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Save the world
Scientists predict that we have 10 years to save the world......

Seriously this isn't going to be something that might happen or some wacky prediction it's based on scientifical fact.

The fact of the matter is that if people don't start to cut down on the waste they produce then the climate change will be next to irraversable, Spieceies will become extinct cities like New York and London will become permanently flooded and uninhabitable, Scientists work out that it'd cost the big econamies of the World a meer 10% of what they make to save the world yet if we don't act now the cost would spiral into the millions.

It won't effect me I hear you cry. IT BLOODY WELL WILL!!! this isn't something thats going to effect the next generation or the generation after that, 10 Years isn't that long work out how old you're going to be in 10 Years. I'll be 30 and I bloody well hope I'm alive thenit'll effect me.

I can't have an effect I hear you cry. YES YES YOU CAN STOP BEING SO GOD DAMED LAZY AND HOLDING ON TO THE OLD WAYS!! by simply turning the heat on your washing machine down when you do a wash, taking showers instead of baths, turning the light off when you leave a room, turning your TV off instead of putting it on standby, take public transport or even better cycle or walk instead of drive (i'm not saying don't drive ever some journeys need you to but don't drive down the street or around the corner) and when you do drive there are places that sell Biofuel which is eco friendly!

the fact of the matter is most of the European countris are trying their damn hardest my hat off to Germany, to Sweeden, to England to name a few. but all our efforts are being countered by the amount of Carbon the US and China put out.

So I beg you follow the steps above, if you want to go thurther and live in the US or China Petition for your Government to sign the Kyoto Agreement do these few things or in our lifetime we could very well have hell on Earth.............
Honestly, I don't care about your kids, his kids, her kids, or anyones kids or w/e for that fact. The fact is I care about myself, I don't care about the future, because for me the weather is pleasant now. Do you wanna know why I have this line of thinking? Because I am the mother****in shit and noone is stoppin me from being the shit.

I know this is why people hate Americans. But I have a theory that everyone thinks like me but they just cover it up to be more "sociable" or "likable". My question is why should you care about anyone besides yourself?
Give us this day our daily bread, your legacy we'll not forget. Lick the wounds and cleanse the land, the modern world rejects your hand... Sinister rouge coming back for more to even the score! --- Bad Religion
This is very true Lord, i'm not sure if it will happen in 10 years or not, but the sad fact is not everyone is going to try to stop polluting, unfortunatly trying to prevent climate change at this point in time is probably inevitable.
Actually the wether has been rather strange this year in sweden.. In july it was 34.8 C* In the shade ! Thats nuts for sweden. The rain has been odd coming realy strang and we had our first real "flood" in stockholm. and for a couple of days ago it was a snowstorm but now there is no snow left.
I believe taking Showers can waste more water than taking a bath.
[Image: fuggyleetsignj8il7.jpg]
Nobody can handle the leetness of this sig.
' Wrote:Who loves orange soda?
Kel'thuzad loves orange soda!
Is it true?
Fuggle Wrote:I believe taking Showers can waste more water than taking a bath.

They can. But it depends how long the shower takes.
Lord Apocalypse Wrote:Scientists predict that we have 10 years to save the world......

Seriously this isn't going to be something that might happen or some wacky prediction it's based on scientifical fact.

The fact of the matter is that if people don't start to cut down on the waste they produce then the climate change will be next to irraversable, Spieceies will become extinct cities like New York and London will become permanently flooded and uninhabitable, Scientists work out that it'd cost the big econamies of the World a meer 10% of what they make to save the world yet if we don't act now the cost would spiral into the millions.

It won't effect me I hear you cry. IT BLOODY WELL WILL!!! this isn't something thats going to effect the next generation or the generation after that, 10 Years isn't that long work out how old you're going to be in 10 Years. I'll be 30 and I bloody well hope I'm alive thenit'll effect me.

I can't have an effect I hear you cry. YES YES YOU CAN STOP BEING SO GOD DAMED LAZY AND HOLDING ON TO THE OLD WAYS!! by simply turning the heat on your washing machine down when you do a wash, taking showers instead of baths, turning the light off when you leave a room, turning your TV off instead of putting it on standby, take public transport or even better cycle or walk instead of drive (i'm not saying don't drive ever some journeys need you to but don't drive down the street or around the corner) and when you do drive there are places that sell Biofuel which is eco friendly!

the fact of the matter is most of the European countris are trying their damn hardest my hat off to Germany, to Sweeden, to England to name a few. but all our efforts are being countered by the amount of Carbon the US and China put out.

So I beg you follow the steps above, if you want to go thurther and live in the US or China Petition for your Government to sign the Kyoto Agreement do these few things or in our lifetime we could very well have hell on Earth.............

You are a faggot. Are you Scott's boyfriend?
Lord, there is so much sensationalist-fearmongering-demogauging bullshit in the news that I've learned to tune out all the whining. You go ahead and ride a bike to work in November. I'd rather commute 15 miles in my heated SUV. I don't owe the world anything.

Quote: Quote:
Originally Posted by Fuggle [Image: viewpost.gif]
I believe taking Showers can waste more water than taking a bath.

They can. But it depends how long the shower takes.

lol, there's one problem solved. Next?
Yep, I drive everywhere, like 100 feet down the road, gotta drive there.
[Image: fuggyleetsignj8il7.jpg]
Nobody can handle the leetness of this sig.
' Wrote:Who loves orange soda?
Kel'thuzad loves orange soda!
Is it true?
this will happen in more like 1000 years than 10.
By then we should be living in other planets.
Tool Wrote:You are a faggot. Are you Scott's boyfriend?

Wow the maturity of your argument has totaly swayed me, tell me your called tool for a reason aren't you, your friends call you that too don't they!


It's people like you lot who are the problem, it will happen in 10 yers this isn't a problem that Might Happen this bloody well will happen
no it wont.
Bloodangel26 Wrote:no it wont.

.................... erm yes it will. it's just the people who it's too convinent to not change are pegging it as a Conspiracy theory
Well, anything could happen, at the very moment, some country could launch a Nuclear device or something and just cut the Earth into two pieces. That day would surely come, some day.
Yes there are many threats to the world, t'is a sad sad place that we are all trying to destroy ourselves
It probably will happen eventually but I think the problem of having too many people and not enough world to sustain them will happen first. So screw it. Everyone just cut your catalytic converters off and pull a few plug wires. That oughta speed things up so that it'll happen in ten years.
[Image: Creepysig.png]

Sig made with Gimp2.4 Free alternative to photoshop.
fun that someone whos username claims to be the person whos going to end the world is "trying so hard" on 1 random internet forum to save it...

i will bet you $100 trillion that this does not happen in 10 years.
yeah this definantly won't happen in 10 years. and people are shifting from things like gas to io-friendly fuel. i heard that within the next 25years all homes will be built with solar panels to generate most of their own power.

lol i take like 30min showers so i definantly usemore water than i would if i was taking a bath.
As long as darkness flows through my veins, I will never cease, As long as my dreams still haunt me, I will never show mercy, and as long as evil lives I will never die.....
hellsing293 Wrote:yeah this definantly won't happen in 10 years. and people are shifting from things like gas to io-friendly fuel. i heard that within the next 25years all homes will be built with solar panels to generate most of their own power.

lol i take like 30min showers so i definantly usemore water than i would if i was taking a bath.

In 10 years time the change will become irraversable ie we won't be able to stop serious climate degeneration, it'll be too late. and the other point of your post is what i meant y "unless we do something about it"

and yes Bloodangle I am the harbringer, but hell I want it to happen in a more impressive fasion that global frikin warming

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