07-29-2004, 01:27 PM
being the stupid newb i am i just traded from a 4 sock boneweave armor put 4 topaz in it.
then only to realise i need another 50 stength poitns to use it
is it worth me spending 10 lvls worth of stat points to get my sorc up to 156 just for this armor?
this is my 1st sorc so im tryin no to **** it up to bad
im on lvl 70 too
then only to realise i need another 50 stength poitns to use it
is it worth me spending 10 lvls worth of stat points to get my sorc up to 156 just for this armor?
this is my 1st sorc so im tryin no to **** it up to bad
im on lvl 70 too