10-13-2004, 09:42 AM
I never said it was any better than all those games:confused:
Doom 3 is insanely fun and freaky, RTCW:ET got really boring for me 'cause if it wasnt for the mass number of people playing that game it would be shit 'cause its the same levels and objectives over and over, farcry, now thats a really fun game cause of physics and actual bullet holes when u shoot them not like other lame *** games where its a blood spot like goldeneye.
As for the controls for halo, I seem to like them far better than any other shooter game, I guess you have to get used to it
Doom 3 is insanely fun and freaky, RTCW:ET got really boring for me 'cause if it wasnt for the mass number of people playing that game it would be shit 'cause its the same levels and objectives over and over, farcry, now thats a really fun game cause of physics and actual bullet holes when u shoot them not like other lame *** games where its a blood spot like goldeneye.
As for the controls for halo, I seem to like them far better than any other shooter game, I guess you have to get used to it