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countess botnet not working
im having a few problems with the countess botnetscript, i have the correct versions and have looked at every step in the problem solving guide

i still get two problems
1. the bot will log onto my account and enter the char selection screen, but it wont select my character..... ive tried fixing the problem by entering my character's name as being case sensitive........ but its not working.
2. the bot will walk towards the wp but wont click on the black marsh wp (i have to do it manually)
also... ive tried to get the autoit script but the site is down this is it.

any help would be appreciated
hrm... i havent played with this bot yet, but i know YAMB has a working countess bot in thier configuration for d2jsp... i could prolly help you more if you used yamb... sorry, i guess this post really isn't any help... =0

btw, what kinda char are you using for your countess bot?
light sorc... ill take a look at this yamb...
wats yamb? a countess bot? gime link to dl it if it is!!
this might help... im looking now for a guide on how to set up a countess bot with yamb
1. go here


2. in the folder d2jsp\scripts\libs\YAMB (where ever you installed d2jsp / yamb (NOT YOUR DESKTOP!) copy the file named YAM_Config_LightningSorc.d2l and change it to say YAM_Config_YOURSORC.d2l and copy the file named YAM_LifeWatchConfig_LightningSorc.d2l and rename it YAM_LifeWatchConfig_YOURSORC.d2l

IT IS CASE SenSiTIve... BOBBY is not the same as bOBby

3. change the contents of default.d2j to look like

/* default.d2j, modify the values below to suit your needs. [by njaguar]*/
function main() {
switch( {
  case "YOURSORC":

Make sure to change YOURSORC to your sorc's name... and to change load("bots/xp_pindle to YAMB.d2j (like it is up there)

4. part way down YAM_Config_LightningSorc.d2l file you will see the boss configure tool mabob... looks like this

// Boss configuration
// This is the list of currently available boss to run.
// Reorder the lines to change the order in which they will be killed.
// Comment out (put // before) a line to skip the boss.
// Recommendation: Reorder the sequence in order of difficulty,
//   to kill the toughest boss last and the easiest boss first.
//Pit is beta at the moment.

put // infront of bosses you don't want, and take them away for bossess you do want... i would recomend doing more than just one boss, due to r/d's

// Stashing configuration

THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT, if you do not configure this correctly you will prolly end up dropping your charms. Put 1's where you don't have anything atm and you wand to use the area for snagged items, put 0's where you have stuff and you want to keep the stuff where it is.

6. go to the YAM_LifeWatchConfig_Thenlia.d2l file and figure out what settings best suit you... i personaly use
LW_UseTownChicken = true;
LW_ChickenLife = 400;
LW_ChickenTownLife = 550;
LW_ChickenMana = 0;
LW_LifeThresh = 700;
LW_ManaThresh = 150;
LW_LifeRejuvThresh = 450;
LW_ManaRejuvThresh = 0;
LW_QuitOnNoDrink = 450;
LW_ChickenOnOutOfManaPots = false;
LW_ChickenOnOutOfHealPots = false;
LW_ChickenOnOutOfRejuvPots = false;
LW_ChickenOnOutOfPots = true;
LW_DisplayMercHP = true;
LW_MercLifeThresh = 70;
LW_MercRejuvThresh = 20;
LW_DrinkTimer = 3;
LW_RejuvDrinkTimer = 1;
LW_MercChickenLife = 10;
LW_DeadMercChicken = true;
LW_LoopDelay = 150;
LW_IgnorePosition = true;
LW_QuitOnHostile = false;
LW_MaxPing = 2500;

but i still die once in a great while, you may want to try some other values (out of 900 runs, i died 7times... that aint bad at all imo)

7. you can allways use the yamb install section to configure, but i posted the important parts here...

this bot NEEDS d2jsp, if you do not have it check out or for the cracked versions... or go to and pay for it... =0

if you need help installing d2jsp just post and ill get to it after class

ok so u install botnet 4.0+the irc config for it then you install the yamb mod then u go install this?
is there a way to tell which d2jsp files are scripts because whenever i extract d2jsp all the files just go into 1 folder and dont create any sub folders... thanks for the help so far

ok now it says unknown game version... where do i put the yamb files after i got d2jsp running?
It's called botnet? lmfao
ok i installed the core and the setup for racer's d2jsp 41.33 or something..when i looked into my folder all the files were in order and i extracted some of the cracked files from the cracked 33.43 version and i got d2jsp to install, but it doesnt do anything after i click on run it just loads d2 and quits. any help.... also where am i spose to put the yambi files so they load instead of the d2jsp.
forgot about this thread, sorry...

Quote: 3. change the contents of default.d2j to look like

/* default.d2j, modify the values below to suit your needs. [by njaguar]*/
function main() {
switch( {
case "YOURSORC":

this will make it run YAMB instead of pindlexp... just change this file its called

default.d2j in D:\d2jsp\scripts\libs\YAMB folder (wherever you installed d2jsp and yamb... i put mine in d:\

you might not have the correct files, so you should install these files

INSTALL FIRST (in c:/d2jsp or something similar) (has newest core already) gives you step by step instructions to install d2jsp correctly, after these steps, i can help you along...

Install second

follow my instructions on my previsous post or go to to install YAMB correctly...

sometime this weekend i will ahve enough time to put together a step by step with screenshots, but i don't have teh time / willpower / energy to do so... =p

Quote:but it doesnt do anything after i click on run it just loads d2 and quits
did you put your username / password into d2jsp?

click add up in the top right, then put in your account info / pass

choose the location of your char (select the number that is in the same place as your sorc)

refer to my pics 1st is the one you get when you hit add... second is the one i filled out... if you have any questions post em here and ill get on em when i have time ^_^

--edit quotes ****up /code tags....
--edit #2 if this isnt worth rep points, i don't know what is... if you found any of this usefull hook me up =p... Confusedmartass2

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ok now what it does... it starts up d2 and when it gets to checking versions it closes and says "we got a big error here" should i have more the -ns on my d2 shortcut?

then it says "error 0"
hrm... in MISC settings on the autod2jsp thing, make sure to make it -w -ns -skiptobnet

-w windowed mode
-ns no sound
-skiptobnet skips to bnet logging ^_^


you can also put them into your shortcut, but i think that the settings page of d2jsp should do it for you
ok there no longer is the "error 0", but now when i start up d2jsp it types in accountname pass

when ive listed my own accountname and pass....
just so everyone knows whats going on...

im making a step by step guide to installing d2jsp and yamb.

i have a project due on monday though, so i might have to wait till next weekend to finish it up, but in the next few weeks i will have a guide up...


my sig was huge.... i mean freaking huge... i had to step it down a bit

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