im making an orb sorc as we speak, its a little slow on its build, but this is how i built her.
frozen orb: 20
ice bolt: 20
cold mastery: 20
teleport: as needed
energy shield: as needed
thunder storm: 5
warmth: 3 or 4
str: 97 (for skullders)
dex:47 (for ali baba)
vital: all extra points here
energy: 110
armor: skullders (socketed with p topaz)
helm: shako (socketed with p topaz)
weapon: ali baba (2 open sockets, waiting for ist)
shield: llidless (socketed with 1 p diamond)
belt: goldwrap
gloves: chance gaurds (30%)
boots: magical boots with 30% mf
rings: nagelring (30%) and stone of jordan
my equipment isnt the best but with this i have close to 500 mf at lvl 81, the skullders and ali baba will add a nice chunk to your mf at higher levels. you may find it neccessary to add more to warmth but with my equipment i have a total of +5 to skills with my magic find gear, and with my occy equipped i have plus 8.