Change of mind, Oh dear. Sorry if this is an inconvenience but I've had one of my many sudden changes of heart. If this is of any inconvenience, don't bother, *other suck up stuff* J/k. Ok, here's the new plan:
1. Dim_sum
2."For love and peace" in a swift cursive italic type font. White colour
3. Dark Morone, Black - Shades of these ie. On sideDark Moroney and other side faded to black.
4. I will dig it up later it's a Trigun one. I have no time at the moment.
5.Have My name on the top left and the quote underneath(Be creative). Have the pic on the right side.
Thanks for any help!!
dim_sum Wrote:Hey Everlast, did you ever get around to doing or attempting to do my sig? Just out of curiosity.martass2 If not, it's cool bro. You still my niga.
so are u so are u heh ill get started on the tri-gun 1 since i have like 1 more hour b4 i have to go sleep so lemme get it str8 more love and peace cursive white pict on right and wut type of name ur gonna have and wut kind of background u want and i have a lil hard time figuering out the background colors :confused:
Yeah you got it right. I don't know if that pic is too big or if you can make it smaller but for the background colours, like morone (darkish) on the left side fading to black on the right side if you follow what I mean.:wacky: Yeah you got it pretty much right and I don't care if you screw it up or anything or have it nothing like I said: as long as it looks really cool. Peace out, niga.