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hy there m8
hy to all player of d2 Big Grin
i have a question ...
i need progam for dupe or learn me how to dupe pls
most public dupes are scams and dont count on finding something that helps u dupe because there mostly trojans and stuff:dead:
for open duping. try jamella and shadowmaster. just get the item and change acts to load it into the file. then try to open the file with the editor. if you see the item in the editor. give the item back to the person. when you save and exit, move the item somewhere else on the editor and save while you're in the chatroom. so when you go into a game, it will be there.Cool
lol trayne, i hate jamella....its hard 4 me to do...lmao
thats pretty sad then, it so basic to use
i recentlly dled jamella but im on 1.10 and dont no if i can make a 1.9 char or revert back 2 1.9 w/o loosing my 1.10 chars:confused:
use shadowmaster to make new chars, sometimes jamalle doesnt work properly
once the char becomes 1.10, it stays 1.10. only thing that reverts is the mpq and the setup files. it will back up to 1.09 but it will continue to waste room doing the back up.
there is a way easier way to dupe with shadowmasters:

get the item, tell the other person ur duping it, save and exit, open char with shadowmaster, right click on item, copy, paste, export the item if u want.
then they'll think you jacked them and get mad. if they trust you. chances are game will be invalid since the gamenames are limited on the screen and tend to circulate putting ones you want invalid though they're running.
wtf i got 1.10 and i can run 1.10 beta and 1.09 in the same computer and it still work
listening to
50 cent - in da club

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