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Hi i am new to the forum and i was wondering how much mf do you need to find decent items in uswest
i would bet it is attleast 400% and then from there start raising it
well i have 545% right now so thx alot for replying
there was really no point of asking how much mf u need to be finding good stuff....for gods sake man if u have over 500%mf then dont ask the question...the % of ur mf speeks for itself
well i mfed all nigth all i found was shako
WELL that is some though luck, and in the other hand my barb has a li´over 190% and i´ve been blessed with the luck of a fool
if i MF lets say for three hours i usually find 4-7 uniques and the same amount of set items and a whole bunch of rares
is pindle the best for a barb because t won;t let me run meph bot cause i have no sorc so is pindle my best bet
yup you got that one right Big Grin

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