05-23-2006, 02:28 AM
mikea454 Wrote:The more the better definately, but if it has a effect on your killing power,( Ie doubles your time to do a meph run) maybe you should cut back a little. There is only a small benefit especially once you pass 500MF (although of course still positive), so dont trade everything for that extra 50%MF from 500 to 550 or w/e? does that make sense?
If you traded you isted occy in for a 6 isted crystal sword and your faster cast rate than can't keep up with the stygian dolls on the meph run you should go back to you occy. (or learn to switch weapons faster in this case, but obviously that doesn't help for armor)
Additional Comment:
If anyone wants the exact values, d/l the d2drop calculator from the utilities section of the d2sector downloads. Enter your magic find and click 'calculate real magic find'
added to guide
Well, armor is Skullder, or Eni for any MFer anyway, so you don't need to change that.