06-23-2004, 04:50 AM
now i kno i said i wouldn't post a trade hack or say where to get 1 but i've got a pm form someone that said i didn't have 1 trade hack so to prove him wrong here's 1 for you ppl
that site is safe and is the only place to get trade scam
remember this isn't really a trade hack all it does is switch your items fast enough to avoid the click delay or red check and it probaly won't get alot of ppl but there are the few "suckers" out there that will fall for this
that site is safe and is the only place to get trade scam
Quote:quoted by Snarg at blizzhackers.com
Run Diablo in window mode. Ensure the title of your Diablo window is 'Diablo II'. If you are using Onlyer's no CD loader, add this to your shortcut: "C:\Program Files\Diablo II\Diablo II.exe" -w -title "Diablo II"
remember this isn't really a trade hack all it does is switch your items fast enough to avoid the click delay or red check and it probaly won't get alot of ppl but there are the few "suckers" out there that will fall for this