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Scams :)
welcome welcome to my guide : SCAMS FOR DUMMIES

first we look at the definition of scam;

n : a fraudulent business scheme [syn: cozenage] v : deprive of by deceit; "He swindled me out of my inheritance"; "She defrauded the customers who trusted her"; "the cashier gypped me when he gave me too little change" [syn: victimize, swindle, rook, goldbrick, nobble, diddle, bunco, defraud, mulct, gyp, con]

---------------------------Now that you know whats a scam lets get started------------------------

  1. Tele Pickit Scam;
Requirements: D2 Intown tele Pickit ...erm dun have link Tongue

1. Make a game and name something like ANNI 4 ENIGMA or GHEEDS 4 ENIGMA

(something reasonable)

2. Make the person feel confortable by saying stuff like "Ive been scammed before I know how it feels"

3. Lead em to act 3 to the square...

4. Tell them to drop...

5 . take the item and disconnect yourself Smile

2. JHJ Pindle Scam

1. Make a Game Like JHJ PINDLE BOT HERE

2. Get all the programs in JHJ and place in a file

3. Remove loader and replace with a drop hack; drops all their items

4. Tell them to stay in game to configure it for them

5. Do 1/2 of the JHJ configure part until its the save part

6. Tell them to load LOADER.EXE (replaced with drophack)

7. BOOM all there items drop

3. Wall Scams (oldest ever)

1. Make game like ANNI TRADE or GHEEDS

2. a) tell them to go to act 2... and go to the bar

b) stay in the outside while they in the inside

c) you should be able to grab from the outside and leave

3. a) act 5 near the wp there is a wall

b) go on the outer part of the wall (farthest from wp)

c) and tell them to go on opposite side and drop


4. Full Game Scam

1.Make a game Like Enigma here

2.They will probably tell you they have mules with items you want.

3.Make a NORMAL game with 2 PLAYER MAX

4.Choose from 2-3 Mules

5.They wil probably need the xfer

6.IF they bring a friend Leave

7.If you see them go to wp that means its all on floor sumwhere

8.Get a friend to join the game. SINCE ITS MAXED HE CAN'T GET IN so search for it on a wp sumwhere (you should have most if your in normal)
I should make a mpdiule for the bar scam or something lol.
... learn how to spell
module module module module module module module

what does this have to relate to scams?
tel me godamnit u called me stupid!cummon smart one tell us whats going on o wait you cant because you dont bother to think before you type your critism.
For the anni//gheed trades why don't you just get lag hack // drop hack and lag or drop them out of the game..... :/
hmm good point link that here
Gahndi, you're going to get banned again, unless you stop that flaming.
im sorry but they just keep comming Sad.u know ghandi would never want to hurt anyone im the peacefull leader!
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
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