08-07-2003, 03:27 PM
I got bored and built a hacked zon for 1.09 open. all unique annihilus. Some guy knew who i was and said he was all that and talking crap as usual (you've all heard stuff like that before). he wouldnt back it up until others got on his case about being scared. when he tried he used a lvl 236 bowazon...he died in 4 hits against a lvl 98 javazon. is it me or are ppl dumber than they look. i've heard ppl say they made their own whites when they didnt. i've heard them say they built their char themselves when it was a downloaded char. i've even come accross a moron who said they could hack and then asks for hacked stuff and a lvl hacking...then it moved on to other ppl. makes you wonder if its contagious :blink: