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Suckiest Skill Eva
Hi. I thought it would be fun to see what skills people rate or hate.

My first skill nominated for all time suckiness is the Paladin skill "Convert". This is a useful `lil skill to turn monsters on their friends. But it has one major problem.

When you convert a monster, it gets your current aura. When the time is up and the critter regains its senses, the aura lingers for a moment... Just long enough for your "friend" to hit you, powered up with your aura!!

I lost count of the number of times this caused me to die, using my Might aura. :mad:

Anyway, if you're gonna nominate a skill for eternal suckiness, please include a reason, and no "just because", please!
i would have to say the barbarians Grim Ward, because no one ever uses it, and all it does is make the monsters run away.
yeah i have used grim ward but its so gay i have never seen anyone ever use Sad
Leap for Barbarians, since your gonna have leap attack (hopefully), and that can leap even farther, the regular leap would be a waste of mana, and has no effect whatsoever except to knock some monsters back a few feet.
if hafta say grim ward even at lvl 1000(hacked on single) it does nothing the monsters usual run 2feet and turn around and start hitting u
Yeah thats true, not to mention a waste of a good corpse that could be redeemed for mana/life (pally/druid), summoned/revived (necro) or popped (necro/asn)
hmm...for me shud be telekenesis....nth much to explain....
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
If You Want To Lose Weight, You NEED To Read This First!
yea grim does really suxxxxxx:LSLKA:F
telekenisis is kinda ok for grabbing gold but grim ward is yukk lol same as those pally auras that add 1 resistance at a time... wut a load or **** crap
[Image: graveskullcopy5io.jpg]
TELEKENISIS IS ****ING AWESOME!!! Yo whoever doesnt like Tk should die! Naa im playin, buh telekenis is good, picks up good, cast to open chest, stun monsters/players in duel, take tp/wp. One of the most over looked skills in d2.
definitely overlooked and it can be used to help power up energy shield which can make people godlike if they have good amt of mana w/ good mana regeneration by reducing mana cost so you can keep recasting to take massive dmg with dying.
yea grim is def. the gayest skill,why do you want monsters to run away neway?isnt the point of this game to kill monsters?
??? good amt of mana w/ good mana regernation by reducing mana cost? (sry i didnt get this) and if a sorc was hit with a spell, lets say a lvl 25 fireball for instance, your mana pool would drain completely. unless you had max resist / absorb so you wouldnt have time to cast tk
only seen this before of course. Lightning sorc if i remember. Pretty dam strong. With only 1 raven if i remember, with max resist( ?cant remember if it was or wasnt). Able to take 900 dmg fos.

w/out dying of course. (I ended dying if i remember correctly.)
what is fos...
Frozen orbs
i think find potion and find item are pretty f'ing useless, they have a good idea behind them, but they dont work, best tiem ever got out of it was like a superior buckler.

and the poison vines on a druid suck too
what bout like actic wind or w/e that lame *** cold spell is for druids. or maybe dim vision or terror for nec curses they pretty lame. howl for barbs is also retarded. for zons i dun like the inner sight crap
[Image: fuggyleetsignj8il7.jpg]
Nobody can handle the leetness of this sig.
' Wrote:Who loves orange soda?
Kel'thuzad loves orange soda!
Is it true?
frost nova = useless
Most useless skill is probably grim ward.

Most hated skill? Teeth.

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