07-04-2004, 07:06 AM
lol, u people kill me. the fact that there existed a virus that is similar to HIV in monkeys completly discredits any kind of conspiracy. Y must there always be these people that seem to think that there is a goverment/Russia/Ethnic conspiracy to do these kinds of things. SIV, the HIV dirivative, has existed in monkey's, more specificly chimps, for almost a hundred years. now how it was contracted into the first human, well lets just say that SIV is also transmitted sexually, if you can draw the picture from there. after in its first human host(s), the virus simply evolved, any form of an immunodeficancy virus evolve at the rate of about 1 billion new versions every 24 hrs. so it was only a matter of short time before it could root itself within and attack the body of a homosapein, being that an average chimp and human share 99.9999999999 followed by 90 more 9's% of our genetic material. the fact is that there was and is no conspiracy that unleashed HIV or AIDS, it is just a highly active virus that has the exact tools to completly disable every aspect of the immune system. and for those of you who are wondering about a cure. YES, they can cure HIV, back in the early 90's, when scientists were first doing stemcell reasearch, they placed stemcells, the cells found in the amniotic fluid and in the umbillical <--spelled wrong cord. once within the human body, stem cells are involerable, they cannot be destroyed by any virus or other type of infection, therefore, as they divide, the HIV host carriers are destroyed, however, the stemcells are not. There were a few people cured by this procceder. However, Stemcell research and medicine practices where banned, so you can thank our good old Save The Babies group for killing countless numbers of humans around the world. the child doesnt use or need either of the two sources when the stemcells where extracted, after birth. the umbillical cord is cut off and thrown away, and the amniotic fluid, whats left, is soaked up onto biohazard towels and burned. when each umbillical cord could be saving about 1000 people. now that doesnt sound like much, but consider this. almost 1 million babies are born just in the United States alone. almost 1 billion accross the globe. thats alot o human lives that could be saved, if we could simply use these sources, the kid doesnt need them at all any more. but i guess they would rather throw them in the trash can, than save a young man or woman from dieing.
i just read ur last paragraph, and i have one question to ask you.
do u honestly think the US Military would allow a document as u described to ever get outside of the MAXIMUM security facility that it would have been stored in???
And thats IF there ever was sucha document, trust me, the Military would be the first group do destroy any and all links to any such acts
DONT BE STUPID!!!!!!!!!!
Im srry i keep reading this over and over, and it keeps bringing up more flaws in this stupid idea.
another point id like to make is this:
Y, again, must their always be a conspiracy, once again you point out that
AIDS was let loose on the world by biological warfare experimenters at Fort Detrick.
Ok. To start off with, back in 1986, there were no (accurate) methods for screening and identifing humans that had contracted the virus. Therefore, perfectly healthy humans who passed a blood disease test could have gave the blood as a donation to for example the Red Heart. Now, which is more likely,
a perfectly normal human giving the blood, not knowing that they have a disease, there are no methods to find it, and the "Normal" blood is sent out of the country
OR, lmao
At Fort Detrick, the US Goverment/Military, took thousands, nay, Millions of packets of blood, enough to allow the virus to sustain itself, contaminated them, and then simply shipped them off.............
i just read ur last paragraph, and i have one question to ask you.
do u honestly think the US Military would allow a document as u described to ever get outside of the MAXIMUM security facility that it would have been stored in???
And thats IF there ever was sucha document, trust me, the Military would be the first group do destroy any and all links to any such acts
DONT BE STUPID!!!!!!!!!!
Im srry i keep reading this over and over, and it keeps bringing up more flaws in this stupid idea.
another point id like to make is this:
Y, again, must their always be a conspiracy, once again you point out that
AIDS was let loose on the world by biological warfare experimenters at Fort Detrick.
Ok. To start off with, back in 1986, there were no (accurate) methods for screening and identifing humans that had contracted the virus. Therefore, perfectly healthy humans who passed a blood disease test could have gave the blood as a donation to for example the Red Heart. Now, which is more likely,
a perfectly normal human giving the blood, not knowing that they have a disease, there are no methods to find it, and the "Normal" blood is sent out of the country
OR, lmao
At Fort Detrick, the US Goverment/Military, took thousands, nay, Millions of packets of blood, enough to allow the virus to sustain itself, contaminated them, and then simply shipped them off.............