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America Created the AIDS virus??
Someone tell me more. ive got some ppl who say they've read up on the subject, all they tell me is;

Them: "where was Americas focus in the 80's"
Me: "Africa"
Them:" When did the whole AIDS thing come up?"
Me: "Mid-Late 80's"

blah,blah,blah am i crazy for starting to see some possibility in their theory??
I have no clue what you just wrote.
hes saying that since an american went to africa, where the aids virus came from, and he came back to america and it spreaded. that america's responsible for the aids virus
AIDs actually came from monkeys, if I'm not mistaken but could be. Which goes towards my monkeys will rule the world theory...damn you monkeys...damn you.
"I'm not a geek, I'm just coolness challenged."
i though it was just a myth that it came from monkeys, don't viruses just .. like happen or grow ..?
Viruses all began from one thing, and the virus, like humans mutated. (Here comes a long boring explanation) In the beginning of the world, there was nothing, only water and harmful chemical in the air, and no oxygen. After a long time, plants in the water began to develope. Their waste, O2, or oxygen was releastd into the water and also into the air, giving birth to what we breathe now. Past by couple of thousand years, singlecelled organisms were formed. (cut the crap) Past more more more years, multicelled organisms produced. MORE MORE, then... oh f* this, it wud take too long.

Summary:Viruses all originated from one being, and that virus spreaded and mutated. The theory of AIDS starting from a monkey can be true, if we trace back the AIDS timeline and the monkey timeline.
I think the theory came about because one of the first people diagnosed with AIDs had been bitten by a monkey along with a few others. The theory is that the virus in fact mutated in monkeys then was passed on to humans through wild monkeys being in contact with humans visiting jungles and getting bitten by one of the infected monkeys.
"I'm not a geek, I'm just coolness challenged."
some guy had sex with a monkey and thats how it got spread...

at leasr thats whata i was told. Not that its trustworthy but its still funny.
Veck Wrote:some guy had sex with a monkey and thats how it got spread...

at leasr thats whata i was told. Not that its trustworthy but its still funny.
retarded and nasty ... i doubt that happened

bite theory is better
aids is bad simple.
Actually that sex with a monkey thing is valid considering AIDs is an STD and there are sick people out there. I used to say that same theory as a joke but what makes it funny is that it is possible.
"I'm not a geek, I'm just coolness challenged."
Even if we did spread A.I.Ds to america it would have eventually happened by some african coming to america so we are not to blame, africa is
i have a guide on this its in french 2 o well.

im not sure if there is anything missing its directly frm my anim8 file i might have 2 delete some words 2 fit it i nthe overhead box.

The basic rule is, where information can go, a virus can go with it
La règle de base, c'est que là où l'information peut aller, un virus
peut l'accompagner.
Inthe world of computer viruses it's not so much technology that comes
alive, but just the opposite: biology is cybernised
Dans le monde des virus informatiques ce n'est pas la technologie qui
s'anime, tant que l'inverse: la biologie se cybernise.
Let us speak not of "persons with AIDS" but rather of a "society with AIDS"
Ne parlons pas de "personnes atteintes du SIDA",
parlons plutôt d'une "société atteinte du SIDA"
The gift of blood has been polluted
Le don du sang a été pollué
Born naked, modern humanity risks dying without the mask of culture,
destroyed by impulses that suffer no cultural interdiction
Dénudée à sa naissance, l'humanité moderne se risque de trouver sa
mort dénudée du masque de la culture, détruite par des
impulsions qui ne sont soumises à aucune interdiction culturelle
The body is not one self but a fiction of a self built from a mass of
interacting selves. A body's capacities are literally the result
of what it incorporates; the self is not only corporal but corporate.
Le corps ne constitue pas un moi unique mais une fiction
d'un moi construit d'une intéraction de mois. Les capacités d'un corps
sont littéralement le résultat de ce qu'il incorpore; le moi est non
seulement corporel, il est incorporant.
Ostensibly, human bodies are integrating newly evolved and evolving
viruses, only some of them, such as HIV, identifiable due
to their pathogenicity. The majority of viruses and bacteria
circulate around the biosphere and technosphere harmlessly and unnoticed.
Il paraîtrait que les corps humains sont en train
d'incorporer des virus récemment evolués et en voie d'évolution,
dont certains seulement, tels que le VIH, sont susceptibles
d'être identifiés grâce à leur pathogénicité. La plupart des virus et d
We form a rhizome with our viruses
by Joseph Nechvatal
We form a rhizome with our viruses, or rather, our viruses make us form a
rhizome with other creatures.
-Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, On The Line
William Burroughs said that sexual desire is like a virus
that is always on the hunt for a new host --
a virus that almost always infects new technology first.
In response to this idea, I developed in 1992-3
(when I was Louis Pasteur artist-in-resident at Arbois, France;
Louis Pasteur's home town) a method for creating
viral computer-robotic assisted paintings which stem from a computer
virus program. This computer program was written on Hyper-card in Basic
with the a of computer-technology by combining technological and
aesthetic elements in a new, viral way. These viral infected
computer-robotic assisted paintings focus on an interface between the
viral virtual and the viral actual (i.e., the viral viractual) -
n alterity which couples the biological with the technological. Hence,
my computer-robotic assisted viral paintings strive for a depiction of an
ti-essentiality of the body-in-bits which allows no pri
The basic premise behind my viral computer-robotic
assisted paintings is the rhizomatic exploration of host/
parasite omnijectivity (the metaphysical concept stemming from the discoveries
of quantum physics which teaches us that mind
(previously considered the subjective realm) and matter
(previously considered as the objective realm) are inextricably linked)
under the influence of today's high-frequency,
electronic, computerized environment.
Moreover, host/parasite viral encounters
with the codes of computer simulation create the ribald opportunity for
transgression of conventional limitations. In the viral rupture,
thought detaches itself from the host/parasite order and authority
of the old sign and topples down into the realm of the viral viractual.
This viral viractuality is the most erudite, the most aware, the most conscious,
and the most cluttered area of our consciousness as it is the
depth from which we beings emerged as child parasites into our now
precarious existence.
Though my viral work is certainly heading for presentation
in the classical virtual reality
hardware/eyeware - where immersion is
total and where the viewer/user is free to navigate his or her way through
the deep perceptual space
which my art suggests - I plan also to continue the presentation of silent,
still viral images robotically painted
on canvas for certain very obvious reasons:
contemplation possibilities offered to the viewer, the beauty
of natural light, the suggested (therefore more actively imagined) viral
immersion by use of large scale dimensions,
plus issues of permanency and warmth. I very much like to
work with the viral digital image as immaterial abstract
mutually exclusive conditions at the same time. If computer animation
can be compared to a reel of tape, then painting can
be compared to random access memory.
Quelle transformation ?
Lorsque Joseph Nechvatal me demanda d'introduire dans ces tableaux des transformations,
je pensais tout naturellement à
des outils prévus dans Photoshop (filtre divers).
Le résultat lui plut; mais il m'expliqua que ce n'était pas cela qu'il attendait.
Au cours d'une longue discussion se dégagea l'idée de "virus".
Il fallait faire des transformations locales qui se propageraient
et peu à peu "mangeraient" complètement l'uvre.
Les premiers essais ne furent guère concluant. Les format xxx
restaient hermétique et en particuliers
la façon dont étaient définies les lignes.
Ce ne fut qu'après de nombreuses recherches que je trouvais
ue le nombre de lignes et de colonnes étaient stockés en ressources.
Cette constatation conduira à des manipulations peu difficiles mais contraignantes.
Les choix à faire :
Les "virus" devaient-ils être placés de manière systématique ou au hasard ?
Devait-il y avoir une infection qui se propage ou plusieurs infections ?
La propagation devait-elle se faire de manière systématique ou au hasard ?
Quelle devait être la taille des virus ?
La forme des virus devait-elle être fixe ou pouvait-elle varier ?
Dans quel langage développait l'application ?
Jean-Philippe Massonie. Laboratoire MIS, Université de Franche-Comté.
Translate for us plz.
well they believe that aids came from pollyo vaccine, in Cananda they found out about in the 1982 when they found out that alot of blood donatiions were carrying the HIV virus, that is the beginning of aids. Aids is not a virus, its a disease

The ghastly disease AIDS burst upon the scene in the early 1980s. Though this particular grim reaper has not long stalked among us, it has taken millions of lives and has staked its cold-fingered claim to millions more. That it seemed to appear out of nowhere has sparked a multitude of rumors regarding its origin and path of destruction. Rumors about AIDS include claims that it was:
  • An out-of-control germ warfare virus that escaped from its handlers.
  • Spread by specific ethnic groups (e.g., Haitians).
  • Put in the fluoride of our drinking water.
  • Put in K-Y Jelly by the Centers for Disease Control to eliminate homosexuals.
  • Developed by the CIA.
  • Developed by the Russians.
  • Created in Hitler's laboratories.
Scientists are generally agreed that AIDS jumped the species barrier from chimpanzees to humans. (Chimpanzees host a virus called SIV, simian immunodeficiency virus, which is regarded as being similar to HIV.) AIDS is not the only new contagion to have begun in such fashion; [url=\"#cdc\";\"\",]Ebola[/url] and [url=\"#cdc\";\"\",]Marburg[/url], two infectious diseases that kill incredible numbers of those who contract them, were passed to humans from monkeys.

It's a simple explanation: Diseases live on by finding victims to infect, and diseases that jump species (sometimes undergoing changes in the process) find a whole new set of victims available to them. Yet this is too pat an explanation for many of us, and we tend to reject that which doesn't fit well to our understanding of our world, substituting in its place myths that, although disturbing, at least seem more logical. We make the arrogant assumption that our world should always make sense according to our current level of knowledge; such a premise works well in most cases but breaks down in the face of matters our understanding does not yet encompass. At those moments at least some of us scramble to find explanations — any explanations — that can be shoehorned into service.

That a death-dealing plague could spring into being during our lifetimes defiles our cherished sense of order: deadly diseases don't just come from nowhere, after all, at least not according to our understanding of the way of things. We've also grown to trust that Science always has the answer for everything. That this pestilence could defy the efforts of our best healers and researchers strikes us as flat-out wrong. Surely a natural malady would have been cured by now; ergo, we conclude, AIDS must be manmade. The disease's sudden appearance and its tenacity have laid a foundation for rumors about biochemical pathogens that escaped the laboratory by accident and supported whispers that the virus was engineered to wipe out specific ethnic or racial groups. It is, after all, far more comforting to believe in malevolent forces like the CIA than to grasp that nature could spontaneously create incurable diseases.

Rumors about lab experiments gone wrong or deliberate attempts to decimate certain groups are part of our struggle to come to terms with the unfathomable, to reduce it to something that can be comprehended and dealt with. Also, the AIDS origin stories we tell give us someone to blame, providing us with the comfort of a whipping boy in place of the terror inherent to "It just happened; there was no because to it." The acknowledgement that something so deadly could "just happen" is a starkly unforgiving reality that arrives accompanied by its chilling yet unstated companion message of "Something similiar could happen again, maybe even tomorrow, and maybe even to us." AIDS origin rumors reflect both western society's anxiety about this dread killer and its attempts to make sense of it.

AIDS origin rumors fall into two categories: biological warfare experiments tried out on groups deemed expendable (Africans or Haitians) or deliberate attempts to diminish particular "unfavorable" populations (Africans, Haitians, homosexuals) via biochemical attack. In her study of AIDS origin lore, folklorist Patricia Turner identified a number of recurring motifs in the hundreds of versions of the rumor she collected:
  • A branch of the U.S. government was usually the author of the conspiracy — the CIA, the army, the Reagan administration, the Pentagon, the Centers for Disease Control, the far right, and "the superpowers."
  • The contamination targets of the conspiracy were labeled as Africans or descendants of Africans, either directly or by implication (i.e., AIDS was developed to target Haitians, Africans, blacks, black babies, "the lower classes," or "the outcasts of society"). Many informants identified more than one group, claiming, for instance, the conspiracy was intended to limit both the gay and the black populations.
  • The conspiracy was usually described as either an experiment that got out of hand or as an intentional use of biological, chemical, or germ warfare.
  • The spread of the disease through groups other than those intended by the conspirators (e.g., white heterosexuals) was described as a huge mistake.
That the first victims of AIDS were members of groups some deemed contemptible (homosexuals and drug users) supported belief that the disease had been deliberately manufactured for the purpose of ridding society of particular classes of undesirables. We now know AIDS is a blood-borne virus, but that knowledge was not in place when this new plague first began to take lives. In retrospect, it makes sense that the initial victims of AIDS would have been drawn largely from those two groups, but at the time the mechanism through which the disease spread was a mystery, a condition that led some to latch onto a commonality between the two prevalent victim groups and accept an explanation based on that commonality. Likewise, those whose religious or moral bents led them to conclude homosexuals and drug users were abominations in the eyes of God looked not to the CIA as authors of the virus but to the Creator, seeing AIDS as a deliberate act by a <NOBR>fed-up</NOBR> deity to rid Himself of those who had broken His laws.

Part of the prevalence of the AIDS origin rumor that pins responsibility for the virus on the CIA (or another group within the American government) may be due to deliberate Soviet misinformation designed to discredit the USA. An article charging AIDS was the product of <NOBR>U.S. germ</NOBR> warfare experiments first surfaced in the Soviet newspaper Literary Gazette in 1985 and claimed the AIDS virus was created at a supersecret Army research laboratory in Fort Detrick, Maryland. The only source cited was the Patriot, a leftist Indian newspaper that, <NOBR>U.S. experts</NOBR> charged, was a favored conduit of the KGB for its disinformation campaigns.

In 1986 at a summit held in Zimbabwe, what purported to be a scholarly paper linking the <NOBR>U.S. military</NOBR> with AIDS was widely circulated. The authors did not have any expertise in AIDS research, but their offering was taken somewhat seriously by many who read it. The paper charged the disease had been introduced into Africa from Europe — not through homosexual practices or intravenous drug use, but by tainted blood supplies, which may have originated in the <NOBR>U.S.</NOBR> Its conclusion was unambiguous: AIDS was let loose on the world by biological warfare experimenters at Fort Detrick. That the rumor might well have been deliberately formulated by a foreign government at odds with the USA was an interesting curiousity.
Dude I'm so not reading all of that.
"I'm not a geek, I'm just coolness challenged."
Dude you have too much time on ur hands
wow great post Cat, really interesting.
to long man, i agree with spoonman999 and elterion

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