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cheap 45 second dclone killer guide
since someone pmd me askin thought id share my build
its cheap to build an kills in about 45 seconds
Skills only listing what you need put the rest wherever for lvling
20 smite
20 holyshield
20 defiance
20 fanatacism

str - enough to wear the gear below
dex- 110
rest vitality

15ias/-15 req jeweld veil of steel(cant get the 15ias -15 req jewel just use the -15 req plain or rare)

15 ias duriels shell

gore riders


maras or highlords ammy

tgods belt or siggards stealth for the ias

2 hozs needed for weap switch

malice rune word

black runeword

1 raven frost

1 bk ring or rare ring with life and resists

make the runewords with any weap req with very fast attack for base speed(knouts work well)

Malice3 Socket Melee WeaponsIth + El + Eth+33% Enhanced Damage
+9 To Maximum Damage
100% Chance Of Open Wounds
-25% Target Defense
-100 To Monster Defense Per Hit
Prevent Monster Heal
+50 To Attack Rating
Drain Life -5

smite the clone a couple times with malice to prevent him from healing

Black3 Socket Clubs/Hammers/MacesThul + Io + Nef+120% Enhanced Damage
40% Chance Of Crushing Blow
+200 To Attack Rating
Adds 3-14 Cold Damage - Cold Duration 3 Seconds
+10 To Vitality
15% Increased Attack Speed
Magic Damage Reduced By 2
Level 4 Corpse Explosion (12 Charges)

weapon switch and crushing blow knocks him down fast
interesting... and this is tested and proven rite?
yeah i made it about 5 months ago and ive gotten over 250 annis with it
what about botd if i have 1?

and my gear is....
Eth botd zeker
2x 40/15d giant skull
Eth exile
angelic ring/ammy
and coh

My skills are
maxed zeal
maxed fana
maxed sac
maxed holy shield
almost maxed difiance

will that work?
[Image: graveskullcopy5io.jpg]
all the botd is gonna do for ya is ias not near as effective as black 40%CB 15 ias very fast base attack
the cb from that is what kills him so fast
besides how hard is it to find thul Io and nef and a 3 sock weap with a very fast attack base speed lol
oh ok i should change my gear?
[Image: graveskullcopy5io.jpg]
yeah you dont need any good gear to put him down fast
how long does it take u to make d2 clone come out?
[Image: graveskullcopy5io.jpg]
i do clone hunts with renegades on an irc
you have to be an soj seller to do it
or get lucky and leach and try an find the right ip b4 we sell enough to get him to walk usually sell about 5-8 sojs each
does soj seller sell ur sojs or money?

If i make priv game with me only in the game?
[Image: graveskullcopy5io.jpg]
you sell the sojs and so do they you have to have sojs in your inventory
everyone makes there own game you all have to get on the same ip though(so all the sojs sold are going towards everyones games on that ip) all seperate games everyone gets there own anni 1 person sells 5 then the next an so on
sometimes he will pop in 10 sojs sold sometimes takes around 60 and thats divided by like 6 or 7 people so you dont sell that many sojs
soj sells your soj (hence the name)
so clone can dropo more then 1 anni>

what if i dont have that many sojs....

wat realm u play?
[Image: graveskullcopy5io.jpg]
everyone is in ther own private passworded game on the same ip
if you dont understand this go read about it in the bots section of forum
i understand

ty 4 info it helper me alot =] ty

just 1 more thing...
how do ppl get on 1 ip im sorry to be annoying
[Image: graveskullcopy5io.jpg]
they join games then alt+tab out the game. go to start>run> (command in windows 9x, cmd in 2k and xp) then type netstat -n. look for the line w/ 4000 on the end of that. taht's the d2 ip of the server ur on. go there and keep joining games till u get teh right ip. it gets easier after a while, i do uber clone hunts and have found like 300+ annis (since 1.10 was released)
oh an hey i didnt notice your skills earlier your a zealer this builds for a full blown smiter

like i said read the bots section of forum there are bots that will auto find the ip address
or you can do it manually with msdos command prompt every game type in netstat -n

to be even cheaper you could also use a 15 ias rockstopper in place of the veil of steel
250 annis require 32 accounts to hold them... nice. you wanna give me one of them?
trz Wrote:250 annis require 32 accounts to hold them... nice. you wanna give me one of them?
lol i have 10 accts and why would i keep that many they sell easily on ebay for 4.50 each
but if you need annis all i have right now are id ones for trade
do this start,Run,type in command with that goes up and your in a game in diablo type in "netstat -n" on the command then on the left of "4000" is your ip

dude ebayers are gay...

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