02-11-2007, 05:49 PM
D3 will definitely come out. Trust me. But its gonna as good as 'never coming out' because I promise it will come out, but nothing related to time. It might be another 30 years or whatever but It'll definitely get there. This WoW thing is new. WoW is just like D2 was when D2 first came out. Eventually there will come a time where WoW will be just like D2 is now, but a I'm sure somewhat better because Blizzard probably learns from their mistakes. But anyways I just remembered a good example. Look at prince of persia. The last POP before the recent 3D ones was actually a very crappy 2D game. See what these game developers do? They run low on ideas so they just make another part to a very very old game, usually a classic or a hit. So D3 WILL come out, but it may take so long that it will be just like the time difference in the old Prince of Persias and the new ones.