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.hack//virus's Hangout Spot
A) I had only one spelling mistake so... whats your prob
B) how do you know the words you make up are spelt right huh huh
*bites beholder on the arm* IEGH AGHM DOMMBIII!!!! DOMBIIEEE!!!
*Dim sum enters tha scene!!!*
*Pulls out a Hi-fi stereo sytem and turns it up full blast*
*Dun Dun Dun Dun*
*slaps malice in the face* "down boy"
*puts a leash around his neck and ties him to a tree*
How do I know I spell them right? Well, my friend, the English language has set rules. I obey said rules anf continue on my way adding what suffixes I see necessary. If I add a suffix to a word correctly and it makes sense, is it not a reasonbly successfult attempt at changing somewhat the language that we use? The nature of language, is after all, change. Here comes a new word:

Underlinguous (Unn*dur*lin*gyoo*uss*) 1: Of, or pertaining to, the state of being an underling.

Makes sense, no? Is there another word you can use to describe it? No. It's a word. Have fun with my new word.
[url=javascript:void(0);][Image: lostodd2.png?t=1230460315][/url]
good that also be pronounced Unn-dur-ling-yoo-uss? sounds sorta the same, but it's easier to determine where the root and suffix are separated.
ummm i dont agree with you.
i really dont know what to say....
i could go into it more but I really dont want to
mind if we leave it here?
and you know endro emps would not hurt you but they would reak havoc among your nanos cause emp = Electro Magnetic Pulse and that basically frys all electric based items in the area so

*Pulls out a PP7*
*Loads is*
*Shoots a leave and threatns to kill anyone who gets within 10 feet of me :army:*

btw.. have fun killin me cause im undead
*casts purify and demon kilon is imediatly erradicated from the face and plan of this exsistence......undead is really easy to kill lol o btw have fun in hell Big Grin
*bites tree he is tied to*
hahaha its indestructable fishing wire youll never "bite" through it
*Creates a fissure in the ground and climbs his way out of hell with is shotgun..*
"That wasnt very nice"
*Arms shotgun*
"Btw Your Mama says Hi"
*Blasts off beholders head with shotgun*
'Demon[kilon Wrote:"Bwt Your Mama says Hi"

ummm whats stopping sir malice from eating the tree? the he could just slip out of the fishing wire
and remember, always wear proper ear protection
ohterwise, this will happen to you --> :dizzy:
then you will ahve to wear sunglasses
if you don't then your computer will get a virus
a visrus so evil you will get confused :confused(
then you will have to join a band :drummer:
a band centered in egypt
gengis kaun is the leader of that band
he tends to swear
but he cant be fired becaue hes the lead gitaurist
guitarists are cool
but, they tend to give me eye twitches becasue of how they talk
that makes me mad...
so mad that i become consepated
then i have to go to disney world
there i talk to the police man
mainly be casue i might be sick
so sick that my eyes bulge out of my head
then i have to wear a funny hat all day long
ifi dont then my toilet will eat me!
then i will become an angel
an angel who chases ppl with whips
*note* all of these were based of of random emoticons on d2 sector Big Grin
you should have put the emonions at the end then! and yes i did spell btw wrong >_< but its fixed now and no one will notice.. i hope
eh... 2 may emoticons it says... well **** YOU i say
*bites tree some more* zombie? *slobbers*
*pulls out two miniguns from pockets with and endless amount of ammo*
*puts on some sunnies*
*turns around in circles firing at nothing in particular but hits Sir Malice a couple of times on the way around*

*Makes a Demonic Barrier around himself to block bullets back at dim*
"Hey you almost hit me"
*Runs up to dim dodging bullets and punches real hard in the gut*
huh thats funny demon cause i banished you out of this plan of EXSISTENCE so you cant be here
he climbed out of hell...

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