04-30-2006, 07:50 PM
ok i don't speak on this forum very often..
but everyone who just tuned into the news since 9/11 (or whatever the hell you want to call it... it's just a damn date. "the WTC bombing #2")... just because your watching the news now,doesn't mean spit
because the hatred of america has gone on a lot longer than this war.
so back to topic...
England - i have no idea why they hate us, but there is a wall there. and if you don't believe me. go to england. you'll see there is a comfort level there that will be tested.
england has rednecks too, they just live in cities cause it's a island nation, the area isn't big enough to have a "country" mentality, seperated from the city mentality...well not really but you know what i mean.. there's roughneck hillbillies there too.
i've seen people earlier in this topic. say how evil the A-bombs were. yes they were (duh, give those people a medal for stating the obvious). but even though it was an evil thing to do. we were at war and we had a brand new toy. and ANY! country that had a weapon on that level for the first time in the world, would use it... without a doubt, just to see what it would do and if you think otherwise, your just being naive. it's a good thing we saw just how destructive the weapon was under "allied" forces, that's why the U.N. keeps these weapons under strict wraps... not just anyone can wield the kind of power of a nuclear weapon.
which brings me to...
Japan - this is probably the most U.S. friendly country in the world (non-government wise) the yound people there especially in tokyo & osaka. (of course, i had a bad experience in england. so that probably influenced my decsion on japan). but the young people there love americans. middle-aged too. the only people who i've ever heard of being anti-american were the elderly who could remember the bombings & ww2 (for obvious reasons). relationships between these two cultures flurished, probably because we influenced them so heavily after & during the occupation (hey it's part of war nowadays.. you take them over, you occupy, you relieve future stress...hopefully). but from my experience japan doesn't hate us. of course i haven't been there since the 2nd WTC bombing.
that's all i can really speak on from experience... mostly because it's 5:00 A.M.
but i've also been to new zealand and had a good time there.
most other countries in the entire world, with the exception of european nations.. you can pretty much use common sense. to see why they hate us. i still don't know why europe hates us.
must be the cool thing to do. plus you gotta remember they're also more open to speak out about their government...something that CNN only shows when they have an agenda. we as americans have very little influence over our government.. look at how many people you've talked to since the war (Iraq). how many don't want to be involved in that area of constant war (the middle east) almost 0%... approval ratings accourding to CNN? around 45% last i saw. they prolly asked about 100 people around the office.
and yes muslims in the middle east have had a dislike for christians since the roman days... a little bit sooner than the crusades, wouldn't you say? god bless world history. when it's wrong. it's the nature of religion. it divides people worldwide, like sports teams do nation-wide. except a little more extreme (BOOM!).
america is hated because of abundance, past actions (which affected every other nation at some point), government (the main current reason), and it's hip.
but everyone who just tuned into the news since 9/11 (or whatever the hell you want to call it... it's just a damn date. "the WTC bombing #2")... just because your watching the news now,doesn't mean spit
because the hatred of america has gone on a lot longer than this war.
so back to topic...
England - i have no idea why they hate us, but there is a wall there. and if you don't believe me. go to england. you'll see there is a comfort level there that will be tested.
england has rednecks too, they just live in cities cause it's a island nation, the area isn't big enough to have a "country" mentality, seperated from the city mentality...well not really but you know what i mean.. there's roughneck hillbillies there too.
i've seen people earlier in this topic. say how evil the A-bombs were. yes they were (duh, give those people a medal for stating the obvious). but even though it was an evil thing to do. we were at war and we had a brand new toy. and ANY! country that had a weapon on that level for the first time in the world, would use it... without a doubt, just to see what it would do and if you think otherwise, your just being naive. it's a good thing we saw just how destructive the weapon was under "allied" forces, that's why the U.N. keeps these weapons under strict wraps... not just anyone can wield the kind of power of a nuclear weapon.
which brings me to...
Japan - this is probably the most U.S. friendly country in the world (non-government wise) the yound people there especially in tokyo & osaka. (of course, i had a bad experience in england. so that probably influenced my decsion on japan). but the young people there love americans. middle-aged too. the only people who i've ever heard of being anti-american were the elderly who could remember the bombings & ww2 (for obvious reasons). relationships between these two cultures flurished, probably because we influenced them so heavily after & during the occupation (hey it's part of war nowadays.. you take them over, you occupy, you relieve future stress...hopefully). but from my experience japan doesn't hate us. of course i haven't been there since the 2nd WTC bombing.
that's all i can really speak on from experience... mostly because it's 5:00 A.M.
but i've also been to new zealand and had a good time there.
most other countries in the entire world, with the exception of european nations.. you can pretty much use common sense. to see why they hate us. i still don't know why europe hates us.
must be the cool thing to do. plus you gotta remember they're also more open to speak out about their government...something that CNN only shows when they have an agenda. we as americans have very little influence over our government.. look at how many people you've talked to since the war (Iraq). how many don't want to be involved in that area of constant war (the middle east) almost 0%... approval ratings accourding to CNN? around 45% last i saw. they prolly asked about 100 people around the office.
and yes muslims in the middle east have had a dislike for christians since the roman days... a little bit sooner than the crusades, wouldn't you say? god bless world history. when it's wrong. it's the nature of religion. it divides people worldwide, like sports teams do nation-wide. except a little more extreme (BOOM!).
america is hated because of abundance, past actions (which affected every other nation at some point), government (the main current reason), and it's hip.