Thanks comper, US West Non Ladder Softcore
var StarterConfig = {
JoinChannel: "Sleak Games", // Name of the channel to join
FirstJoinMessage: "!Games", // Message to say when first joining a channel, usually ".login"
ChatActionsDelay: 5, // Seconds to wait in lobby before entering a channel
// D2BotChannel settings
Games: ["Kanji Cbaal-"], // List of games to look for. Example: Games: ["some baal-", "chaos run-"],
Passwords: ["erase1"], // List of game passwords. Each array in Games array should have a matching element in Passwords. Use "" for blank pw.
JoinDelay: 5, // Seconds to wait between announcement and clicking join
FriendListQuery: 0, // Seconds between "/f l" retries. 0 = disable
SwitchKeys: false, // Set to true to switch keys when they're in use, banned or after realm down
SwitchKeyDelay: 0, // Seconds to wait before switching a used/banned key or after realm down
RealmDownDelay: 10, // Minutes to wait after getting Realm Down message
UnableToConnectDelay: 5, // Minutes to wait after Unable To Connect message
CDKeyInUseDelay: 5, // Minutes to wait before connecting again if CD-Key is in use. SwitchKeys overrides this!
ConnectingTimeout: 20, // Seconds to wait before cancelling the 'Connecting...' screen
PleaseWaitTimeout: 10, // Seconds to wait before cancelling the 'Please Wait...' screen
WaitInLineTimeout: 60, // Seconds to wait before cancelling the 'Waiting in Line...' screen
GameDoesNotExistTimeout: 30 // Seconds to wait before cancelling the 'Game does not exist.' screen