08-03-2006, 07:35 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-03-2006, 07:38 AM by FraterPerdurabo.)
Comandante_Che Wrote:Damn it, hate it when everyone says that RUSSIA won ww2. Soviet union had many nations that suffered great losses @ that goddamn war. Stalin was the same mofo as Hitler.
It's a technicality. The Soviet Union was Russia in the sense that that's who it was controlled by. A large amount of the troops in German armies were also from other countries, but I find it easier to refer to it as "the German" army, rather than calling it "the army of the Third Reich".
edit: Hehe, missed my 2000th lol xD Thanks, I'll go and get a life now lol xD
mathalamus federation Wrote:22 million lives..at leastAs opposed to?
the allies won the war brutally i might add