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I only use maphack sometimes, I haven't bothered to try d2hackit or anything else yet, but I was wondering if I can get detected running maphack since I am not running anti-detection or does anti-detection only protect you when use are editing packets?
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Better yet where do u get anti dectection/what does it do?
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im not sure how antidetection works but i know that u can use d2hackit and never get banned jsut becarefull about the packets u send and dont use color or illegal charatcers you should be ok.and alosin anim8 i dont think if u use colors u will gert bannned read up on a site and they said its undetectable.see blizzard lofggaas ur chatlog and if it has colorrs they knwo but if uoverhead ur meessage they cant read it since its above ur u can see in speech log.
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Blizzard scans players and anti-detcetion intercepts these packets and sends them back to blizzard saying everything is ok.
If anyone knows if I will need to run this when I use maphack so I don't get banned could you your answer here.
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Yea could u answer that qeustion i would like help with it to, also would anti dection help for Zoids ond pindle bot or is there no use for them
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Does c3po have antidetection?
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i want/need to know that as well
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I thought that this anti-detection was only needed for bots, so I was aasking here if anyone knew.
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anti detection is used with maphack...stops teh 33 packet and other packets logged as hacks and i also think if server gets confused where you are liek in game or lobby you will log out or something if your using a bot...
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guyz, i and etanol have explained this over and over again. antidetection does D*CK!! it truely doest have any functional purpose rather than to give you false psycological support when your hacking, do you guys honestly think that Blizzard has nothing better to do than sit around bannin MH'ers, they dont care about those who use maphack. they're after the guyz trying to dupe, and succeeding, the guyz trying to create items, like the ITH's where, and those kind of people, and btw, the 33 packet is still logged by b-net. now what anti-detection is suppoz to do is separate the sending of the packets to reveal the automap. thats why when your running the anti detect, MH takes just a fraction of a second longer. so, in the end, it does nothing.
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ootf is right but u can find the file in that hack pack im not on my account on my computer, but just search "hack pack diablo 2" ull find it easy if u really want it to feel safe for some reason.
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i heard about this prog called protection DLL. It was supossed to work. I dont know for sure.
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nope dont even need it...
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then msot of been a doiffrent packet ootf maybe it was 3d hel i dont rmeber what cerb said.
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I just got a temp ban (i hope) from for using pindle and in the pindle directory there is the anti detection dll so obviously it does not work then.
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I hate to try to contradict what everyone else says. The majority of anti-detection does do nothing. However some Bots have randomness in their behavior - making it more difficult for Blizzard to detect certain repetitious patterns (i.e., creating/dissolving a game 100ms quiting/slaying creature X, etc.). Do to living in a mostly analog world, it is difficult to be 100% perfect. Ergo, a certain amount of error is already allowed. One of bots out there claim it uses several random elements to be less predictable (what it calls anti-detection) - that is primarily source of my information. So if it is wrong, then I just made a fool of myself.
As for maphacks... Well... um... yeah... about that... USE AT YOUR OWN RISK?... Maybe?
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In lehmans terms anti detection is just there to make you feel good. Just like mf.