11-07-2004, 03:19 PM
Beholder99 Wrote:excuse me but if the rich paied more money then your family wouldnt have to pay as much as they do now.... have ever heaqrd the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.... maybe we should find a middle ground for taxes i mean look at opera doesnt look like she hurting on cash fe: she bought everyone of her audience members a car brand new... if she can do that she can pay more taxes....
Actually all the cars Oprah gave away, the people still had to pay taxes on it.
medicine_man Wrote:You're missing the point pal. Nubli said Bush gave tax cuts to the rich. John Kerry said the top 2% most wealthy people in America benefited from it. We benefited from it. Do you think we're rich?
We did get tax cuts, but the rich got a bigger cut. I think the rich should have to pay more taxes since they can afford it. The poverty striken people should have the biggest cuts to help bring them up to middle class.
medicine_man Wrote:EDIT: Oh no wonder you're so anti-Bush. You're from California.
Yes, thats part of it. Many people out in California (and basically all the Kerry voters) think differently when it comes to political issues.