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C3P0 Help
The allies dont show up on my map

can anyone help
press esc--->automap---->show party = yes
Allies only show if you are close enough to them too I think.
i think since its a maphack it shows them all over but i dont know why my c3po whenever i hit a mob a couple times id disconect so i jsut use mousepads now
Is there a way to pan away from your character with c3po? I haven't been able to figure it out, there's the hotkey to enable panning, but it won't pan.
I read that when you scroll the map you are real easy to detect by blizzard, but this could be some bs that somebody made up.
i wasn't talking about panning the mini-map, i was talking about panning the actual screen, like with other map hacks you can hit scroll lock and pan around, i use it for scamming, they just can't figure out that im talking to warriv, hitting scroll lock, and moving all the way over to gheed, lol.
wtf?what a waste of time lol.jsut do it manually.

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