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Help me plz.........
In not so long, I will have the possibility to buy GLOWING USERNAME or COLORED USERNAME but I dunno wich1 to buy 1st and what color to choose.........Sad

Can sum1 give me ideas ???:confused:
get glowing, it's cooler, but then get colored, and get it to like sky blue, or maybe cyan.
How much do you need sweety? Ill donate for your glow name ^^We want it all cool looking ^_^

A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
what do u mean glowing name whats it for ???
Well Look up at mine...see the way Pamela Glows Blue? Thats all it make it look cool and allow you to be a little different by choosing a color for your name ^_^

A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
Pamela Wrote:How much do you need sweety? Ill donate for your glow name ^^We want it all cool looking ^_^

Well...I presently got around 1100 pts and I need about 1600 to do my glow/color
So, give me 500 pts or more ( If u want ) and it will be really fine 4 me...... THX Big Grin
Try not to use some one else colors that's all I gotta say.
hurly91 Wrote:Well...I presently got around 1100 pts and I need about 1600 to do my glow/color
So, give me 500 pts or more ( If u want ) and it will be really fine 4 me...... THX Big Grin
HHMMM...When I checked this thread you had around 140 I donated 1600Wink
Now Get That cool *Glow/color* Name ~_^((Yeah I know I am a ~softy~ *shrugs* But I enjoy it!))Cool

A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
Pamela Wrote:HHMMM...When I checked this thread you had around 140 I donated 1600Wink
Now Get That cool *Glow/color* Name ~_^((Yeah I know I am a ~softy~ *shrugs* But I enjoy it!))Cool

I had like 1k pts in BANK....Thx anywayz...I'm now at like 2.7.k pts....

Now...Suggest me colors.....

I like thoses colors but u can give me others ideas :
-Flash Green
Flash green is nice....but gold looks good too!! Try them on first and see what your name looks like before you confirm your choice~_^

A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
damn i cant find the shop anymore .. can u tell me where it is ? ( i think it was down in the page ...)
Hit links at the top of the page near your user CP.
Hey ... I bought a color

Color : GhostWhite ( F8F8FF )
Glow : DarkBlue ( 0008B )

Oh SH*T!!!!!!!!!
I just realized it's omost same color that pamela..........F*CK!!!!!

I choosed thoses cuz it's my favorites colors but forgot about pam's colors.... Sad

Can some1 give me pts so I can change it to an other color ????Or do I let it omost same color than Pam?????

PS : I thing I'd inverse colors so it become:

Color : DarkBlue ( 0008B )
Glow : GhostWhite ( F8F8FF )

PS#2 : I thing I'll change my title too but I dunno what to put....Some1 got ideas ????:confused:
thx anu
Honey your colors are fine ^_^ But Ill donate some more if you really want a change ^_^As for my Title Spitfire gave me mine cause he is sweet and also has sexy legs ~waggles her eybrows~...Shhhhh Dont tell him!~_^I donated 2k and changed your title to The Respectable Guy! I hope you like it ^_^

A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
Kk.....I like my title......

And thanks for 200 pts.....I love thoses colors but I said I'd change cuz it's omost as urs so I don't wanna "copy" you......But if u say it's ok..... THANKS Big Grin

EDIT = I thing I know what I'm gonna do with my pts.....( I now got like 3k's cuz pam gave me like 3k's and I had 1k but I spent 1k... ) ( I hope u don't get a headache with this sentence....LOLLL:laugh: )

I'm gonna put my name Italic and/or Bold....

What should I put my name ???
-Bold AND Italic
I think bold and Italic would look really cool^^

A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...

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