i think we should just put mexico on the budget. cut the pentagon budget by half and offer every illegal 10,000 to go back to mexico and give mexico 100 billion a year to develop. guest worker program is ok i guess.
this is america, money talks. we don't need the huge national defense budget anyway. think about it, who the hell would invade this country if we didnt' piss people off? is canada in any danger of an invasion? how about australia? why can't we be like them.
lots of people would like the "jobs we dont' want to do" if they paid more because they were in higher demand. personally i think the problem with immigration is just getting started, and i think anyone who agrees with it is in for a surprise in teh next 20-40 years. they got everything they wanted except that 3 time misdemeanors and felons cannot get a green card. do you think they care? american felons lose some of their rights too.
what bothers me about immigration is the stupid things they say and do to "prove" their point. how america "depends" on them and that they are vital. and how their boycott was meant to hurt the american economy.
did america fall apart when we sent millions of young me to war several times this century?
40% of the dallas population is mexican, the mexican boycott hurt the mexican owned/operated stores 10 times as much as it did any american establishment
this is america, money talks. we don't need the huge national defense budget anyway. think about it, who the hell would invade this country if we didnt' piss people off? is canada in any danger of an invasion? how about australia? why can't we be like them.
lots of people would like the "jobs we dont' want to do" if they paid more because they were in higher demand. personally i think the problem with immigration is just getting started, and i think anyone who agrees with it is in for a surprise in teh next 20-40 years. they got everything they wanted except that 3 time misdemeanors and felons cannot get a green card. do you think they care? american felons lose some of their rights too.
what bothers me about immigration is the stupid things they say and do to "prove" their point. how america "depends" on them and that they are vital. and how their boycott was meant to hurt the american economy.
did america fall apart when we sent millions of young me to war several times this century?
40% of the dallas population is mexican, the mexican boycott hurt the mexican owned/operated stores 10 times as much as it did any american establishment