 && [ItemDamageToMana] == 20 // Angelic Wings
// ##### Arcanna's Tricks ##############
//[Type] == amulet && [Quality] == set # [MaxMana] == 15 // Arcanna's Sign
//[Name] == SkullCap && [Quality] == set // Arcanna's Head
//[Name] == LightPlate && [Quality] == set // Arcanna's Flesh
//[Name] == WarStaff && [Quality] == set // Arcanna's Deathwand
// ##### Arctic Gear ###################
//[Name] == QuiltedArmor && [Quality] == set // Arctic Furs
//[Name] == LightBelt && [Quality] == set // Arctic Binding
//[Name] == LightGauntlets && [Quality] == set # [MaxHP] == 20 && [IAS] == 10 // Arctic Mitts
//[Name] == ShortWarBow && [Quality] == set // Arctic Horn
// ##### Berseker's Arsenal ############
//[Name] == Helm && [Quality] == set // Berserker's Headgear
//[Name] == SplintMail && [Quality] == set // Berserker's Hauberk
//[Name] == DoubleAxe && [Quality] == set // Berserker's Hatchet
// ##### Cathan's Traps ################
//[Type] == ring && [Quality] == set # [LifeLeech] == 6 && [NormalDamageReduction] == 2 // Cathan's Seal
//[Type] == amulet && [Quality] == set # [FHR] == 10 && [LightMaxDam] == 5 // Cathan's Sigil
//[Name] == ChainMail && [Quality] == set // Cathan's Mesh
//[Name] == Mask && [Quality] == set // Cathan's Visage
// ##### Civerb's Vestment #############
//[Name] == GrandScepter && [Quality] == set // Civerb's Cudgel
//[Type] == amulet && [Quality] == set # [ManaRecovery] == 40 && [HPRegen] == 4 // Civerb's Icon
//[Name] == LargeShield && [Quality] == set // Civerb's Ward
// ##### Cleglaw's Brace ###############
//[Name] == LongSword && [Quality] == set // Cleglaw's Tooth
//[Name] == ChainGloves && [Quality] == set // Cleglaw's Pincers
//[Name] == SmallShield && [Quality] == set // Cleglaw's Claw
// ##### Death's Disguise ##############
//[Name] == WarSword && [Quality] == set // Death's Touch
//[Name] == LeatherGloves && [Quality] == set // Death's Hand
//[Name] == Sash && [Quality] == set // Death's Guard
// ##### Hsaru's Defense ###############
//[Name] == Buckler && [Quality] == set // Hsarus' Iron Fist
//[Name] == Belt && [Quality] == set # [ColdResist] == 20 && [MaxHP] == 20 // Hsarus' Iron Stay
//[Name] == ChainBoots && [Quality] == set // Hsarus' Iron Heel
// ##### Infernal Tools ################
//[Name] == Cap && [Quality] == set # [FireResist] == 10 && [LightResist] == 10 && [ColdResist] == 10 && [PoisonResist] == 10 // Infernal Cranium
//[Name] == GrimWand && [Quality] == set // Infernal Touch
//[Name] == HeavyBelt && [Quality] == set # [MaxHP] == 20 && [EnhancedDefense] == 25 // Infernal Sign
// ##### Iratha's Finery ###############
//[Name] == HeavyBelt && [Quality] == set # [MinDamage] == 5 // Iratha's Cord
//[Name] == Crown && [Quality] == set # [FireResist] == 30 && [LightResist] == 30 // Iratha's Coil
//[Type] == amulet && [Quality] == set # [PoisonResist] == 30 && [PoisonLength] == -75 // Iratha's Collar
//[Name] == LightGauntlets && [Quality] == set # [ColdResist] == 30 // Iratha's Cuff
// ##### Isenhart's Armory #############
//[Name] == BroadSword && [Quality] == set // Isenhart's Lightbrand
//[Name] == FullHelm && [Quality] == set // Isenhart's Horns
//[Name] == BreastPlate && [Quality] == set // Isenhart's Case
//[Name] == GothicShield && [Quality] == set // Isenhart's Parry
// ##### Milabrega's Regalia ###########
//[Name] == KiteShield && [Quality] == set // Milabrega's Orb
//[Name] == AncientArmor && [Quality] == set // Milabrega's Robe
//[Name] == WarScepter && [Quality] == set // Milabrega's Rod
//[Name] == Crown && [Quality] == set # [MaxHP] == 15 && [MaxMana] == 15 // Milabrega's Diadem
// ##### Sigon's Steel #################
//[Name] == GreatHelm && [Quality] == set // Sigon's Visor
//[Name] == GothicPlate && [Quality] == set // Sigon's Shelter
//[Name] == Greaves && [Quality] == set // Sigon's Sabot
//[Name] == TowerShield && [Quality] == set // Sigon's Guard
//[Name] == PlatedBelt && [Quality] == set // Sigon's Warp
//[Name] == Gauntlets && [Quality] == set // Sigon's Gage
// ##### Tancred's Battlegear ##########
//[Name] == BoneHelm && [Quality] == set // Tancred's Skull
//[Name] == FullPlateMail && [Quality] == set // Tancred's Spine
//[Name] == Boots && [Quality] == set # [StaminaRecoveryBonus] == 25 && [Dexterity] == 10 // Tancred's Hobnails
//[Name] == MilitaryPick && [Quality] == set // Tancred's Crowbill
//[Type] == amulet && [Quality] == set # [MagicDamageReduction] == 1 && [NormalDamageReduction] == 2 // Tancred's Weird
// ##### Vidala's Rig ##################
//[Type] == amulet && [Quality] == set # [ColdResist] == 20 && [MaxMana] == 15 // Vidala's Snare
//[Name] == LongBattleBow && [Quality] == set // Vidala's Barb
//[Name] == LeatherArmor && [Quality] == set // Vidala's Ambush
//[Name] == LightPlatedBoots && [Quality] == set // Vidala's Fetlock
// ##### Aldur's Watchtower ############
//[Name] == Hunter'sGuise && [Quality] == set // Aldur's Stony Gaze
//[Name] == BattleBoots && [Quality] == set // Aldur's Advance
//[Name] == ShadowPlate && [Quality] == set // Aldur's Deception
//[Name] == JaggedStar && [Quality] == set // Aldur's Rhythm
// ##### Bul Kathos' Children ##########
//[Name] == ColossusBlade && [Quality] == set // Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge
//[Name] == MythicalSword && [Quality] == set // Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian
// ##### Cow King's Leathers ###########
//[Name] == WarHat && [Quality] == set // Cow King's Horns
//[Name] == StuddedLeather && [Quality] == set // Cow King's Hide
//[Name] == HeavyBoots && [Quality] == set # [Dexterity] == 20 && [ItemMagicBonus] == 25 // Cow King's Hooves
// ##### The Disciple ##################
//[Type] == amulet && [Quality] == set # [ItemAllSkills] == 1 && [ColdResist] == 18 // Telling of Beads
//[Name] == BrambleMitts && [Quality] == set // Laying of Hands
//[Name] == DuskShroud && [Quality] == set // Dark Adherent
//[Name] == DemonhideBoots && [Quality] == set // Rite of Passage
//[Name] == MithrilCoil && [Quality] == set // Credendum
// ##### Griswold's Legacy #############
[Name] == OrnatePlate && [Quality] == set # [Defense] >= 950 // Griswold's Heart
[Name] == Corona && [Quality] == set # [EnhancedDefense] >= 75 // Griswold's Valor
[Name] == Caduceus && [Quality] == set # [Sockets] >= 4 && [EnhancedDamage] >= 240 // Griswold's Redemption
[Name] == VortexShield && [Quality] == set # [Defense] >= 333 // Griswold's Honor
// ##### Heaven's Brethren #############
//[Name] == Cuirass && [Quality] == set // Haemosu's Adamant
//[Name] == ReinforcedMace && [Quality] == set // Dangoon's Teaching
//[Name] == Ward && [Quality] == set // Taebaek's Glory
//[Name] == SpiredHelm && [Quality] == set // Ondal's Almighty
// ##### Hwanin's Majesty ##############
//[Name] == GrandCrown && [Quality] == set // Hwanin's Splendor
//[Name] == Bill && [Quality] == set // Hwanin's Justice
//[Name] == TigulatedMail && [Quality] == set // Hwanin's Refuge
//[Name] == Belt && [Quality] == set # [LightMinDam] == 3 && [LightMaxDam] == 33 // Hwanin's Blessing
// ##### Immortal King #################
//[Name] == WarBelt && [Quality] == set // Immortal King's Detail
//[Name] == AvengerGuard && [Quality] == set // Immortal King's Will
//[Name] == OgreMaul && [Quality] == set // Immortal King's Stone Crusher
[Name] == SacredArmor && [Quality] == set // Immortal King's Soul Cage
//[Name] == WarGauntlets && [Quality] == set // Immortal King's Forge
//[Name] == WarBoots && [Quality] == set // Immortal King's Pillar
// ##### M'avina's Battle Hymn #########
//[Name] == Diadem && [Quality] == set // M'avina's True Sight
//[Name] == GrandMatronBow && [Quality] == set // M'avina's Caster
//[Name] == KrakenShell && [Quality] == set // M'avina's Embrace
//[Name] == BattleGauntlets && [Quality] == set // M'avina's Icy Clutch
//[Name] == SharkskinBelt && [Quality] == set // M'avina's Tenet
// ##### Natalya's Odium ###############
//[Name] == GrimHelm && [Quality] == set // Natalya's Totem
//[Name] == ScissorsSuwayyah && [Quality] == set // Natalya's Mark
//[Name] == LoricatedMail && [Quality] == set // Natalya's Shadow
//[Name] == MeshBoots && [Quality] == set // Natalya's Soul
// ##### Naj's Ancient Vestige #########
//[Name] == Circlet && [Quality] == set // Naj's Circlet
//[Name] == HellforgePlate && [Quality] == set // Naj's Light Plate
//[Name] == ElderStaff && [Quality] == set // Naj's Puzzler
// ##### Orphan's Call #################
//[Name] == WingedHelm && [Quality] == set // Guillaume's Face
//[Name] == RoundShield && [Quality] == set // Whistan's Guard
//[Name] == SharkskinGloves && [Quality] == set // Magnus' Skin
//[Name] == BattleBelt && [Quality] == set // Wilhelm's Pride
// ##### Sander's Folly ################
//[Name] == Cap && [Quality] == set # [ItemMagicBonus] == 35 // Sander's Paragon
//[Name] == BoneWand && [Quality] == set // Sander's Superstition
//[Name] == HeavyGloves && [Quality] == set # [MaxHP] == 40 // Sander's Taboo
//[Name] == HeavyBoots && [Quality] == set # [Dexterity] == 10 && [Strength] == 5 // Sander's Riprap
// ##### Sazabi's Grand Tribute ########
//[Name] == Basinet && [Quality] == set // Sazabi's Mental Sheath
//[Name] == CrypticSword && [Quality] == set // Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer
//[Name] == BalrogSkin && [Quality] == set // Sazabi's Ghost Liberator
// ##### Tal Rasha's Wrappings #########
//[Name] == SwirlingCrystal && [Quality] == set // Tal Rasha's Lidless Eye
//[Name] == DeathMask && [Quality] == set // Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest
//[Name] == LacqueredPlate && [Quality] == set # [Defense] >= 941 // Tal Rasha's Guardianship
//[Type] == amulet && [Quality] == set # [SorceressSkills] == 2 // Tal Rasha's Adjucation
//[Name] == MeshBelt && [Quality] == set # [ItemMagicBonus] >= 15 // Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth
// ##### Trang-Oul's Avatar ############
//[Name] == BoneVisage && [Quality] == set // Trang-Oul's Guise
//[Name] == ChaosArmor && [Quality] == set // Trang-Oul's Scales
//[Name] == CantorTrophy && [Quality] == set // Trang-Oul's Wing
//[Name] == TrollBelt && [Quality] == set // Trang-Oul's Girth
//[Name] == HeavyBracers && [Quality] == set // Trang-Oul's Claws
What's wrong with them?
my aim is to get IK Soul Cage. What should I do in case to get it? My bot is running TreshSocket because of drop rate. Please help me. How should I set configs for bot to get IK SoulCage in my inventory? confused:[COLOR="Silver"]
---------- Post added at 11:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:02 AM ----------
[/COLOR]Here are my configs:
var NTConfig_CastStatic;
function NT_LoadConfig()
// Boss configuration
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTPindleskin.ntj"); //NTConfig_NihlathakExtension = false;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTNihlathak.ntj"); //NTConfig_PindleskinExtension = false;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTEldritch.ntj"); //NTConfig_ShenkExtension = false;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTFrozenRiver.ntj"); //NTConfig_ClearFrozenRiver = false;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTGlacialTrail.ntj"); //NTConfig_ClearGlacialTrail = false;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTIcyCellar.ntj"); //NTConfig_ClearIcyCellar = false;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTBaal.ntj"); //NTConfig_KillBaal = false;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTAct3Sewers.ntj"); //NTConfig_ClearA3SewersLevel1 = 1; // 0 : don't clear, 1 : don't clear, 2 : don't clear
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTSummoner.ntj"); //NTConfig_KillFireEye = false;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTPit.ntj"); NTConfig_ClearPitLevel1 = 1; // 0 : don't clear, 1 : don't clear, 2 : don't clear
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTMausoleum.ntj"); //NTConfig_KillBloodRaven = false;
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTHole.ntj"); //NTConfig_ClearHoleLevel1 = 1; // 0 : don't clear, 1 : don't clear, 2 : don't clear
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTTristram.ntj"); NTConfig_KillRakanishu = false;
me.maxgametime = 0; // time in seconds, maximum game length (0 is infinite)
NTConfig_StartDelay = 2000; // Delay time in milliseconds to start;
NTConfig_AreaDelay = 1000; // Delay time in milliseconds to change area;
NTConfig_SnagDelay = 100; // Delay time in milliseconds to wait before starting picking items
NTConfig_SkipHealLife = 90; // If you have more than this percent of life, you won't go to a healer
NTConfig_SkipHealMana = 70; // If you have more than this percent of mana, you won't go to a healer
//NTConfig_UseMerc = true; // Set to true if you use a mercenary, will revive merc at a reviver npc.
//NTConfig_ResetWeapon = false; // Set to true to reset weapon when reviving merc
//NTConfig_LifeThresh = 60; // Drink a normal potion if under this percent of life.
NTConfig_LifeRejuvThresh = 40; // Drink a rejuvenation potion if under this percent of life.
//NTConfig_ManaThresh = 30; // Drink a normal potion if under this percent of mana.
//NTConfig_ManaRejuvThresh = 10; // Drink a rejuvenation potion if under this percent of mana.
NTConfig_LifeChicken = 30; // This is your chicken life percent. If you go below this life total, exit game.
NTConfig_ManaChicken = 0; // This is your chicken mana percent. If you go below this mana total, exit game.
//NTConfig_MercLifeThresh = 50; // This is the threshold to use a life potion on your merc in percent.
//NTConfig_MercRejuvThresh = 30; // This is the threshold to use a rejuv potion on your merc in percent.
NTConfig_MercChicken = 20; // This is your mercs chicken life percent. If he goes below this, exit game.
NTConfig_FreeSpace = 2; // Number of free columns. If less full columns are free stashing is set.
// The numbers correspond to your inventory. Set 0 to keep whatever is there, 1 to stash it.
NTConfig_Columns[0] = [0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0];
NTConfig_Columns[1] = [0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0];
NTConfig_Columns[2] = [0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0];
NTConfig_Columns[3] = [0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0];
//NTConfig_MinGoldToStash = 100000; // Maximum gold amount carried before going to stash
// Type of potion used in each belt column
// Available types : "hp" = health | "mp" = mana | "rv" = rejuv. Can use other potion types too.
// Keep equal types at adjacent columns. First HP then MP and then HP again is a bad choice.
// Keep HP and MP at the beginning of the belt (in case you want to use rejuv and other types).
// Rejuvenations MUST, I REPEAT MUST be at the end of the belt (last x columns).
// To use rejuvenations only, put "rv" in all columns.
NTConfig_BeltColType[0] = "rv";
NTConfig_BeltColType[1] = "rv";
NTConfig_BeltColType[2] = "rv";
NTConfig_BeltColType[3] = "rv";
// SnagIt configuration
// Select one group only (normal / advance / extreme)
NTConfig_SnagRange = 40; // Radius to check for dropped items. 40 is a good number here
// Cubing configuration
//NTConfig_Cubing = false; // Enable cubing
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 560]); // Flawless Amethyst
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 565]); // Flawless Topaz
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 570]); // Flawless Saphire
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 575]); // Flawless Emerald
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 580]); // Flawless Ruby
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 585]); // Flawless Diamond
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 600]); // Flawless Skull
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_MAGIC, 420]); // Magic Tiara
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_MAGIC, 421]); // Magic Diadem
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_MAGIC_CHARM, 603]); // Magic// Small Charm
NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_MAGIC_CHARM, 605]); // Magic Grand Charm
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_HITPOWER_GLOVES, 382]); // Craft Heavy Bracers
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_HITPOWER_GLOVES, 452]); // Craft Vambraces
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_HELM, 354]); // Craft Casque
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_HELM, 424]); // Craft Armet
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_BOOTS, 388]); // Craft Battle Boots
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_BOOTS, 458]); // Craft Mirrored Boots
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_GLOVES, 381]); // Craft Sharkskin Gloves
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_GLOVES, 451]); // Craft Vampirebone Gloves
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_BELT, 392]); // Craft Mesh Belt
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_BELT, 462]); // Craft Mithril Coil
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_AMULET, 520]); // Craft Amulet
NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_RING, 522]); // Craft Ring
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_CASTER_AMULET, 520]); // Craft Amulet
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_SAFETY_SHIELD, 447]); // Craft Monarch
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_SAFETY_AMULET, 520]); // Craft Amulet
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_ESSENSE, 0]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_THUL, 562]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_AMN, 557]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_SOL, 567]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_SHAEL, 577]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_DOL, 572]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_HEL, 582]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_IO, 563]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_LUM, 558]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_KO, 568]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_FAL, 578]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_LEM, 573]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_PUL, 583]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_UM, 564]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_MAL, 559]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_IST, 569]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_GUL, 579]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_VEX, 574]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_OHM, 584]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_LO, 565]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_SUR, 560]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_BER, 570]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_JAH, 580]);
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_CHAM, 575]);
//***** Include the following, Primary item must be setted in item_configs folder *****
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_SOCKET_BODYARMOR, 442]); // Socket Sacred Armor
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_SOCKET_WEAPON, 255]); // Socket Thresher
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_SOCKET_WEAPON, 256]); // Socket Cryptic Axe
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_SOCKET_WEAPON, 257]); // Socket Great Poleaxe
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_SOCKET_WEAPON, 258]); // Socket Giant Thresher
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_WEAPON, 295]); // Titan's Revenge : Exceptional -> Elite
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_N_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 337]); // Magefist : Normal -> Exceptional
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 360]); // Skin of the Vipermagi : Exceptional -> Elite
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 383]); // Magefist or Lava Gout : Exceptional -> Elite
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 389]); // Gore Rider : Exceptional -> Elite
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 477]); // Arreat's Face : Exceptional -> Elite
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 481]); // Herald Of Zakarum : Exceptional -> Elite
// Gamble configuration
// To specify what items to gamble, adjust the array with the desired item codes
//NTConfig_Gamble = true; // Enable gambling
//NTConfig_GambleStartGold = 800000; // Gold amount to start the gambling
//NTConfig_GambleStopGold = 300000; // Gold amount to stop the gambling
//NTConfig_GambleItem.push(520); // Amulets
//NTConfig_GambleItem.push(522); // Rings
//NTConfig_GambleItem.push(418); // Circlets
//NTConfig_GambleItem.push(419); // Coronets
//NTConfig_GambleItem.push(334); // Leather Gloves
//NTConfig_GambleItem.push(335); // Heavy Gloves
//NTConfig_GambleItem.push(336); // Chain Gloves
//NTConfig_GambleItem.push(337); // Light Gauntlets
//NTConfig_GambleItem.push(338); // Gauntlets
// General configuration
//NTConfig_PublicMode = false;
//NTConfig_CheckCloneDiablo = false; // Set to true if you want to wait in game after notifying "Diablo Walks the Earth" msg.
//NTConfig_OpenChest = true; // Set to true to open chest
me.quitonhostile = false;
// Attack configuration
NTConfig_AttackSkill[0] = 54; // First skill. Set to 0 if you won't
NTConfig_AttackSkill[1] = 53; // Primary skill to boss.
//NTConfig_AttackSkill[2] = 0; // Primary untimed skill to boss. Set to 0 if you won't
NTConfig_AttackSkill[3] = 53; // Primary skill to others.
//NTConfig_AttackSkill[4] = 0; // Primary untimed skill to others. Set to 0 if you won't
NTConfig_AttackSkill[5] = 47; // Secondary skill in case monster is immune to primary skill. Set to 0 if you won't
//NTConfig_AttackSkill[6] = 0; // Secondary untimed skill. Set to 0 if you won't
//NTConfig_ClearPosition = true; // Set to true if you want to clear area after killing boss.
// Check self safe in field (NOT in town). Set to 0 if you won't
// 0x01 : Potion, 0x02 : Poison, 0x04 : Amplify Damage, 0x08 : Weaken, 0x10 : Iron Maiden, 0x20 : Decrepify, 0x40 : Lower Resist
NTConfig_CheckSelfSafe = 0x04|0x40;
// Check merc's safe in field (NOT in town). Set to 0 if you won't
// 0x01 : Death, 0x02 : Poison, 0x04 : Amplify Damage, 0x08 : Weaken, 0x10 : Iron Maiden, 0x20 : Decrepify, 0x40 : Lower Resist
NTConfig_CheckMercSafe = 0x01|0x04|0x10|0x40;
//NTConfig_CastStatic = 100; // Cast Static Field until monster's HP lower less than this percent. Set to 100 if you won't
and here is Item_config:
// ##### Angelic Raiment ###############
//[Name] == RingMail && [Quality] == set // Angelic Mantle
//[Name] == Sabre && [Quality] == set // Angelic Sickle
//[Type] == ring && [Quality] == set # [MaxHP] == 20 // Angelic Halo
//[Type] == amulet && [Quality] == set # [ItemLightRadius] == 3 && [ItemDamageToMana] == 20 // Angelic Wings
// ##### Arcanna's Tricks ##############
//[Type] == amulet && [Quality] == set # [MaxMana] == 15 // Arcanna's Sign
//[Name] == SkullCap && [Quality] == set // Arcanna's Head
//[Name] == LightPlate && [Quality] == set // Arcanna's Flesh
//[Name] == WarStaff && [Quality] == set // Arcanna's Deathwand
// ##### Arctic Gear ###################
//[Name] == QuiltedArmor && [Quality] == set // Arctic Furs
//[Name] == LightBelt && [Quality] == set // Arctic Binding
//[Name] == LightGauntlets && [Quality] == set # [MaxHP] == 20 && [IAS] == 10 // Arctic Mitts
//[Name] == ShortWarBow && [Quality] == set // Arctic Horn
// ##### Berseker's Arsenal ############
//[Name] == Helm && [Quality] == set // Berserker's Headgear
//[Name] == SplintMail && [Quality] == set // Berserker's Hauberk
//[Name] == DoubleAxe && [Quality] == set // Berserker's Hatchet
// ##### Cathan's Traps ################
//[Type] == ring && [Quality] == set # [LifeLeech] == 6 && [NormalDamageReduction] == 2 // Cathan's Seal
//[Type] == amulet && [Quality] == set # [FHR] == 10 && [LightMaxDam] == 5 // Cathan's Sigil
//[Name] == ChainMail && [Quality] == set // Cathan's Mesh
//[Name] == Mask && [Quality] == set // Cathan's Visage
// ##### Civerb's Vestment #############
//[Name] == GrandScepter && [Quality] == set // Civerb's Cudgel
//[Type] == amulet && [Quality] == set # [ManaRecovery] == 40 && [HPRegen] == 4 // Civerb's Icon
//[Name] == LargeShield && [Quality] == set // Civerb's Ward
// ##### Cleglaw's Brace ###############
//[Name] == LongSword && [Quality] == set // Cleglaw's Tooth
//[Name] == ChainGloves && [Quality] == set // Cleglaw's Pincers
//[Name] == SmallShield && [Quality] == set // Cleglaw's Claw
// ##### Death's Disguise ##############
//[Name] == WarSword && [Quality] == set // Death's Touch
//[Name] == LeatherGloves && [Quality] == set // Death's Hand
//[Name] == Sash && [Quality] == set // Death's Guard
// ##### Hsaru's Defense ###############
//[Name] == Buckler && [Quality] == set // Hsarus' Iron Fist
//[Name] == Belt && [Quality] == set # [ColdResist] == 20 && [MaxHP] == 20 // Hsarus' Iron Stay
//[Name] == ChainBoots && [Quality] == set // Hsarus' Iron Heel
// ##### Infernal Tools ################
//[Name] == Cap && [Quality] == set # [FireResist] == 10 && [LightResist] == 10 && [ColdResist] == 10 && [PoisonResist] == 10 // Infernal Cranium
//[Name] == GrimWand && [Quality] == set // Infernal Touch
//[Name] == HeavyBelt && [Quality] == set # [MaxHP] == 20 && [EnhancedDefense] == 25 // Infernal Sign
// ##### Iratha's Finery ###############
//[Name] == HeavyBelt && [Quality] == set # [MinDamage] == 5 // Iratha's Cord
//[Name] == Crown && [Quality] == set # [FireResist] == 30 && [LightResist] == 30 // Iratha's Coil
//[Type] == amulet && [Quality] == set # [PoisonResist] == 30 && [PoisonLength] == -75 // Iratha's Collar
//[Name] == LightGauntlets && [Quality] == set # [ColdResist] == 30 // Iratha's Cuff
// ##### Isenhart's Armory #############
//[Name] == BroadSword && [Quality] == set // Isenhart's Lightbrand
//[Name] == FullHelm && [Quality] == set // Isenhart's Horns
//[Name] == BreastPlate && [Quality] == set // Isenhart's Case
//[Name] == GothicShield && [Quality] == set // Isenhart's Parry
// ##### Milabrega's Regalia ###########
//[Name] == KiteShield && [Quality] == set // Milabrega's Orb
//[Name] == AncientArmor && [Quality] == set // Milabrega's Robe
//[Name] == WarScepter && [Quality] == set // Milabrega's Rod
//[Name] == Crown && [Quality] == set # [MaxHP] == 15 && [MaxMana] == 15 // Milabrega's Diadem
// ##### Sigon's Steel #################
//[Name] == GreatHelm && [Quality] == set // Sigon's Visor
//[Name] == GothicPlate && [Quality] == set // Sigon's Shelter
//[Name] == Greaves && [Quality] == set // Sigon's Sabot
//[Name] == TowerShield && [Quality] == set // Sigon's Guard
//[Name] == PlatedBelt && [Quality] == set // Sigon's Warp
//[Name] == Gauntlets && [Quality] == set // Sigon's Gage
// ##### Tancred's Battlegear ##########
//[Name] == BoneHelm && [Quality] == set // Tancred's Skull
//[Name] == FullPlateMail && [Quality] == set // Tancred's Spine
//[Name] == Boots && [Quality] == set # [StaminaRecoveryBonus] == 25 && [Dexterity] == 10 // Tancred's Hobnails
//[Name] == MilitaryPick && [Quality] == set // Tancred's Crowbill
//[Type] == amulet && [Quality] == set # [MagicDamageReduction] == 1 && [NormalDamageReduction] == 2 // Tancred's Weird
// ##### Vidala's Rig ##################
//[Type] == amulet && [Quality] == set # [ColdResist] == 20 && [MaxMana] == 15 // Vidala's Snare
//[Name] == LongBattleBow && [Quality] == set // Vidala's Barb
//[Name] == LeatherArmor && [Quality] == set // Vidala's Ambush
//[Name] == LightPlatedBoots && [Quality] == set // Vidala's Fetlock
// ##### Aldur's Watchtower ############
//[Name] == Hunter'sGuise && [Quality] == set // Aldur's Stony Gaze
//[Name] == BattleBoots && [Quality] == set // Aldur's Advance
//[Name] == ShadowPlate && [Quality] == set // Aldur's Deception
//[Name] == JaggedStar && [Quality] == set // Aldur's Rhythm
// ##### Bul Kathos' Children ##########
//[Name] == ColossusBlade && [Quality] == set // Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge
//[Name] == MythicalSword && [Quality] == set // Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian
// ##### Cow King's Leathers ###########
//[Name] == WarHat && [Quality] == set // Cow King's Horns
//[Name] == StuddedLeather && [Quality] == set // Cow King's Hide
//[Name] == HeavyBoots && [Quality] == set # [Dexterity] == 20 && [ItemMagicBonus] == 25 // Cow King's Hooves
// ##### The Disciple ##################
//[Type] == amulet && [Quality] == set # [ItemAllSkills] == 1 && [ColdResist] == 18 // Telling of Beads
//[Name] == BrambleMitts && [Quality] == set // Laying of Hands
//[Name] == DuskShroud && [Quality] == set // Dark Adherent
//[Name] == DemonhideBoots && [Quality] == set // Rite of Passage
//[Name] == MithrilCoil && [Quality] == set // Credendum
// ##### Griswold's Legacy #############
[Name] == OrnatePlate && [Quality] == set # [Defense] >= 950 // Griswold's Heart
[Name] == Corona && [Quality] == set # [EnhancedDefense] >= 75 // Griswold's Valor
[Name] == Caduceus && [Quality] == set # [Sockets] >= 4 && [EnhancedDamage] >= 240 // Griswold's Redemption
[Name] == VortexShield && [Quality] == set # [Defense] >= 333 // Griswold's Honor
// ##### Heaven's Brethren #############
//[Name] == Cuirass && [Quality] == set // Haemosu's Adamant
//[Name] == ReinforcedMace && [Quality] == set // Dangoon's Teaching
//[Name] == Ward && [Quality] == set // Taebaek's Glory
//[Name] == SpiredHelm && [Quality] == set // Ondal's Almighty
// ##### Hwanin's Majesty ##############
//[Name] == GrandCrown && [Quality] == set // Hwanin's Splendor
//[Name] == Bill && [Quality] == set // Hwanin's Justice
//[Name] == TigulatedMail && [Quality] == set // Hwanin's Refuge
//[Name] == Belt && [Quality] == set # [LightMinDam] == 3 && [LightMaxDam] == 33 // Hwanin's Blessing
// ##### Immortal King #################
//[Name] == WarBelt && [Quality] == set // Immortal King's Detail
//[Name] == AvengerGuard && [Quality] == set // Immortal King's Will
//[Name] == OgreMaul && [Quality] == set // Immortal King's Stone Crusher
[Name] == SacredArmor && [Quality] == set // Immortal King's Soul Cage
//[Name] == WarGauntlets && [Quality] == set // Immortal King's Forge
//[Name] == WarBoots && [Quality] == set // Immortal King's Pillar
// ##### M'avina's Battle Hymn #########
//[Name] == Diadem && [Quality] == set // M'avina's True Sight
//[Name] == GrandMatronBow && [Quality] == set // M'avina's Caster
//[Name] == KrakenShell && [Quality] == set // M'avina's Embrace
//[Name] == BattleGauntlets && [Quality] == set // M'avina's Icy Clutch
//[Name] == SharkskinBelt && [Quality] == set // M'avina's Tenet
// ##### Natalya's Odium ###############
//[Name] == GrimHelm && [Quality] == set // Natalya's Totem
//[Name] == ScissorsSuwayyah && [Quality] == set // Natalya's Mark
//[Name] == LoricatedMail && [Quality] == set // Natalya's Shadow
//[Name] == MeshBoots && [Quality] == set // Natalya's Soul
// ##### Naj's Ancient Vestige #########
//[Name] == Circlet && [Quality] == set // Naj's Circlet
//[Name] == HellforgePlate && [Quality] == set // Naj's Light Plate
//[Name] == ElderStaff && [Quality] == set // Naj's Puzzler
// ##### Orphan's Call #################
//[Name] == WingedHelm && [Quality] == set // Guillaume's Face
//[Name] == RoundShield && [Quality] == set // Whistan's Guard
//[Name] == SharkskinGloves && [Quality] == set // Magnus' Skin
//[Name] == BattleBelt && [Quality] == set // Wilhelm's Pride
// ##### Sander's Folly ################
//[Name] == Cap && [Quality] == set # [ItemMagicBonus] == 35 // Sander's Paragon
//[Name] == BoneWand && [Quality] == set // Sander's Superstition
//[Name] == HeavyGloves && [Quality] == set # [MaxHP] == 40 // Sander's Taboo
//[Name] == HeavyBoots && [Quality] == set # [Dexterity] == 10 && [Strength] == 5 // Sander's Riprap
// ##### Sazabi's Grand Tribute ########
//[Name] == Basinet && [Quality] == set // Sazabi's Mental Sheath
//[Name] == CrypticSword && [Quality] == set // Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer
//[Name] == BalrogSkin && [Quality] == set // Sazabi's Ghost Liberator
// ##### Tal Rasha's Wrappings #########
//[Name] == SwirlingCrystal && [Quality] == set // Tal Rasha's Lidless Eye
//[Name] == DeathMask && [Quality] == set // Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest
//[Name] == LacqueredPlate && [Quality] == set # [Defense] >= 941 // Tal Rasha's Guardianship
//[Type] == amulet && [Quality] == set # [SorceressSkills] == 2 // Tal Rasha's Adjucation
//[Name] == MeshBelt && [Quality] == set # [ItemMagicBonus] >= 15 // Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth
// ##### Trang-Oul's Avatar ############
//[Name] == BoneVisage && [Quality] == set // Trang-Oul's Guise
//[Name] == ChaosArmor && [Quality] == set // Trang-Oul's Scales
//[Name] == CantorTrophy && [Quality] == set // Trang-Oul's Wing
//[Name] == TrollBelt && [Quality] == set // Trang-Oul's Girth
//[Name] == HeavyBracers && [Quality] == set // Trang-Oul's Claws
What's wrong with them?
