Drag it to open empty skin.
Make 1 more and you'll have cleaned out the main portion of the nose to start with.
Wala, it's gone. Now we need to fix the color and choppy blending of this, with more patch tool usage
You need to select these areas 1 at a time and drag them to her
forehead for brighter light, or the left side of her face. You need
to get rid of all the seams where it’s dark to light skin so it’s smooth.
Also Try to path up any dark spots you see after you get those ones.
Keep patching out spots untill it's nice and smooth all around the same color and texture.
If you did that correctly, you should have something like this.
But now you understand how it works...hopefully. Make a selection
then drag the selection to a spot where you want to fill that original
spot up with. You go try to remove the lips now as well. select
the whole right half of the lips then drag the selection up to the
bright space. Then select the left half of the lips and do the same.
I usually spend a good chunk of time correcting all the lighting
problems from this but it’s not needed to make a nice look.
And now a few people asked me how to make realistic white eyes.
Well this is how. Using the patch tool. Duplicate the layer first.
Then get started on removing the blue ring of the eye. Select a
little piece from the rim and drag it to the white of the eye. Select
a bit more of the eye and drag it out. Keep dragging out little pieces
untill you have the full color part of the eye removed. It should look
good then. But after that I take the original image layer, the one
I copied it from. and pull that layer above the pure white eye, and
erase the color from the image I just put on top. So that the normal
white of the edited one under it shows through. I do this so I can
get back more of the original whiteness of the eye. So the texture
is more realistic. After that I usually add a tiny bit of flesh color to it.
We did that with the last tutorial. By making a new layer. Coloring
a spot with a brownish color, then blending it down using layer
modes. I do that for just the eye spot. It’s just one of many tricks
you can pull off using the patch tool. I also use it after I finish
putting in cracks on skin to blend the texture in better and have
a more smooth transition in there.
get crackin. er smoothin o_O
now someone point me in the direction of the forum I goto to beg for items