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Hello, I was just wondering does lag stand for anything in patricular or is it a technical term or is it just made up? I kind of got the general drift that lag is caused by a slow computer and/or slow internet connection? Am i wrong or am i right??? Is there a way to get rid of lag? Freeing up space? getting a better connect?
Lag is actually a real word outside of the computer world. Lag usually means falling behind or slowing down. This was applied to slow computers that have low processing speeds or low internet connections.

I should know, I'm an expert in lag because my phone line is jacked up.
Lol oh yes the real world...i know what that is *looks around suspiciously*
hmm if its a word outside of the computer realm i wonder if gangsters made laggot yet.u ***in laggot u can cath me!lol....?
lol too much ghetto words alrdy, no need to add 1 more = ), hah, laggot. a slow faggot i suppose?

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