08-27-2006, 04:32 AM
Awperator Wrote:my Druid can uber solo
My barb can uber solo
My asn can uber solo
you should see my necro uber solo
1) If your assasin is trapsin then a single hit from mephisto can kill you. Mephisto has hell far away ligthing resists.
2) If your druid is elemental he is also useless. Your hurricane doesn't hit immune to cold monsters which is 80% of the uber monsters and your tornado dmg ~7k won't be enough to kill something, I doubt if you can kill even a monster, not even the ubers.
3)Well your barb might be able to solo ubers but he must be so gosu and he must have very nice ll because even smiters if they dont cast life tap they are dead after 2 mephisto hits.
4)Your necro....No way he can solo ubers even 1 pit lord is enough to make you run in tristran and spam bone walls and spirits without getting him because of his magical resistancies or should I say immunity?
The only character IMO that can solo ubers is smiter....again.