'Demon[kilon Wrote:"Bwt Your Mama says Hi"
ummm whats stopping sir malice from eating the tree? the he could just slip out of the fishing wire
and remember, always wear proper ear protection
ohterwise, this will happen to you --> :dizzy:
then you will ahve to wear sunglasses
if you don't then your computer will get a virus
a visrus so evil you will get confused :confused(
then you will have to join a band :drummer:
a band centered in egypt
gengis kaun is the leader of that band
he tends to swear
but he cant be fired becaue hes the lead gitaurist
guitarists are cool
but, they tend to give me eye twitches becasue of how they talk
that makes me mad...
so mad that i become consepated
then i have to go to disney world
there i talk to the police man
mainly be casue i might be sick
so sick that my eyes bulge out of my head
then i have to wear a funny hat all day long
ifi dont then my toilet will eat me!
then i will become an angel
an angel who chases ppl with whips
*note* all of these were based of of random emoticons on d2 sector