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1.10 xfering
in 1.10 u can't xfer by your self rgiht, cuz i was xfering my ****ing cruel cb then when i came back it wasn't there anymore, please and thank you
you can xfer by yourself. make a game with a password. wait 10 minutes, drop your item and leave the game, come back with your different char and ur item will be there waiting for you.... the only thing is that your game will sometimes disconnect. so transfer with a friend to be 100% safe
correction.. you only have to wait 5 minutes, plus after a magic item has been on the floor for a certain amount of time.. it will dissapear
I just go into someones room and drop all mah stuff and then come back with another char. Risky, yet effective.
too risky if u ask me...
All you have to do is go in an act that no one else is in and then hide it to be extra safe behind something and then come back... =D
TrevTrev Wrote:correction.. you only have to wait 5 minutes, plus after a magic item has been on the floor for a certain amount of time.. it will dissapear

After any item is on the ground for a certain amount of time, it dissapears. Usually 60 minutes, or around that much.
To do easy x-fers in a public game, and feel like you're taking a risk, find a wagon in act 1, and keep dropping it until you have to hold alt to find it. Then leave and come back. Make sure you don't do in a run game.
I find in the best spot for leaveing ur items is the bottom right of act 3 there there is a lone bridge then a square road its icolated and completely safe b/c no 1 will ever go there
i ratheruse d2loader and open 2 d2 windows and xfer myself....
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
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yeh i'd just stick with what silver says and xfer w/a friend, never do any of those "trust tests" it always ends up with no one believeing some1 else and it just being a waste of your time. hopefully your friends don't bs you and steal your stuff, but they shouldn't as long as you are complete a$$es to them.
[Image: 2cxck74.jpg]
alfz i have a question about that i tryed 2 do it do u need 2 keys b/c it didnt work for me when i tryed 2 do that
you need 2 keys
and how would u go buy setting the key for d2 loader to be different
see the bottom part....
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
If You Want To Lose Weight, You NEED To Read This First!
dammit you beat me to it referring him

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