08-21-2003, 05:22 PM
Hi, I am Zombie and I am here today to tell you about the Save a Sorc Foundation or commonly known as SSF. SSF's featured sorc is MrBlonde_RD of the US West realm. MrBlonde_RD has dreams of one day becoming an awesome MF sorc for her clan Resevoir Dogs but is having trouble. This poor young sorc may already be level 86 but does not have the nessacary tools to achive her goal of MF grandure. So the SSF would like to ask you for a donation in the form of charm or equipment to make this young sorcs dreams come true. Any and all donations are greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.
Send all donations to
Acc: Zombie53X on US West
Send all donations to
Acc: Zombie53X on US West