Escaron Wrote:Nvm, it will take too long to aquire all the good items from 1.09 although I still feel like playing 1.09...would 1.09 be different in gaining massive exp from hell cows instead of baal?
in 1.09d you can actually get to 99 in reasonable time - i belive the record is two weeks; items will be given in tournys, so if you can spend an hour to have some fun with a few other people ( play an iron man) you can get bugged items, as for legit items i give godly mf gear and noob items away as much as requested (max max items btw)
nkorterrotist89 Wrote:I don't know, I was too poor and was a noob back in 09 so i don't know much, maybe it'll be a good idea. Won't blizz sue you or something? OR does it have to be like a huge server for them to notice it?
My server will NEVER reach the most idle times of BNet, as for legallities there are MANY lawsuits, and it's been many years. My server is never going to reach 50, there are servers (such as Ender's) which are thousands per day - unfortunatlly it's a with better admins (latests vers)
Escaron Wrote:Alright gkz. I looked at the site and figured I will join your server for 1.09. I will later follow the steps and join your server.
That is EXCELLENT - I look forward to playing games with you!!!
Puffen Wrote:Ye im gonna join also but i have a question, do u have to install diablo? I copied it from my friend's computer so...
This is pretty much what I have always done. My LAN is MUCH faster then copieing files from the cds. All you need to do is have 1.09d and the gateway modified. If you need a cd crack, visit the site <---I'm using it myself =)
silenter killers Wrote:Umm, I cant connect to the realm so im assuming its not up yet right? Also the forums link isnt working for me either.
Anyways, I remember your old 1.09 realm. It was fun. My name was "Super".
The realm is up, the forums are not (I'm working with my clan admin on this one), and of course I remember you super! the barbarian that played nearly every night with me!
Puffen Wrote:Ye i noticed the same, the server aint up : (
aww i was really longing for it, oh well.
One person from DW forums and a clan mate played a new char with me - maybe you have something wrong? Post/IM/PM me and I'll help ya out
Escaron Wrote:You guys must of not followed the steps. I just followed the steps and i am on my new sorc on the server. The only problem is it says there are 347 accounts created but im the only person online at the moment, is that a bad thing?
Those are the accounts from the previous run time. I shut it down due to the computer's power supply burning up, which of course didn't happen until my 24 port hub died =(
Iam8up Wrote:I will join you any time you want to play. IM me and as long as I can, I will.
I will keep this promise - just IM me to see if I can!!!