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i need help
i tryied downloadin the expansion char betterthanu from this site but i dont know how 2.

plz msg me back if u do know. thanx

everythings pretty easy to download off of this site...
obviously you found the list of exp. character downloads, so now just click on the name of the character (betterthanu) and it will take you to a little page that gives you the shows you three pics of diablo, click on the red one to download...itll now take you to an agreement page, so click on 'i agree' at the bottom and it should bring up the box asking whether or not you want to save, open , or save,m choose you directiry and click okay...the download should take seconds (if that) go find the zip file and unzip or extract it...choose directory again and find those folders...cut or copy the character file and stick it into the save folder in your diablo 2 folder...the next time you load the game, he should be there...

its a really long explanation, but i hope it helps...good luck : )
could just extract the file from the zip into the save file heh, would of saved you a few lines in your explaination
Wow, there is like 20 of these "i need help" threads. Spit, you should break down the help forum into categories. Big Grin
i guess it couldve saved me some time, but i didnt know who i was talking to, how much explaining he needed, how easily he couldve understood it...i guess its safe to type like youre talking to someone that doesnt know how to use a computer and just bought d2 today, and its best not to use too much internet lingo...more tips on talking to newbs at 11:00 tonight Smile j/k
wow ur a good sport about it
about talking to newbs? i guess so, you have to be though...think about, man, we were all newbs once, you have to give them something...its hard starting out with all these bigs guys knowing everything pushing you around, i still cry at night Sad
its all for the little guy...

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