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[NEW] D2NT for Patch 1.13!
Afide Wrote:Whenever I use the bot on my barb, I set it to frenzy.. but he will stand completely away from the monster and just frenzy. Is there anyway to make it so the bot will actually approach the monster and frenzy it? He's not killing anything....

I'm having the same problem on my Conc Barb. I'm thinking the problem is in the libs/common/NTMove script. My paladin will constantly re-teleport when his hammers are out of range, but my barbarian will not reuse teleport once he has got to his destination unless he is picking up potions/items.

Has anyone using this bot actually been able to get it to work for a Barb?

Edit: I think i figured out the source of the problem.

Here are some instructions to fix your problem:

1. Open your NTAttack file (should be in scripts\libs\common)

2. About 20 lines from the top a switch begins (Looks like: switch(NTconfig_Attackskill[i]){ )

3. insert the following code on a line between the blessed hammer switch and whirlwind switch for frenzy to work properly:

case 147: //Frenzy
_NTA_SkillRange[i] = 3;

This same method will probably work for any skill whose range is not already formatted properly. The number after case merely corresponds the the skill's id number (found at sdk\skills) and the number after SkillRange[i] = corresponds to the range of the attack. I have set to 3 because this is the absolute shortest range a melee attack can have.

LMK if this helps you.
hi, i was wonderin if i could somehow just dl the system32 file for d2nt, since something happened to mine...and i cant re-dl the whole bot..
So it seems like Skidude is active in this thread lol
Erm Skidude I wanna there a way to change the order for my hammerdin?
so far it killed monsters........redemption........pick up drops...SO it wont actually pick up any drop instantly untill redemption is used
I have tried to disable redemption...but it still clears the area b4 picking up the can i change the sequence?

PS. I have put down false in clear_position column
BudBud Wrote:So it seems like Skidude is active in this thread lol
Erm Skidude I wanna there a way to change the order for my hammerdin?
so far it killed monsters........redemption........pick up drops...SO it wont actually pick up any drop instantly untill redemption is used
I have tried to disable redemption...but it still clears the area b4 picking up the can i change the sequence?

PS. I have put down false in clear_position column

Edit the following files as shown below:


var NTConfig_QuickPickit;


// QuickPickit Script
NTConfig_SnagDelay = 1;        //  Adjust from 0-500 as needed.
NTConfig_QuickPickit = true; // Turn on/off QuickPickit
Now here's were gets a little more complex....

You will need to open the NTAttack.ntl file in D2NT\scripts\libs\common\.
Hopefully your using Notepad++ with the pickit language mod?

Anyways, just look for the line like this:
Quote:function NTA_ClearPosition(range, pickitem, safelevel)
It should be somewhere in the 80's (line 80-89)
keep scrolling down a bit till you see these lines:

_target = NTC_FindUnit(NTC_UNIT_MONSTER);

Now between the BOLD lines above insert the following code ....
Although I wrote the guide above I believe the credit goes to Medix or Beo900 for the method.
I've just disassembled the files in my D2NT to provide you with this solution so not sure who to give credit too. But if anyone knows let me know and I'll be sure to update the posting respectively.

DNA64 devilish:
hey DNA64 and to those who taught you how to do it..THANKS it has finally working!!!!!!!!!! but I ned to test it a few more times to ensure it works perfectly but so far it is picking a lot faster and ignore active monsters (so he picks gold then kill other monsters)

Happy to hear it's working for you now.

You can adjust the SnagDelay and see what works best for you.
This controls how fast the bot picks up the item when it drops.
0 being the fastest, and 500 being the slowest. (Time in milliseconds I believe)
I would suggest not picking up anything less then 5-10,000 gold, if you have it set to pickup low amounts it could cause unwanted issues with such a low SnagDelay...just a guess.

Also make sure you don't have a duplicate reference in your script.

Use the search function to look for "NTConfig_SnagDelay"


Quote:// QuickPickit Script

NTConfig_SnagDelay = 1; // Adjust from 0-500 as needed.

NTConfig_QuickPickit = true; // Turn on/off QuickPickit


DNA64 devilish:
hey do u refer the SnagDelay in my character config script or else where?
In my NTConfig_Paladin

i have this default line:
me.maxgametime = 1800; // time in seconds, maximum game length (0 is infinite)
NTConfig_StartDelay = 0; // Delay time in milliseconds to start;
NTConfig_AreaDelay = 200; // Delay time in milliseconds to change area;
NTConfig_SnagDelay = 1; // Delay time in milliseconds to wait before starting picking items
// QuickPickit Script >>>>>>>>> this is the part I got from you
NTConfig_SnagDelay = 1; // Adjust from 0-500 as needed.
NTConfig_QuickPickit = true; // Turn on/off QuickPickit

should i make it look like tis??
me.maxgametime = 1800; // time in seconds, maximum game length (0 is infinite)
NTConfig_StartDelay = 0; // Delay time in milliseconds to start;
NTConfig_AreaDelay = 200; // Delay time in milliseconds to change area;
//NTConfig_SnagDelay = 1; // Delay time in milliseconds to wait before starting picking items
// QuickPickit Script
NTConfig_SnagDelay = 1; // Adjust from 0-500 as needed.
NTConfig_QuickPickit = true; // Turn on/off QuickPickit

cheers Tongue
Having the same problem as budbud. follewed instructions but it isnt picking up items in between kills. sould i post mu NTattack and NTconfig_sorc?
NTConfig_SnagDelay == 1 should only be there once,the bot looks at the one line for both normal and fast pickit. This fast pickit is similiar to the one I use and it works awesome for public runs with snag delay at 1. On private passworded runs I have my snag delay set at 50 because sometimes the bot picks up random items with the snag delay so low.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Well I’m not there all the time you know Some people, some people, some people, Call it insane, yeah they call it insane, (sugar) I play russian roulette everyday, a man’s sport, With a bullet called life, yeah called life,(sugar)
Does this work with PServer?

If not pls tell me, can BOT actually work on PServer? Thanks.
Never mind this post, I figured it out.
First post updated with most recent version of D2NT manager & NTBot
1 point 13 Wrote:First post updated with most recent version of D2NT manager & NTBot

who's bot is this one?
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Wink Thanks Wink

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