a) is there a way to get to pindleskin, when my portal to nihlthak's temple's opened by anya closed and I don't wanna go up the stairs from the halls of pain?
b) is a bowazon so dificult to play? is it possible to become a matriarch, or are there some more difficult chars?
c) Immortal King set, why there aren't listed the item-bonuses (e.g. the crusher should, according to arreat summit give you additional damage (=fire, cold, posion etc.), but it does not, or, at least it is not shown when look at the weapon properties. is it invisible or not there? (the same for Mavina's caster, arreat sumit says, there should be a bonus in attack and so on, is it there, or not?
a) The portal MUST be open to get to pindleskin.
b) Bowazon's generally don't do too much damage. They lack defense at times as well.
c) Any set item that was from v1.09 does not give the v1.10 bonuses
N u b l i Wrote:a) The portal MUST be open to get to pindleskin.
b) Bowazon's generally don't do too much damage. They lack defense at times as well.
c) Any set item that was from v1.09 does not give the v1.10 bonuses
N u b l i Wrote:a) The portal MUST be open to get to pindleskin.
b) Bowazon's generally don't do too much damage. They lack defense at times as well.
c) Any set item that was from v1.09 does not give the v1.10 bonuses
ad c)
I actually do not understand so you too well, 'cause I don't know, what was or wasn't in 1.09, as I said I am a noob. Does that mean, that every set, that is in the game since 1.09 is not giving...blah...too difficult...
Straight: I'm playing 1.10, when I'll get eg. whole Mavina's complet/Immortal King, will there be those bonuses as shown on Arreat Summit?(crusher giving some EXTRA damage, mavina as well) And if I won't, y do they show it there, when it is not in the game? Sorry for lames questions, but ask&learn, hey =)
And btw, can i make a crafted bow? Ain´t see no recipes, but can see bows (although I'm not sure, whether they're crafted or cracked, so asking )
Crafted items appear in their own color, it looks like a reddish-orange I guess. It doesn't say "crafted" anywhere from what I know.. so you must be seeing cracked bows.
I think you're referring to partial/complete set bonuses, and yes.. they do work. Although I've never gotten my hands on either of those sets in order to tell you for sure.
I think that answers most of what you asked..
Oh yeah, and I killed Nihlathak and did all the quests in normal but the portal is still there when I make games. Heh. Is it supposed to be there? I heard it closes when you kill Nihlathak.
Maybe I'm getting anoying, but
Hey, a friend has brought to me ShadowMaster, and he had the whole ImmortalKing downloaded, so I've just tried (just to see whether it works or not haven't touched it then) and, well, The IK gave those COMPLET's bonuses (450AR, Skills, and so on...) but the crusher didn't gave those stupid extra elemental damages(armor no extra defenses and so on only bonuses were those Complet's), so wtf?
You just attached the image from that website, and to me it looks like.. while they have all the items in their inventory, they're not wearing them.
You only receive the bonuses if you have the items equipped on your character. So, if you have EQUIPPED 2 items, you get the Fire Damage, and if you have the complete set, you get the fire/lightning/cold/poison/magic all together.
I'm pretty sure they took screenshots of the items unequipped intentionally to show JUST the bonuses of that particular item, which is what I would of done too. The reason everything else below that is green is because, well.. it doesn't matter if it's equipped or not, if you possess the item on that character somewhere (cube/stash/inventory/merc) it's going to be green.
What they should of done is equipped it all after, and then given like an "equipped/unequipped" view or something. O.o
Put all of the gear on, take a screenshot, and then attach YOURS.
If that's not the problem.. and you do have the entire set, and all of it equipped, or the proper # of items for whatever bonus.. and you're not getting it still, then I have no idea.
But, keep in mind: You can have all 5 items, and only equip 2. But if that's the case, you only get a 2 item bonus. Not a 5 item bonus.
As I've written, I've had the whole Immortal King on Me, equipped, and it didn't give those stupid bonuses, just complete's bonuses. That's the problem.
kiw2com Wrote:As I've written, I've had the whole Immortal King on Me, equipped, and it didn't give those stupid bonuses, just complete's bonuses. That's the problem.
Then you probably have an 1.09 set,try getting the 1.10 set i think the site d2tradingpost.com has the 1.10 set in a vault items download
sorry for this mess. Right now, using ATMA, I've found out, that all those IK's parts were somehow crappy and didn't give those bonuses. The Gauntlets didn't give the 25% IAS, so when I remembered, that I've found the helmet and gauntlets yet in a regular game, not downloading them, I've taken them, put them on a new barabrian and, well, those bonusese WERE there. So, either downloadable items are crappy, a I just wasn't lucky.
Btw: The bonuses ARE there, so The Arreat Summit is not wrong.